Plane Dream

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Plane Dream

Post by Sladejake » Mon Sep 28, 2015 1:13 pm

I had a dream that I got into a car of friends, supposedly they were my friends, I didn't know any of them. But there was a girl that I did know that was in the car. And she had turquoise hair. And she was talking about her friend that had some sort of day dream trip. Where he was unconscious but he was talking to her and grabbing her hand while being unconscious.

We then arrive at a school, we meet the kid who had day dreamed , and we has an african american boy with turquoise teeth gums. I thought that he might have tattooed his gums. Me and the kid were done talking and then we decided that since we were in a classroom we took a look through everyone's desk. We then found this girls journal and opened it and started reading. I found this passage that said "Dad - you didn't show." But before I could finish reading we heard someone come down the hall. We put away the book just before they entered the room. And it was the girl, but this was a different girl. Not the girl with the turquoise hair. The boy I was with had left the room and it was just me and her.

When we walked outside of the school, we saw this train gently passing. We then started running after the train. We had to catch it. We couldn't miss it. I just barely got on the back of the train and I reached to the girl and grabbed her hand and pulled her onto the train. We were supposed to ride the train to the airport.

At the airport, my friends that were in the car I got in, which I had separated from. Where at the airport. We then got on this peculiar looking plane. It had winds that would fold. And didn't have any front windows. It just had about 5 small circular windows on the side. We were going to get into the plane. But for some reason, I don't remember. Me and the girl were separated from the group. And we had to rush to the plane to get on before it took off. We were all the way on the opposite side of the runway. When we were running down the runway there was an old african man in a truck. And he told us to get in the back and he drove us to our plane.

And our plane was just taking off and some how I ended up underneath it and I almost got ran over, but I managed to roll out from underneath it. Me and the girl were watching it take off with disappointment. When all of the sudden, the planes wings wouldn't unfold on command. And I saw it crash into a hanger and some other planes, which created a huge explosion. The girl I was with was in tears. She thought that we had lost our friends. She was grieving it was so tragic to her. I put my arms around her and I was comforting her and we then got news that our friends weren't on the plane and that it was someone that wanted to take the plane on a joy ride.

Then I woke up.
I hope this amount of detail helps. Sorry it's so long. There were some patterns in this dream which was interesting, but I'm very excited to hear your interpretation! :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Sep 28, 2015 10:36 pm


Just a preliminary observation, before I hand this over to our good friend Rook, for a detailed interpreration of your entire dream.

Once again in this dream, you are a passenger in a motor vehicle full of strangers, instead of being in control in the driver's seat.

The general theme of you not feeling in control of your own destiny and being taken along for the ride by faceless people, continues to repeat itself on an almost nightly basis.

You are automatically assuming that they are your friends and that therefore their reasons for wanting to transport you are completely innocent and helpful, which will make you more vulnerable to being manipulated into doing things which you would never consider doing alone.

While I do not feel that you need to regard every stranger as your potential enemy and start thinking that they are all out to harm you (paranoia) and that you should consequently not trust or depend upon any person whom you do not know well in the future, this dream suggests that you have been somewhat naive in the past and have felt forced into doing something foolish on several occasions, in an effort to make people keep liking you.

Not every stranger is your enemy, but some are, and you are being urged to be more discerning or careful about whom you should include among your friends, from now on.

Over to Rook now for the main course.

Be kind to yourself,


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Post by Rook » Mon Oct 12, 2015 2:04 pm

Hi Jake

Sorry this main course took so long to prepare.

The car - this is a symbol of you.  You do not know the people in it, I believe therefore these are representing unconscious forces that are effecting your daily activities and behaviours, likely effecting your actions; especially the part:

<Quote>Where he was unconscious but he was talking to her and grabbing her hand while being unconscious.</Quote>

The day dream kid has turquoise gums, the girl turquoise hair. &nbsp;I don't yet understand the significance of this but I suspect the two are linked, like the girl represents the emotional / mental process behind the boy who represents the resulting action or behaviour that you aren't aware of. &nbsp;Is there any significance to the colour turquoise? &nbsp;It may make sense somehow as you further consider the remainder of the interpretation. &nbsp;Also to consider are the generic meanings:

From Dream Moods:

<Quote>To see turquoise in your dream symbolizes luck, success and fortune. The turquoise possess healing energy and acts to unify forces between the spirits of the earth and the air.&#65533;Alternatively, the dream indicates an evil or negative force that you are trying to ward off.&#65533;

As a color, turquoise is symbolic of healing power, karma and natural energy. It is often associated with the sun, fire, and male power. If you have negative feelings toward this color, then it indicates that you are shutting off your emotions and not letting people in. You fear change. </Quote>

From Color Psychology:

<Quote>The meaning of the color turquoise is open communication and clarity of thought.

Turquoise helps to open the lines of communication between the heart and the spoken word. It presents as a friendly and happy color enjoying life.
In color psychology, turquoise controls and heals the emotions creating emotional balance and stability. In the process it can appear to be on an emotional roller coaster, up and down, until it balances itself.

A combination of blue and a small amount of yellow, it fits in on the color scale between green and blue. It radiates the peace, calm and tranquility of blue and the balance and growth of green with the uplifting energy of yellow.

This is a color that recharges our spirits during times of mental stress and tiredness, alleviating feelings of loneliness. You only have to focus on the color turquoise, whether on a wall or clothing and you feel instant calm and gentle invigoration, ready to face the world again!</Quote>

The scene in the school - a place of learning - you are learning about the origins of the sniper man in the previous dream (as he is a boy now). &nbsp;There is an emotional component to it, the clue is the line in the girl's diary:

<Quote>Dad - you didn't show.</Quote>

Does that mean anything to you? &nbsp;It could be about some absence of some aspect of a Father figure, or some character flaw in your father (which is not his fault - we are all the products of our circumstances - but rather something that explains your behaviour).

The girl comes in and there is a train to get onto. &nbsp;You feel that you must get on this train. &nbsp;The train, it represents some kind of opportunity for you, a chance to go somewhere, something you don't have control over. &nbsp;Getting on this train, despite being slow moving (suggests to me that the opportunity is not a fast passing opportunity, but something that will be available for some time) it takes some effort to get "on board". &nbsp;This is because your emotional content (female) related to the aforementioned turquoise issue is holding you back.

The plane I suspect is the same as the train. &nbsp;It is the opportunity launching, but it fails. &nbsp;You are not all onboard the plane - it could mean that you can not fully able to commit to the endeavour. &nbsp;The wings don't unfold - this could be significant but I will need to further contemplate it's significance. &nbsp;The plane crashes and you are upset, there is a fear that the friends are gone, but they aren't. &nbsp;I think this is saying the opportunity will come again.

Again, sorry it took this long to respond, but I hope that sheds some light. &nbsp;Let me know what you think.


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Nov 09, 2015 10:37 pm


Unfortunately our young friend Jake has not posted to these forums since September 28th, so I do not think that he will notice any delays in you getting back to him.


If you are still visiting us but not currently posting to the boards for whatever reason, could you please let me know through a PM if you are OK?


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Post by Sladejake » Wed Dec 30, 2015 3:34 am

Yeah I'm good I'm sorry that I have been away. I've been busy with stuff, and sort of lacking motivation to do anything. But it's cool. I'm starting to paint again and taking more walks so I'm getting into the swing of things. Thank you for asking.

And as a response to rook, which I'm very grateful you took the time to respond. And sorry, geez I don't really remember what I was going through at this time. But it's hard to say weither this relates. Cause at the time I feel like I have sort of overcome some of those obstacles you know? I'm more faced with different obstacles. But I appreciate the response so much. I posted a more recent dream, something that I can understand. So I'm really sorry that I've basically wasted all the time you used to craft your message. Lol.

But I never forget how lucky I am that you and Mr.Tiger respond to my petty dreams. lol, you guys are awesome!

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Dec 30, 2015 4:18 am

Welcome back Jake!

I was only thinking of you recently, and was wondering if we would be seeing you again anytime soon.

Fortunately the answer to my question is yes.

I am not certain if Rook is still in holiday mode at the moment, but I am sure that he will echo my sentiments in wanting to humbly thank you for your vote of confidence in us.

Wishing you a Happy New Year and looking forward to seeing what Rook has to say about your newer dream in your other posting, upon his return.

I may get a chance to look at it myself early in the new year, after our family celebrations are over.

Your dream is also open to interpretation by any of our members who wishes to practice their own skills in this area.

Good to have you back on the site again,


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