may i have a reading please?

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may i have a reading please?

Post by prettyviolet » Tue Feb 16, 2016 12:25 am

Hello! I would like to know if I will be having a relationship with Lee?

Veronique 26 years old and Lee is 33

Thank you:)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Feb 19, 2016 10:10 pm

Moving this into the psychic reading forum.

EoT  :smt002

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Feb 19, 2016 11:51 pm

Hello Veronique,

Psychics and psychic readings are on average not particularly good at predicting the future, especially when it comes to your closest relationships. One of the main reasons for this is that it takes at least two people to have a relationship, and we are not allowed to read the other person's thoughts and intentions, without their written permission for us to invade their privacy. So called third party readings are consequently prohibited on this forum.

So while I would be more than happy to make a prediction about whether or not you will have any relationship with Lee during the next six months covered by this reading, please keep in mind that this is entirely your reading, and that my prediction could be later proven to be completely worthless, inaccurate and unreliable, because of something on Lee's side of the equation which could at any moment put a fly in your ointment (or spoil your best laid plans).

-----------------------End of Disclaimer--------------------------------

The first thing I am getting with you is that the age difference of approximately seven years between Lee and yourself should not be an issue, UNLESS the people close to you turn it into one. It greatly depends upon the prevailing attitudes in your community towards there being such an age gap.  That having been said I know of relationships in which either the man or woman has been older than their partner by 20 years or more, and everything worked out OK. To you it is not really important, but to some narrow minded and conservative people who might interfere with your decision, it could well be. Enough said about that.

Not having both your full dates of birth handy so that I could use numerology to predict your chances of this relationship getting off the launch pad (perhaps we could try this next time that I give you a reading, at least two weeks from now), I will go entirely with my own intuition after meditating awhile on your question. Which would be "Do you see Veronique and Lee beginning any love relationship with reach other, within the next six months"?  Of course if for some reason it was to happen outside of the next six months, you would expect the answer to your question in this reading to be NO.

YES there is definitely the potential or possibility for you to become a loving couple within the period of the next six months, although either how much money you each have and what type of work that you do could make this much more complicated than it might have been otherwise. While money cannot buy happiness you do need a certain amount of it to be able to continue to pay your cost of living and satisfy some of your other emotional and spiritual needs which can never be satisfied by your job alone. It would be wise for you to have your own independent source of income as a safety net, just in case.

Be certain that if he has had any past relationships with other women, that they are well and truly over both in his heart and mind. You do not want to get trapped in a relationship where there  is a third hidden person distracting Lee from giving you his full attention and affection. Which is what you deserve to be given. While both of you will unavoidably bring some negative emotional baggage with you from past relationships into this one (it happens all of the time), the impact of it can be significantly reduced by you both honestly communicating your true feelings to each other, and both being willing to compromise, or meet each other half way to reaching a mutually satisfying agreement.

The good news is that if you love each other enough to get through these first six months with your sense of humour relatively intact, things are looking good for your relationship to last the distance.  The not so good news however is that your love for Lee will effectively turn your life and world completely upside down, probably making the next six months a bad time for making important decisions such as do I really want to spend the rest of my life with this person.

And yet that is what you are being asked to do (make that decision). Having myself been married to the same woman for over 37 years I am not that old that I have forgotten how young love can quickly turn one's brain into mush. It is very difficult for anyone to make rational decisions when their whole brain chemistry has become apparently possessed or taken over by the target of their affections, and all that they can think about is their lover and wanting to spend every waking hour with him or her. Always be true to yourself, and do your best to balance your intuition with logic and practicality.


Love and Light,

EoT  :smt026

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