Dream about fighting people.

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Dream about fighting people.

Post by Sladejake » Wed Dec 30, 2015 3:40 am

I had a dream that I was outnumbered in this bathroom, not sure where this bathroom is. I think it's in an airport maybe. Or a gas station.

But there are like six people, that are younger than me. I think they're like 14 years of age. But I have a dream where I'm fighting these kids. And non of them are hitting me. But I'm hitting them with my right hand, but when I go to throw my left hand, it just seems to be weak. Like it's asleep or something.

But these kids just let me hit them. They don't really fight back.
I've had a similar dream like this a couple times. So it kind of stuck out to me. Now I'm just leaving it up to the experts.  :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Dec 30, 2015 4:43 am


Interestingly a bathroom (wherever it is found) in a dream often represents an urgent need for the dreamer to eliminate or get rid of emotional wastes or bad feelings which are getting in the way of him moving forwards with his life, if they are allowed to remain continually buried deep in his unconscious mind.

Just like body waste products can be poisonous if they stay in your bloodstream or your cells for too long, unnecessarily negative overly critical feelings about yourself being a "bad" person (when you are not) can severely undermine your self confidence if they are never bought to the surface, and these self defeating beliefs about yourself remain unchallenged.

Bringing these bad feelings to the surface to be tested in the cold light of reality and logic, and helping you to learn how to more effectively deal with them is the main reason for us giving dream interpretations to our members.

The full interpretation of this particular dream if yours is still coming.

Be kind to yourself,


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Post by Sladejake » Fri Jan 01, 2016 4:33 pm

Okeedokie man, thank you so much!

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jan 01, 2016 9:24 pm


There are no experts other than self appointed ones, when it comes to interpreting your dreams.

There hardly seems to be any competition between the six 14 year olds and yourself, and the outcome of your fight with them is fairly well guaranteed to be a victory for you.

But it is an empty and unsatisfying victory, as there is no real challenge here for you to find a better way of beating your younger and much weaker opponents.

In a similar manner a life without any real challenges is a life hardly worth living. It is only when we are adequately challenged by life that we iften discover who we really are, and what we are really capable of achieving when the going gets tough.

I think that this and other similar dreams are trying to comfort you in the knowledge that although you have met and will most likely to continue to encounter significant challenges in your life, they are not there to destroy you, but rather they are there to make you stronger and more resilient in the face of the obstacles which are being placed in your path.

Challenges do not mean that you are doing something wrong or that your life was not meant to happen this way. Instead a proceed with faith and courage road sign could very well mean that you are going the right way for you, and that your journey is often more important than your destination.

So stop putting yourself down and believing that the whole world is against you, or that you will never be liked for who you really are deep down at the soul level.

In this dream you are putting yourself in the position of your weaker opponents (the six 14 year olds), instead of embracing the opportunities and challenges represented by your 16 to 17 year old dream self.  It is called "playing dead".

You are adopting and accepting that you are weak and not up to facing your life's challenges, when the truth is the complete opposite. You are actually much stronger and have a lot more positive  things going in your favour than you are currently aware of or willing to admit, even to yourself.

A dream of faith, courage and above all strength in the face of adversity. These challenges which you are facing are a sign that you are moving in the best direction for you at this particular stage in your growth and development. They are not a sign of failure, weakness or of you being lost.

Give yourself some long overdue but well deserved credit for what you have already achieved in spite of the challenges which you have faced along the way.



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Post by Sladejake » Sat Jan 02, 2016 11:54 pm

Thank you so much for the response. This hit me really close to home, especially the part about wanted to be accepted at a soul level. Made me a bit tearful. But it's just because it made me come to a realization. So I'm going to apply this to my life with as much bravery as I can muster. And try to change my perspective on challenges and obstacles.

So honestly thank you for the response and for giving me a different perspective on obstacles and my dream, honestly!

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jan 03, 2016 1:29 am

Jake, :)

Equally honestly I was thrilled to know that you could relate to my interpretation of your dream, and that they were tears of joy, increased self love and blessed emotional release which you were shedding.

Instead of you crying tears of disappointment, more unhappiness or painful regret.


EoT :smt023

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Post by Rook » Tue Jan 05, 2016 9:21 am

Hi Slade

This is certainly an interesting picture.

The questions that arise from me for this dream, who are these fourteen year old children?  What are you fighting that is not fighting back?  Something that you are approaching aggressively but is not an actual threat perhaps?

The setting of the bathroom is important too.  It could be saying that this is a circumstance that needs to be "cleaned up" or disposed of (depends on whether the focus of the bathroom is on baths/sinks/showers or the toilet.  Either way the symbols are similar.  The location is also linked to the petrol station / airport so is likely somehow linked to your path through life (transport).

The weakness in the left hand is also significant, but I am not sure how.  It struck me initially as being linked to the different sides of the brain, this fight is taking place in the right side of the brain vs the left, hence the strength of the battle is in your imagination / creative mind, and not coming from the rational left.

Do you have any thoughts on that?


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Post by Sladejake » Thu Jan 14, 2016 10:07 pm

Yeah I see what you're saying about the weakness in the left hand. I was thinking that it was connected with left brain type issues. That maybe I'm not being rational and I'm just spending a lot of time in my head. And I think that I'm getting swung into my self-deceptive/delusions type thing. I tend to believe in a reality that isn't really happening you know? It's all just fantasies. So I think I should be more rational in life.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Jan 14, 2016 11:04 pm


The muscles on the left side of your body (including those in your left hand) are controlled by the right side of your brain through the corpus callosum, a broad band or bridge of nerve fibres joining the two hemispheres.

http://www.livescience.com/32935-whats- ... brain.html

Believing in a reality which isn't really happening is self deception and delusion, while believing in a reality which has not happened yet is called faith.

EoT  :smt101

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