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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Aug 29, 2015 4:44 pm

I have personally found it most acceptable to move away from the 'traditional' (in most theological-theosophical-religious frameworks) conceptualization of *GOD* as an entity which then automatically creates a sense of polarity of sorts and a sense of distance, if I am being clear. I am more comfortable with the possibility of human-divine as essentially being different dimensions-states within most of us regular folks! So, any jokes or games that God-providence-destiny might 'seem to' play are essentially where our individual perception-awareness is attuned to-focused on, at a given instant. This may not be acceptable to everyone, naturally and I fully can respect that and am at peace with.

We live in a sea of duality where survival in a moment-to-moment sense relies on discriminating between the good vs bad, pain vs pleasure, light vs dark, high vs low, etc. There is value in this in a mundane sense of course but perhaps the real polarity (of awareness) is absolute (total) vs relative (momentary; at hand). Neither of these is an exclusive mode of attention obviously but practice can only improve us all. It is like driving a car. We need to be aware of all that surround us, while simultaneously (actually sequentially, similar to 'time-slicing' by computer CPUs) focussing on the car engine, steering as well as the infant in the backseat!

Initially it all seems simply impossible but over time and with practice while we build up our database-repertoire of driving experience -- the impossible becomes smoother, possible and in many becomes even second nature.

Perhaps this is the learning that Karma and reincarnation impart us with. Kind of like learning to drive a car, or more specifically our attention and awareness...?

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Post by Talia » Sat Aug 29, 2015 6:59 pm

Please could you try that again using simple words?

My perspective issimplicity over complexity, perhaps limiting the length of the words ;)

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Aug 29, 2015 10:15 pm

Talia wrote:Please could you try that again using simple words?

My perspective issimplicity over complexity, perhaps limiting the length of the words ;)
Should become easier if read slowly and contemplatively! After all simple (vs complex) is a matter of perspective too...! <LOL>

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Aug 30, 2015 1:53 am

I have personally found it most acceptable to move away from the 'traditional' (in most theological-theosophical-religious frameworks) conceptualization of *GOD* as an entity which then automatically creates a sense of polarity of sorts and a sense of distance, if I am being clear.
The concept of GOD being a separate entity creates an unnecessary fear of separation and distance and isolation between God and ourselves, which does not actually exist. Conventional religion often uses our fear of being permanently separated or isolated from God (which is only possible if he or she is a separate entity), as well as our guilt for not being perfect, in order to manipulate us into accepting 100% of their teachings without questioning their validity.
I am more comfortable with the possibility of human-divine as essentially being different dimensions-states within most of us regular folks! &nbsp;
Many of our members including my good friend Rohiniranjan as well as myself are more comfortable and at peace with the belief that God exists within us instead of outside of us. The Kingdom of Heaven &nbsp;lives within each and every one of us. This means that any suggestion that God can be withheld from us or that &nbsp;God can be forever lost to us because we are two separate entities, has no basis in reality.

Our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies exist in a different dimension from God, but these dimensions coexist and overlap each other, not separated by distance from each other but instead by their different vibrational frequencies. If we can through meditation, prayer or other methods raise our vibrational frequency to that of the other dimension, then that will become our reality, and the physical dimension which vibrates at a much lower frequency will temporarily disappear as if it had only been a dream.
So, any jokes or games that God-providence-destiny might 'seem to' play are essentially where our individual perception-awareness is attuned to-focused on, at a given instant. This may not be acceptable to everyone, naturally and I fully can respect that and am at peace with.
These jokes or games depend upon God and humans being separate entities (which they are not). For God and destiny to play with us they must first be separate from us. If we focus enough upon the belief that God is separate from us, it creates the illusion that the separation is real. Wherever we most focus our consciousness and attention, that is to where our energies will tend to flow. Now our energies will reinforce the illusion of our separation from God, which in turn produces even more fear and guilt than there was to begin with.

I have always found that if we treat other people how we would like to be treated by them if our roles had been reversed, this helps to keep the channels of communication open between us, and promotes mutual respect and greater harmony in our relationship with them.

If you want other people to respect your right to have your own beliefs, then you must respect their beliefs. As long as nobody forces their beliefs onto you or does harm, then this is what we continually strive for on Mystic Board. That is everyone respecting each others beliefs, and being able to find what positive values we share, instead of constantly fighting with each other about often unimportant and relatively minor differences between our two belief systems.
We live in a sea of duality where survival in a moment-to-moment sense relies on discriminating between the good vs bad, pain vs pleasure, light vs dark, high vs low, etc. There is value in this in a mundane sense of course but perhaps the real polarity (of awareness) is absolute (total) vs relative (momentary; at hand).
We live in a world and have a life which is made up of pairs of opposite perceptions and values. There is nothing which is absolutely good. Good means better than bad, and bad means less than good. Good and bad exist relative to or compared with each other. There is an entire spectrum of conditions between bad and good, and nobody is all bad or all good. There are varying amounts of good and bad in every person, and the amount of each can vary significantly in different situations or at different times.

No matter how bad or damaged another person is on the surface, we need to learn to find and focus our energies upon helping them to bring out the good in themselves which is already there, if we only look long and hard enough for that goodness.

Discrimination is our ability to tell the difference between the pairs of opposites, while simultaneously recognising that they can exist side by side in the same situation or person, and not always in conflict with each other.

When driving a car we need to be able to split our focus of awareness (multitask) all around the vehicle, driving the checking the instrument panel, listening to the engine and other sounds which could be warnings that something which is not good is about to happen. And if we have our baby son or daughter sitting strapped in the backseat of the car, we must monitor their safety and emotional state as well. We perceive all of this information at the same time, but if something seems wrong we are able to shift the focus onto that one thing, in order to be able to give it our full attention and take whatever measures are felt necessary to fix the problem. Discernment allows us to be able to isolate or pick out one piece of information from of all the others, if or when it is necessary to do so.
Initially it all seems simply impossible but over time and with practice while we build up our database-repertoire of driving experience -- the impossible becomes smoother, possible and in many becomes even second nature.
Self explanatory.
Perhaps this is the learning that Karma and reincarnation impart us with. Kind of like learning to drive a car, or more specifically our attention and awareness...?
The more everyday mundane example of the need for multiple focus of awareness driving, discernment and recognising that there are no absolutes of anything when driving a motor vehicle is being used as a teaching example (parable) with the intention to communicate the need for doing the same, as part of living.

The major challenge is to simultaneously be aware of both our inner and outer worlds, and recognise that God and Heaven and everything else which seems to exist outside of and separate from us, is in reality a projection of all which lies within us. Truly we are multidimensional beings, with one foot in this temporal world (where time exists), and with our other foot in the sea of eternity (where the concept of time is meaningless).


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Aug 30, 2015 11:14 am

Well parsed, EoT...;-)

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