Dream of man on a laptop screen?

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Dream of man on a laptop screen?

Post by Sladejake » Fri Sep 18, 2015 7:59 pm

I had a dream that I was in a van, and I was a passenger. We were going down this dirt road when we made a turn. We saw this man in a hummer. Who had a big sniper rifle sticking out of the wind shield, which I assume was to shoot people in front of him. He was an african american man, might be from Somalia. He had a red beret on as well as he had black aviators on.

The man said in a deep voice "I kill you now." The driver made a good decision by getting out of there and we made really quick turns and a speedy get away.
When I got home, there was a laptop on my bed, with the face of the man smiling and laughing. Almost like he was waiting for me to walk in front of the computer the whole time

Then I woke up. Would love to hear what this means.

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One dream at a time?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Sep 18, 2015 11:22 pm


Could you please respond to my interpretation of your bleeding heart in a cooler dream, before I will look at this one?

One dream at a time?


EoT  :smt020

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Sep 21, 2015 2:03 am


Just as an introduction to my more complete interpretation of this dream, which will follow in a later posting.

The dream appearance of a computer/laptop monitor which is turned on at the time is believed to mean that an exciting new adventure or journey full of many new and exciting opportunities will happen in your life very soon.

And that you are very willing and open to starting out on this new adventure or journey and are determined to reach your destination at all costs, and not turn back or give up at the first sign that the going is getting tougher.

Sounds promising?

I will type to you again later this week with the rest of my interpretation. There is much more to interpret about your dream than the man on the laptop screen who is smiling and laughing along with you, and whom is not laughing at you.


EoT  :smt024

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Sep 22, 2015 1:03 am

When one dreams of a van, it can be a sign of a current or soon to begin adventure or journey. Which agrees with my interpretation of the laptop.
The dream appearance of a computer/laptop monitor which is turned on at the time is believed to mean that an exciting new adventure or journey full of many new and exciting opportunities will happen in your life very soon.  
Progress is being made in the direction of moving forward and taking other people, things, or even emotions along with you for the ride.

Dreaming of a van can have multiple meanings, depending a lot upon what happens with the van.

The van in which you were a passenger (since you are not driving, you do not have as much control over where the van goes) was under attack from hostile forces, and your driver responds by making rapid course changes and standing on the accelerator or throttle in an effort to escape your attacker.

And if I understand what you told me correctly, it is the same man whose face later appears on your laptop, but this time he is smiling and laughing and showing no further signs of wanting to execute you.

I would interpret your dream to mean that in this new adventure or journey of a lifetime, there will continue to be people who will want to stand in your way and want you to change your mind, and they will do anything they are able to stop you. They are wanting to "kill" your dreams and ambitions for their own purposes, and not to physically kill you as was threatened in the dream.  

You are being strongly encouraged not to allow the person represented in your dream by the African American to change your mind or to force you to move in a different direction from taking this journey, or beginning this adventure of the rest of your life.

Their influence over you will significantly decrease as you begin to recognise that you now have much more control over your life than you previously thought that you had (you are once more back in the driver's seat), and later on you will with the luxury of hindsight look back at this period of your life, and wonder and laugh about why you were so worried or frightened that this individual could permanently stop you from learning to become a happier, healthier and more successful human being under your own terms.

You were unknowingly giving this person a power or control over you which they did not deserve to have, but you have since seen the light (of the computer screen). What or whom once seemed a real threat to you making any further progress on your journey toward greater self understanding and self respect no longer has any control over what is your life to live, as you best see fit to do so. You alone get to decide if your course needs to be changed at any point of your journey. Not somebody else.


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Post by Sladejake » Tue Sep 22, 2015 7:27 am

I guess the person that was standing in the way of this journey. Which I'm not sure if the dream gives insight to the type of journey it was. And if it did I would love to hear the insight.

But a journey that I have taken on and am dedicated to would be music. But the person that was an issue was the drummer. But she wasn't trying to change my mind or anything. She was just too busy to be able to play. But yesterday, she told me that she didn't have much time to practice and that she's gonna help us find another drummer. But she wasn't trying to kill my dreams of wanting to play rock n roll. She's actually trying to help us look for someone else.

So is the dream predicting something, or someone like this in the future?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Sep 22, 2015 9:01 am


Your life is a spiritual journey towards greater self understanding. This is the journey to which your dream was referring.

The dream is not about predicting the future

Instead it is about giving you the tools which you will need to be able to create mainly through your own efforts, a happier, healthier and more successful future.

The reason that it is difficult to predict the future is that changes which you make in the present moment are continually changing the most likely future outcome(s).

How can one predict a future which does not yet exist?


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Post by Sladejake » Tue Sep 22, 2015 9:36 am

Very interesting question. Thank you for the response. Sorry I posted another dream so quickly. It just had some really unique symbols that I have never seen before.

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Post by Rook » Wed Sep 23, 2015 9:36 am

Hi guys

Again I have an alternative interpretation.  With almost all dreams involving cars it seems to relate to, as EoT, an adventure.  That adventure is our life path.  That is the road we are walking / driving down.

As EoT stated the fact that you are not driving the car indicates you are along for the ride of where this adventure takes you - you are not in control of your destiny.  The journey you are taken is well articulated by "we made really quick turns and a speedy getaway".  This shows a fast paced life style with constant changes in direction.  This could be linked to the illustration we saw of the battle over your heart in the cooler.

What is the cause of this action?  The African man with the sniper rifle.  So who is this dude?  It's you.  A frequent feature of people's dreams is the shadow self, the dark part of our self we don't like to admit exists, so we subconsciously suppress it.  It contains all the stuff we won't admit we are.  Stuff that we tells ourselves we aren't allowed to like because our social group won't approve.  That sort of thing, but that is only a small portion of it.  A lot of it also develops in childhood based around what we learn we are allowed to do and not allowed to do.  It can set up subconscious hang ups we usually aren't even aware of.  We all have them, and most of us aren't aware of it and our conscious mind will put up walls that refuse to admit it even when evidence stares us in the face.

There would be some self-defeating mechanism here within your psychology programming that appears to be scaring you from the life path you could be taking.  The sniper rifle may be a clue, something related to a single precise thought at a critical moment that keeps you from progressing your journey, it would generate fear that makes you flee back to the safety of home.

And that is why he may be laughing on the laptop, you think you have safely got away from him, but because he is a part of you (that you are probably not aware of) he is always there, watching and waiting, in your "computer" (mind).


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Post by Sladejake » Thu Sep 24, 2015 12:24 am

That feels about right actually.
About not being in control of my destiny. But does that mean destiny is happening before my eyes? So since I don't control it, is this some how set in stone?
Also I would have to agree that I do have a self-defeating mechanism. Which I guess is symbolized by them man. Who mocks me cause I can't run away from him.
But I think the thing that's keeping from progressing in my journey is that I might be too dependent.

I'm afraid of everything. Of going outside, strangers. There hasn't been one time where I would be walking down a side walk. And there would be another person walking towards me. There hasn't been once where I haven't come to the conclusion that they would try to kill me. I'm very nervous. So that might be my obstacle.
It feels that way at least. But does it give insight as to what it might be.

I remember that the man with the sniper was hunting someone or something. So he was aiming his gun from his car to shoot someone. But then we saw him and he had to kill the witnesses basically. I'm not sure if that changes the interpretation. But that's what I remember.

Also thank you for your input! :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Sep 26, 2015 11:45 pm


If your fear of going outside of your home and meeting strangers is as serious as the above posting suggests, then I think that you need urgent professional help and advice to get on top of this problem.

Whether it is agoraphobia or social anxiety syndrome, only a qualified doctor could tell you.

Take back control over your own emotional health and destiny by taking this first important step towards freeing yourself forever of these excessive irrational fears, which are preventing you from moving forwards with your life.

In other words as your dreaming mind keeps telling you, get back in the driver's seat of your life again.

This is something immediate and practical which you can do, to help create a more positive future for yourself. And to increase the chances that you will have a future (see below for more details).

If you are already taking certain prescription drugs for depression and anxiety and have recently noticed a significant worsening of your symptoms with no specific reasons why they have suddenly got worse, have a conversation with either your pharmacist or doctor as in some patients these pharmaceuticals can actually make you more depressed and anxious than you were before you started taking them.

In some thankfully relatively rare cases one class of commonly prescribed antidepressants can make you have suicidal thoughts, when you were only moderately depressed to begin with.
http://www.befrienders.org/  is a very good link for those who are in need of help and who are feeling suicidal and require help now.
Take care,


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Post by Sladejake » Sun Sep 27, 2015 7:32 am

I'm not taking any medications for anything right now.

But I have talked to my doctor recently about my moods swings and such. He said if I wanted medication I could have it. But my moods kind of help me with my art and music I feel.
I can bounce between both worlds of happy and sad, not on command. Or I would be happy and high all of the time instead of low. But you know what I mean. And thank you for the link

I wil check it out!


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Sep 28, 2015 1:36 am

But my moods kind of help me with my art and music I feel.

Yes I have heard of this happening before, with other artistic and creative people.

Your mood swings help to make you the complete and complex person you are, and you can then better express who you are through your music, by not trying to always chemically turn the feeling swings off as soon as they start.

The medications often "help" by making you lose contact with your feelings, which then in turn interferes with you being creative.

However too many wide and sudden mood swings within a given period of time can also negatively affect your musical talents.

You continually need to monitor and find the right balance for you between not completely suppressing your mood swings, but without them being so frequent and sudden that they could make you unstable, and as a result unable to continue with your music.

EoT  :smt115

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