Mantra as a Tattoo

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Mantra as a Tattoo

Post by theguru » Tue Jul 14, 2015 1:50 pm


Hope I have posted in the right section, seemed appropriate.

I'm considering having a Mantra (maha mrityunjaya) as a Tattoo on my right arm (as armband, one line), I just wanted to know if what I'm doing is "ok to do".

I want to do this on my coming birthday as a deeper connect to Lord Shiva / Lord Hanuman.

From the learnt members here, I just want to know what are your views of Mantra as a tattoo and tattoos in general.  


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jul 14, 2015 11:57 pm

Tattoos require a piercing or cutting of the skin. In ancient cultures people sometimes cut themselves in order to demonstrate their great devotion to their gods. By cutting themselves they showed that they were willing to sacrifice their own bodies and shed their blood for their gods.

As mantras are sacred words of deep meaning, there should be a respectful regard of them. When adding a mantra on the body as a tattoo, it is advised not to place disrespectfully below the waist on the lower body, but honoring the integrity of the mantra by placed higher up where it is not going to be sat on or tucked away near an armpit.

If you were born a Christian, the Bible appears to say that tattoos are frowned upon and are offensive to God. Although several Biblical scholars now explain this away as being a misunderstanding caused during the translation from its original Aramaic language.

Leviticus 19:28

New International Version

"'Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD".

King James Bible

"Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD".

In Hinduism however there does not seem to be any similar prohibition of devotees being given mantra or any religious tattoos.

For example tattoos of the Indian God Ganesh have created what is effectively a skin religion, and many Hindu Gods have signs on their hands which look very much like a tattoo (e.g. a reversed swastika).

So if it is good enough for one of the Gods to have a tattoo, then why can't we also also have symbols of our devotion to God inscribed into our skins? As long as we observe the rules of respect as described above, I say go for it.

Insert the keywords  "mantra tattoo" (without the quotes) into an internet search engine. Find the site nearest to where you live. Also put the same words into Google Images, to help you choose your first mantra tattoo.

It is often better to have a good idea of what specific design you would like (one which has special meaning to you), BEFORE you walk into your local tattoo parlor. And that the tattooist always uses clean needles, and that the inks have not been obtained from sources which are not acceptable to your religious and spiritual beliefs.

Good luck,


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Thanks EoT

Post by theguru » Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:59 pm

Thanks EoT for the detailed reply. Very helpful

I'm a Hindu by birth and by choice. Indeed I have read all over the internet and have got views from different religions. Hindu's do not prohibit it, rather Hinduism hardly prohibits a lot.

I'm more curious because I have seen my elderly people, especially ladies have these tattoos in the culture I belong to; obviously not the fancy ones but a dot or a star. Firstly I thought that it was more to mark an individual if they are lost etc etc, but then in a village all kids have almost the same tattoo on the left hand.   There is certainly something much more deeper than this when it comes to religious significance. Following except from a website has actually motivated me a bit more than I was when I started reading about religious tattoos.

"Some believe that the soul resembles the body that houses it and retains this appearance even after death, including the person's tattoos. In other cultures it is believed that death changes the person's appearance so drastically that your tattoos were the only form of identification that will be left to you. Without tattoos you are doomed to wander forever in the afterworld."  - Source site:

Few website even quoted that A tattoo is not on the skin but under it and print on the soul which you carry along to the heavens.

I want first hand opinions from learnt members here as they seems to have read a lot and would have more to say on this topic.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jul 15, 2015 10:05 pm


Thanking you for your feedback, and you are welcome.

I completely understand that you still want to hear the first hand opinions of other members who have had some practical experience in this area.

So would I.


EoT :smt003

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