Vedic Astrology for a total beginner

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Oct 26, 2015 11:12 pm

jaydoc wrote:the reading for which i'm waiting with my heart fluttering like a butterfly....!


Fluttering hearts can lead to problems...:-)

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Oct 26, 2015 11:31 pm

Sadhana wrote:Astrology presupposes destiny. It is believed that at the time of birth of an individual, his/her, life pattern is determined. It is an ancient belief that all existence follows a pre-determined course, and man's life pattern can be determined through the study of planetary configuration present in the universe at the time of his birth. It is through deep meditation and intuitive sight of seers, they discovered that there is an order in the universe and all heavenly bodies, and life form on earth, as also the seasons and weather, follow a chartered course. A further study and probe led to the philosophy of astrology."
Pardon me for saying that whether the ancients intuited/channeled the revelations that we follow as jyotish-divintion systems or whether it was a product of periods of empirical observations and correlations or a mixture of both (Int. + Obs.) can only be surmised by us moderns since what we have probably are fragments at best. That they *identified* the 'connectedness' within the creation is remarkable since that is what modern mind are finding as well through the study of Quantum mechanics etc,.

That aside, if our lives are that precisely governed and bounded by some form of rigid destiny alone poses a problem. If destiny does not allow for uncertainties and probabilities and similar leeways and flexibilities then what would be the point of spending time in astrology and divination? Other than satisfying some curiosity and more importantly, what would be the rationale behind all the remedial procedures that astrologers recommend and nativities expect and demand? When Que sera sera (Whatever will be will be) seems to be the signature tune by those that believe in destiny being supreme. Furthermore, Karma also loses its importance since an automaton, a puppet of destiny cannot be expected to have free-will or freedom of choice to create any karma let alone dissolve it...!


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Oct 26, 2015 11:42 pm

I usually get butterflies in my stomach and not in my heart, and only when I am feeling nervous.

The flutter of excitement and positive anticipation is usually a good thing.

The flutter of a cardiac (heart) arrhythmia is never a good thing.

I would never wish to discourage a member's flutter of excitement and positive anticipation (in the heart or stomach), while waiting for their reading.

It shows me that his or her mind is open to new opportunities and challenges, which usually makes my job as a reader significantly easier when compared to if he or she had instead come to the reading with a closed mind.

I would like to see more of that positive type of flutter on all our reading forums.


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Oct 30, 2015 2:31 pm

eye_of_tiger wrote:I usually get butterflies in my stomach and not in my heart, and only when I am feeling nervous.

The flutter of excitement and positive anticipation is usually a good thing.

The flutter of a cardiac (heart) arrhythmia is never a good thing.

I would never wish to discourage a member's flutter of excitement and positive anticipation (in the heart or stomach), while waiting for their reading.

It shows me that his or her mind is open to new opportunities and challenges, which usually makes my job as a reader significantly easier when compared to if he or she had instead come to the reading with a closed mind.

I would like to see more of that positive type of flutter on all our reading forums.

Most forum-renderings - regardless of the modality of divination used(Astrological, psychic, tarot, numbers, palm, I-ching, mediumistic, empathy-wisdom-common sense-based, etc) - should perhaps not be called *readings* but perhaps more appropriately as 'dippings' due to their specific focus around a given issue or question based on the immediate preoccupation plaguing a given nativity at a given time or moment. Interestingly, a horary reading is a good example of such and is a perfectly time-tested favourite of astrology and the gamut runs (at least in Indian surroundings) from the technical to the para-technical/devotional, the latter generally conducted by some Indian priests in a religious setting typically in the southern regions of that great nation.

On the web, given its wide sampling of querrants and practitioners and multiplicities of interests, agendas, seriousness and sincerity and a variety of other factors, not the least of which is volume as well as the saccadic and often disjointed nature of communication it would be better and clearer to not lump it all under the generic term: reading. Furthermore, divination should not become a game of football or basketball peppered with pep-talk or an exercise in cheer-leading etc. Even well-intentioned morale-boosting that many seem to resort to are probably more effective and with a long-term benefits are perhaps better catered to by counselling-experts (trained and experienced) in person and with a consistent time-table as opposed to remaining one-off, or at indeterminate and unspecified intervals.

While we do encounter on the web folks who are seriously disturbed and these can be privately advised to seek professional care (publicly doing so would be counter-productive and simply stated unwise), but a far number of individuals who are overwhelmed by personal woes (justified or otherwise) and seeking a warm shoulder to regain their composure must resort to appropriate areas so wisely provided by the forum owner/management and not necessarily head to the so called 'readings sections' or be ushered there by well-intentioned but over-worked forum staff.

We hear from time to time about positive thoughts, self-help etc -- more so in the past 3-4 decades but in a large number of folks (way beyond this forum) such a rejuvenating thought is like telling a person who has fallen overboard, the merits of swimming! Exultation can be infective but never merely through words and from a distance. Unless one is perhaps a walking saint and they are in extremely short supply?

Life for many if not most is likely to grow more complex, stressful and perhaps as the population ages with more health challenges and political dysfunctionalities and fearful. The way to deal with those would be more efficiently and effectively handled by developing closer associations with a local group of like-minded human beings and similar support groups. Actually this had been the case for centuries and yes the semblance of such seems to have brought humans closer through Silicon-Magic, but despite their chemical similarities, we are made out of carbon and not silicon...?

Love and Light,


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