Clarity of uncertinity

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Mar 03, 2016 11:07 pm

hello sir
i am exactly 24.5 no love yet :(
Hi Jamie,

Pardon me for asking, but what are you practically doing to increase your chances of finding love, within the next six months or so?

Your reading is not saying that you should just wait to see if the right woman turns up for you.

You actually have to get out of your house on a regular basis and mix socially with women of a similar age group to yourself, hopefully also having interests in common with you.

If there is any reason why you cannot get out of the house to find the lady of your life, then there are always the online dating sites, or there may be other options which you have not yet explored in your local area.

You have to do your part to make this happen. The reading is saying that this is one of the best times to try finding her. In other words with you now being half way between your 24th and 25th birthdays, there is more chance of success if you do put yourself out there now, than at almost any other time in your life.

So go for it my friend, while the door of opportunity is still open to you. It will not stay open forever.


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Post by jamie.123 » Fri Mar 04, 2016 1:09 pm

hi eye of the tiger

i completely agree with what you say... the problem is that whatever suitable guys have come in my life till now ..somehow they have been unavailable despite having an attraction. Which is why i wonder whether things will click or me or not

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Mar 04, 2016 11:23 pm


I can partly identify with what you are saying through our daughter T, who is now in her early thirties. She has had two relationships among many more where she was for a while living with the man, and both of these relationships ended badly,and exactly as you have described.

While both men seemed on the surface to be very suitable or well suited to what positive qualities she was looking for in her partner, it turned out that both were so psychologically and emotionally damaged during their childhood and teenage years, that they were effectively unavailable as part of a balanced,adult love relationship.

Also the second man had just survived a very nasty divorce battle and settlement, which had in addition to all his other problems given him a social anxiety disorder. T was promoted (finally) in her job late last year, actually not that long before her most recent relationship broke up, which might tell you a big part of the reason why it happened then.

So with all her extra work and responsibilities on the job she has temporarily put the idea of looking for another relationship at the moment on hold, but we do hope that eventually she will find true love, happiness and more of the big C (Commitment)  which has been sadly lacking in her relationships so far with a man who loves her for who she is, instead of who he wants her to be.

I wish you well with your reading, as well as with regards to finding the true and lasting type of love which you so richly deserve to be given.

I do not know what your culture thinks about this, but I wonder if instead of more passively waiting for the right man to come or walk into your life uninvited, that you could speed up the process by going out into your community and more actively walking into a man's life and his interests, which should more than less quickly get you an invitation from him to stay a part of his life in return.

This does not mean demeaning yourself, or putting him up on a pedestal as being perfect, or lowering your own expectations so much that you would accept completely unacceptable behaviour from him. There are many forms of abuse, some being more hidden than others?

Unavailable can also mean already married, or still in a previous long term relationship/commitment/codependency with another woman. It is not my place to judge if this is the case with one of your men, but I just ask you to please be careful as I do not like to see my friends getting hurt. Understood?


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Post by Talia » Sat Mar 05, 2016 3:51 pm

This thread defintiely shows one of the problems with giving hard and fast predictions? They can be so exciting and then the date comes and passes.

EOT What a life your daughter has had and how lucky to have you as her father. I hope she finds love soon and C!

Jamie you have so much time yet, you are so young, I do wonder if the energetic vibration you are giving off is clouded by your expectation of the prediction doing all the work. Forget that and maybe try a tarot reading to see what you can do improve your life and your chances of finding a fulfilling and happy relationship :)

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Post by jamie.123 » Sat Mar 05, 2016 6:00 pm

hi EOT,

thank uuuu soo much that is veryyyy sweet of u!! I'll really feel the warmth through your msg and thank you for giving me the insight and practicalities of life.

i wish nothinh but the very best for your daughter as well!. Lets hope the cupid hits the arrow at the righr place!

Hi Talia,

Thank you very much for the concern and advise i will def try tarot reading..will probably post a query in the tarot reading section of this wonderful multi-functional website!

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Mar 05, 2016 11:13 pm

:smt007  :smt007  

Thanking both Jamie and Talia for their very kind wishes for our daughter's future happiness in love.

Being able to comfortably exchange stories either about ourselves or our family and friends helps us to see that we are basically all in this together, and that what we have in common far outweighs our relatively trivial, minor differences.

We all want to more fully express the love which we feel in our hearts, as well as feeling loved and respected for whom we already are, and not for being the person who someone else wants us to become.

This conversation also above everything else reminds us how vitally important the close relationships which we have with other members of our own family and our friends, are so important in our lives and to our future health and happiness.

Strength in numbers?

To my many loved (spiritually) and respected friends on Mystic Board, from EoT


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Re: Clarity of uncertinity

Post by RishiRahul » Sun Mar 06, 2016 6:04 pm

jamie.123 wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
jamie.123 wrote:Hello Palm readers,

Could you please tell me when will my love life improve and things would start working out for me.i havent moved beyond the attraction phase till now...things in my love life stop even before they can actually begin

I am a right handed female,22 yrs old

My palm pictures are available on this link
jamie.123 wrote:This link is working

Around age 24 -24.5 (2015/2016) you will have your first proper love.

Love affairs may be thought of only then.

good luck,

hello sir
i am exactly 24.5 no love yet :(

Hi Jamie,

Age 24.5 is Feb 2016 for you. The tool used was palmistry. Every prediction has a grace of a few months, as everyone knows.
In any case 2016 is also not over.

Somewhere else I had mentioned that marriage will be pursued 2016 onwards, and not before.......... And also that any relation begun before this will happen in a one sided manner.


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Post by Pravin Kumar » Tue Mar 08, 2016 4:27 am


You are right. Jamie always wants the predictions to work for her. She has been asking questions for more than 2 years in this forum.


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Mar 08, 2016 10:31 pm

Pravin Kumar wrote:Talia,

You are right. Jamie always wants the predictions to work for her. She has been asking questions for more than 2 years in this forum.


If a prediction is positive, I would think that most people would want it to come true.

Nothing which Jamie has done is against the rules for this forum.

Her previous request was made in September last year, so she could not hardly be accused of multiple postings within a short period of time, and the rules clearly state that there is no minimum time (within reason) needed between consecutive requests.

If we are not here to answer requests such as Jamie's, then what is the purpose for us continuing to offer this free service?

Looking at the current very slow rate of reading requests across the entire site, I do not think that we can afford not to accept their questions, simply because we are frustrated that the person does not appear on the surface to be doing anything active in his or her life in order to increase the chances that the prediction will come true.

If you do not wish to give Jamie any further readings, and that is your choice to make, then please allow other available readers to decide this for themselves in your place.

We hope that you will keep giving free readings on Mystic Board for many more years to come, and you are a valued member of our site helper team who has and will always have both our respect and support for the good works which you are doing on MB.

Respectfully yours,


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Post by Pravin Kumar » Wed Mar 09, 2016 4:22 am

Dear EOT,

What I meant and what you have interpreted are two different things. Everyone has a right to ask for a reading and we do give free readings. I do it in facebook in many groups and in and now here. I know this lady for last 3 years. I got an idea that she waits for the prediction to come true which may sometimes not come true because a person stops to work just waiting for the results and most of the time results will get delayed.

This is the common thinking of us Palmist. One another Senior Lady Palmist reading palms for last several years also said once what I have mentioned above. You go about your work and what is to happen comes in your life through many ways.

My youngest son's horoscope was read by my Spiritual Guru and He said 10 years in advance that once your son reaches 30 he will start earning lots of money. Now my son did not wait for that 30 years to come and he was trying very hard by getting the best possible education and so many degrees like MBA from IIT a reputed institute in India, CFA and FRM and ultimately 4 months before he was to become 30 years a very good opportunity came to him, in fact he sensed this is a very big opportunity and he made that opportunity work by investing in a huge sum of money. He became successful in a very short period. This was in 2011 and 2012 and now he has reached the peak.

What I want to point out that much before he became 30 years he was searching for that opportunity and forgot all bout the prediction that once he reaches 30 he will be highly successful. So the prediction came true.

This is what I always tell my clients including the person, whose reading I have presented above, that do not wait for results to come but go on doing your regular work and meditate and do not be tense . Results will follow automatically. Now his own Uncle who had filed a case against him in a court (I want mention the reasons as the person may object) came to him for an amicable settlement in only 3/4 days of his starting meditation.

I never predicted this but when you are tense free and you are at Point A and your Goal is Point B no worries, no tensions in between then you focus only on Point B till you reach there and you get success.


PS I too guide people how to come up in life and some have given their feedbacks which are so remarkable that I send them to newcomers so that they be inspired.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Mar 09, 2016 10:30 am

What I meant and what you have interpreted are two different things.

That is exactly what I thought was happening, which is why I am checking with you about the meaning you intended.
I know this lady for last 3 years. I got an idea that she waits for the prediction to come true which may sometimes not come true because a person stops to work just waiting for the results and most of the time results will get delayed.

Yes, I  completely agree. I said the same thing, although in different words. If the person simply waits for the prediction to come true and stops doing whatever is needed to make it more likely to come true, the predicted result will naturally be delayed (sometimes permanently).
Pardon me for asking, but what are you practically doing to increase your chances of finding love, within the next six months or so? Your reading is not saying that you should just wait to see if the right man (not woman) turns up for you. You actually have to get out of your house on a regular basis and mix socially with men (not women) of a similar age group to yourself, hopefully also having interests in common with you.
This is the common thinking of us Palmist. One another Senior Lady Palmist reading palms for last several years also said once what I have mentioned above. You go about your work and what is to happen comes in your life through many ways.
I completely agree with you and most palmists. Passively waiting for a prediction to come true is simply not enough. And it is terribly frustrating for all readers to have that person come back time and time again to ask for another prediction, when you know that they have not taken your advice from previous readings and have not been helping themselves.

I do not agree that if you do everything right that the predicted result will automatically happen, but a difference of opinion about this relatively minor point between us does not mean that I am questioning your abilities or methods as a reader (quite the opposite is true), or that I feel that we cannot work together in the best interests of all members (including Jamie).

But we must not allow our frustrations to get the better of us (easier said than done). We also do not want them to give up asking us and themselves these questions. As difficult as it must be to be asked for the same reading by the same person over 2 years on both sites, the sites are independent of each other and so are your dealings with that person on each of them.

The person has the right to ask for a reading on both sites, but if you have already given them a reading other than on MB and do not have any more to add, then please do not respond to or comment  about their thread on the  open forum. It would be better to send me a private message, to make me aware of this, so that I can communicate the same to the other readers. And there is always the Readers Forum, which I believe that you have access to (please let me know if this is incorrect).

You will always have my full support in doing your spiritual work on MB, and I highly value your advice and professionalism and friendship.

Yours sincerely,


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