Cedars Please!

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Cedars Please!

Post by karess » Fri Apr 01, 2016 12:41 am

Hello Cedars,
First of all, I want to say that I am so grateful for the readings you have done for me.  They were 100 percent accurate.  And the advice that you give really leads me to a better place when I am able to recognize that your advice is from a spiritual perspective (that can benefit anyone), rather than from a biased perspective.  I really really do appreciate your readings.  Thank you so much!

I would like to ask you the same question that I have asked you in the past. I want to be pure.  That is my one and only desire in life.  When I feel pure, I feel free and generous and happy. I feel like I don't need a thing when I feel pure because I know that my purity (or what I call purity), brings me what I need before I know that I even need it.

I know that I have grown just a little bit since the reading you gave me on February 1 2016. And it's only been a little bit of progress because I didn't make full sense out of the reading you gave me.  But today, I looked back at the reading and I understand it full and I realize that it was my own back and forth movements that delayed my progress.  Your reading even told me that I would go back and forth.  But.... yes yes yes! The full circle feeling that you spoke about is here.  I feel it!  But also, there is more work for me to do.  I still have stumbling blocks that are trying to throw me off of my path.  So here is the same question (same question different time),copied and pasted from 2014 reading.

"I haven't requested a reading in quite some time.  I have been working on my life since the last reading I got here.  Can someone please give me insight on my strengths and weakness in life?  what are the hidden things that act as stumbling blocks to my growth?  what do I need to let go of? What do i need to move towards to feel balanced and to stand in my own power?

Advice would be much appreciated.  Thank you"

Thank you in advance Cedars for this reading.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Apr 02, 2016 10:31 pm


You have not made it clear in your request if you would accept a reading from another reader, if Cedars was not available to give you one within a reasonable period of time.

Thanks in advance,

EoT  :smt017

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Post by karess » Sun Apr 03, 2016 1:44 am

Thank you. Would you be able to give me a reading Eye of Tiger?  Ive had one by you before a long time ago and it was good.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Apr 03, 2016 9:23 am


Please understand that I do not give full tarot readings as Cedars does, but I give intuutive readings in the psychic reading forum.

If you also want an intuitive reading from me which does not use the Tarot, please request this on the other board.

You can have both a full Tarot reading on this forum from Cedars or other tarot readers, and have a non Tarot intuitive reading from me in the other forum.

By another reader in my above posting, I actually meant another Tarot reader other than Cedars who gives full tarot readings on this forum, if Cedars was not available to give you a reading within a reasonable period of time.



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Post by karess » Sun Apr 03, 2016 12:29 pm

Okay. Thank you for letting me know Eye of Tiger. I would love to have an intuitive reading by you as I have had one from you in the past and it was great. In this forum, I'll just wait for Cedars to see my post back use I'm confident that Cedars will do an excellent job. I don't recall having a reading done before by another reader. See you on the psychic reading forum.

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Post by cedars » Sun Apr 03, 2016 8:57 pm

Dear Karess,

I am sorry I have been unable to give you a reading straight away. I thank you for your patience and appreciate your comments about my readings.

I have seen your post and will get back to you soon.

If I fail to do so, please remind me by a Private Message.

I apologise that I have not been able to respond as fast as I used to.

To All Other concerned: If I was unable to give a reading to Karess, I would have directed her to another colleague in the Tarot rooms to give her the reading.

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Post by karess » Mon Apr 04, 2016 12:50 am

Thank you so much Cedars for this response. It is okay that you haven't responded immediately. We are all human and I think it's superhuman that you even desire to respond to us all immediately. And the fact that you don't HAVE to do these readings but CHOOSE to is amazing. Thank you! I understand and I will wait as long as necessary for such good quality readings. I will message you later on to remind you. Thanks a lot!

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Post by cedars » Mon Apr 04, 2016 10:29 am

Dear Karess,

I thank you for your patience and your understanding that we may not always have the time or even the disposition to give a reading – we are humans after all and having read a reading request, our mental/spiritual and, indeed, our other life requirements may prevent us from giving a proper reading. You phrased your understanding so eloquently and for that I thank you.
"I haven't requested a reading in quite some time.  I have been working on my life since the last reading I got here.  Can someone please give me insight on my strengths and weakness in life?  what are the hidden things that act as stumbling blocks to my growth?  what do I need to let go of? What do i need to move towards to feel balanced and to stand in my own power?
I am using the Rider Waite deck.

Positive Energies/Strength around you which you may or may not know about. Be aware of them and use them for your highest good:
Page of Swords. Eight of Cups. Ten of Pentacles.
Elements of Air, Water and Earth.

A person or a situation with the spirit of a teenager (or an adult with such younger energy) either within your own person or someone in your life, is quite confident about himself/herself and even though sometimes he/she may come across as ‘’head in the clouds’’ he has some fresh ideas and is not too scared to show them off and express them. Pages are a bit of an odd and sometimes difficult to explain. They can present our own inner self, then can be messages / messengers to convey something to us, irrelevant of their age. But this Page of Swords I always find him to be the geeky one. He is good in numbers, he is good in the scientific arena and, what’s more, he damn knows it too   Whether this is you or someone else in your life, their energy promises to be beneficial in your current journey. You may be put off by their outwardly immature and boyish behaviour, but if you can bypass that and see the positive in them, it may be worth your while.

With the Eight of Cups, although a sad-looking card on the outset, you have the ability to let go and abandon things which are no longer working for you.  Yes, a water sign is fluid and can be emotionally volatile, but I get the feeling that are strong enough to turn your back to aspects in your life which are no longer in sync with and just leave them behind and go seeking new horizons and fresh pastures.

Ten of Pentacles indicates to me that finances and material needs are not an issue for you. Whether it is generated by a strong family unit or your own resources, this is something that you are blessed with and can make full use to your onward journey. Not all have this type of blessing and if it is bestowed upon you, be grateful and use it to your highest good – whether a strong family unit or your own personal financial security.

What are your stumbling points and possible blockages on your current journey?

Sometimes we don’t know these and are unaware that they exist. I hope the next three cards shed some light and be of guidance to you.

Ace of Cups. Page of Cups. King of Wands.

Now, we have here three very nice cards, two from the element of Water and one from the element of Fire.
Why would such good cards fall under the blockages part of your reading? This always intrigues me and let us work together and see what might their message be.
Ace of Cups indicates a new beginning in the area of love, romance and anything to do with heightened feelings and emotions. It is a new thing; a new beginning and feels really gooooood. Might the butterflies not be what they may seem from the outside? Might it be that this new beginning which makes your heart beat and blood circulate faster in your veins, could be just an infatuation or a wrong interpretation of events around you? I am sorry I am looking at this very nice card with doubt and apprehension. I did not choose it to be in this section of your reading, but it just showed up. Be aware of it…..

Page of Cups: another page here but this time from the element of Water and completely the opposite of the page of Swords. This one shows once again a new, aspiring energy in the areas of love and romance. It is a message or an offering of such and, just like the Page of Swords, it is in the spirit of a younger person (albeit a mature one) approaching you with . But, I hasten to add, it has fallen under the obstacles section of your reading. Whilst the page of Swords influence/energy above shows positivity, this one am afraid may stand in the way of your onward growth. Be aware and tread carefully.
King of Wands: another person from the element of Fire in your life in the form of an adult, charismatic, eloquent, charming with his actions and behaviour – in a few others a fiery and potent energy of a man – which in a different reading may have had a different influence on you. In this reading, however, I am afraid he may not be so and care should be taken to be prudent what he means in your life or what he has to offer to you.

What help can be expected from the people and/or the environment around you?
Knight of Cups.

Hmmmmmmm……. Karess my dear……. It is all water, water around you in this reading…
This knight is the big brother of the above Page of Cups. Whilst he is the ultimate romantic, fussy about his appearance, his feelings are expressed intensely, but this one may be the person to guide you in your journey. He may not be the messenger of love and romance, but he has a very romantic nature, sometimes to the extent of suffocating the next person with the intensity of his emotions, but, regardless of that, his presence or impending entry into your life may be the help you need – even if it turns out to be a romantic encounter :)

Message from the Tarot.
Six of Cups.

Once again!!!!! The suit of Cups.
This card’s message to you is not to forget to have fun and frolics. Perhaps make contact with your past – or the people therein – and reconnect with them. It is all about nostalgia, people you have known, interacted and possibly felt strongly towards them or one particular person.  Do not write off the past, if you can, and reconnect with it.  The card is showing a young man offering a cup full of flowers to a young lady and the other five cups are upright full of white lilies which to me say something about the spirit within and possibly a reminder that you may need to reconnect with your own spirit and the messages coming from within.

You mentioned something about purity in your request, and I am wondering if you are striving to feel ‘pure’ of these feelings, possibly the romantic ones, in order to make a new start? Purity, if I read you correctly, is a state of mind and spirit and not necessarily abstention from the life we have been given here on Earth.  Whatever you meant by the word ‘purity’ please be aware that your very aspirations to acquire purity is an indication that you are not impure. If there are any impurities, those are derived from us being simply Humans :)

I hope this reading resonated with you and I wanted to touch on the subject  in my last paragraph as I did not quite catch what you meant. But if this reading has answered THAT particular question to you, then I am so happy.

Please make sure you write on off-line in Word or elsewhere so that you won’t lose your writing whilst doing it on line. I remember the last time you had lost your material because of that?

Blessings to you. :)

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Post by karess » Thu Apr 07, 2016 3:42 pm

Thank you Cedars for this fantastic reading!  See responses below.
A person or a situation with the spirit of a teenager (or an adult with such younger energy) either within your own person or someone in your life, is quite confident about himself/herself and even though sometimes he/she may come across as ‘’head in the clouds’’ he has some fresh ideas and is not too scared to show them off and express them. Pages are a bit of an odd and sometimes difficult to explain. They can present our own inner self, then can be messages / messengers to convey something to us, irrelevant of their age. But this Page of Swords I always find him to be the geeky one. He is good in numbers, he is good in the scientific arena and, what’s more, he damn knows it too   Whether this is you or someone else in your life, their energy promises to be beneficial in your current journey. You may be put off by their outwardly immature and boyish behaviour, but if you can bypass that and see the positive in them, it may be worth your while.

With the Eight of Cups, although a sad-looking card on the outset, you have the ability to let go and abandon things which are no longer working for you.  Yes, a water sign is fluid and can be emotionally volatile, but I get the feeling that are strong enough to turn your back to aspects in your life which are no longer in sync with and just leave them behind and go seeking new horizons and fresh pastures.

Ten of Pentacles indicates to me that finances and material needs are not an issue for you. Whether it is generated by a strong family unit or your own resources, this is something that you are blessed with and can make full use to your onward journey. Not all have this type of blessing and if it is bestowed upon you, be grateful and use it to your highest good – whether a strong family unit or your own personal financial security.

The person with the teenage spirit is indeed me. I have always had this spirit and it just wont go away.  I know that when I am 200 years old, I will still have this teen spirit.  But I am also mature with great wisdom.  I definitely do feel a lot of confidence in myself right now.  I feel spiritually confident that all works out for my greatest good even though sometimes I cause my own suffering unknowingly.  I am the geeky one and can come across as a fool if you're not looking carefully.

At this point in my life, I have turned my back on everything!  And I mean EVERYTHING! No more family or friends or material possessions.  I decided that I want to be where I am meant to be and have what I am meant to have.  Nothing is better than something if that something causes pain and insecurity.  I've walked away from everything and everyone.  I'm looking for my own way.  Away from attachments to things or even people because I can take neither thing nor people with me when I die.  I especially don't want to be attached to things that hurt.  So yes it is correct that I have found the strength to say goodbye to everything and everyone.  And now, good things and good people are making their way into my life without the requirement of attachment.  I feel free!

About finances:  I just got involved in a business that I hope will take off.  I have never really had a lot of money in my life but money always came to me exactly when it was needed.  It may have even been as little as 5 dollars but it showed up right on time.  I feel that I can make a success for myself in this business that I have gotten into.  This is probably what the ten of pentacles is saying.  We shall see!

Ace of Cups. Page of Cups. King of Wands.

Now, we have here three very nice cards, two from the element of Water and one from the element of Fire.
Why would such good cards fall under the blockages part of your reading? This always intrigues me and let us work together and see what might their message be.
Ace of Cups indicates a new beginning in the area of love, romance and anything to do with heightened feelings and emotions. It is a new thing; a new beginning and feels really gooooood. Might the butterflies not be what they may seem from the outside? Might it be that this new beginning which makes your heart beat and blood circulate faster in your veins, could be just an infatuation or a wrong interpretation of events around you? I am sorry I am looking at this very nice card with doubt and apprehension. I did not choose it to be in this section of your reading, but it just showed up. Be aware of it…..

Page of Cups: another page here but this time from the element of Water and completely the opposite of the page of Swords. This one shows once again a new, aspiring energy in the areas of love and romance. It is a message or an offering of such and, just like the Page of Swords, it is in the spirit of a younger person (albeit a mature one) approaching you with . But, I hasten to add, it has fallen under the obstacles section of your reading. Whilst the page of Swords influence/energy above shows positivity, this one am afraid may stand in the way of your onward growth. Be aware and tread carefully.
King of Wands: another person from the element of Fire in your life in the form of an adult, charismatic, eloquent, charming with his actions and behaviour – in a few others a fiery and potent energy of a man – which in a different reading may have had a different influence on you. In this reading, however, I am afraid he may not be so and care should be taken to be prudent what he means in your life or what he has to offer to you.

 I do think that all 3 of the above cards is referring to the same person who I have shut out of my life along with the many others I have turned my back on for the sake of peace and reaching higher.  Although I haven't spoken to this person in over a year, I still get flashbacks of them and they do everything to get into contact with me.  I have tried to block all efforts that they make to contact me.  I don't respond to any messages received from this person.  But there are days when I want to so I fight with myself to remind myself that if I dare pick up the phone or answer that email or text, the door will be cracked open for pain to come in.  This person was very good for my growth but turned out to be montrous. So these cards represent the inner conflict that I am presently having about this past love.  I need to release this and I am working daily to be free of this pain.

What help can be expected from the people and/or the environment around you?
Knight of Cups.

Hmmmmmmm……. Karess my dear……. It is all water, water around you in this reading…
This knight is the big brother of the above Page of Cups. Whilst he is the ultimate romantic, fussy about his appearance, his feelings are expressed intensely, but this one may be the person to guide you in your journey. He may not be the messenger of love and romance, but he has a very romantic nature, sometimes to the extent of suffocating the next person with the intensity of his emotions, but, regardless of that, his presence or impending entry into your life may be the help you need – even if it turns out to be a romantic encounter.  

I don't yet know who this person could be who will be of help to me on my new path but I will stay aware and be inviting to him when he shows up.

Message from the Tarot.
Six of Cups.
Once again!!!!! The suit of Cups.
This card’s message to you is not to forget to have fun and frolics. Perhaps make contact with your past – or the people therein – and reconnect with them. It is all about nostalgia, people you have known, interacted and possibly felt strongly towards them or one particular person.  Do not write off the past, if you can, and reconnect with it.  The card is showing a young man offering a cup full of flowers to a young lady and the other five cups are upright full of white lilies which to me say something about the spirit within and possibly a reminder that you may need to reconnect with your own spirit and the messages coming from within.

You mentioned something about purity in your request, and I am wondering if you are striving to feel ‘pure’ of these feelings, possibly the romantic ones, in order to make a new start? Purity, if I read you correctly, is a state of mind and spirit and not necessarily abstention from the life we have been given here on Earth.  Whatever you meant by the word ‘purity’ please be aware that your very aspirations to acquire purity is an indication that you are not impure. If there are any impurities, those are derived from us being simply Humans  

I hope this reading resonated with you and I wanted to touch on the subject  in my last paragraph as I did not quite catch what you meant. But if this reading has answered THAT particular question to you, then I am so happy.

Please make sure you write on off-line in Word or elsewhere so that you won’t lose your writing whilst doing it on line. I remember the last time you had lost your material because of that?

Blessings to you.

Thank you.  I will have as much fun as I can inside this new energy that I am feeling all around me.  When I said I want to be pure, yes, I did mean that I want all these back and forth thoughts about this past love to go away.  And I want to love God so much that I don't fall anymore for these human traps that make me feel impure.  I do see that you say that it is just a part of the human experience.  Ill work on not beating up myself so much.  Thank you so much!  Blessings![/quote]

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Post by cedars » Thu Apr 07, 2016 4:22 pm

Thank you very much for your feedback, Karess.

You dont only ask good and reasonable questions, which make the reader WANT to respond and read for you, but your feedback is honest and also accepting of your own strength, shortcomings and possible weaknesses.

Whatever you do, whomever or whatever you turn your back to, just live life the best way you know.

Blessings and once again thank you for your detailed feedback.

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