Eye of Tiger reading please

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Eye of Tiger reading please

Post by karess » Sun Apr 03, 2016 2:38 pm

I would like to ask what I can do to make myself at least a bit successful in a home based business that I've decided to get involved in. I was told by other readers that I'm basically doomed in my life forever in the finances area. But I've also heard that I can create my own life. So which is it? Is it that no matter how hard I work, destiny or fate will not permit success for me no matter how much I want to create success? What do you see around me in the area of career and money? How can I make a success of myself and be doomed at the same time? I need clarity in this area. Thank you.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Apr 04, 2016 12:44 am

Hi Karess,
I was told by other readers that I'm basically doomed in my life forever in the finances area.
Yes you are likely to have to face significant challenges in the area of your finances and in establishing and maintaining your home based business over the coming years, but that is something entirely different from someone predicting that it is doomed to fail, no matter what you do to help things along. Did these other readers actually use the words "doomed to fail, regardless of what you do", or did you automatically misinterpret "challenges on the way" as meaning "destined to self destruct"? Do you have a life long habit of hearing what other people say about you and your projects, in the worst possible or most negative way?
But I've also heard that I can create my own life. So which is it?
Yes this is absolutely correct. You can help to create your own future through your thoughts and actions in the present moment, so you can help to create the future outlook of your business, or indeed whether there will still be a business over the longer term. But only up to a certain point, which we do not know. There are so many potential external factors which could also decide what course your business might take in addition to your own input, but basically with some notable exceptions you can be in the driver's seat and largely in control of what business successes wait for you in the future through what you do or do not do NOW.
Is it that no matter how hard I work, destiny or fate will not permit success for me no matter how much I want to create success?
Sorry, but that is total nonsense. Destiny or fate could make your success in business more challenging than if everything had gone in your favour, but if you are willing to accept that nothing you do can save your business, or that anything you do to help yourself to become a successful business woman is only likely to make the situation worse than it already is, then it is NOT fate or destiny which is standing in your way.

It is YOU, or to be more exact your own faulty beliefs which will be making you almost expect that your home based business will ultimately fail. This is what we call a negative self fulfilling prophecy. By holding onto these negative beliefs over an extended period of time you will unintentionally attract into your life the very factors which will increase the chances that your business will fail. That is how powerful our largely unconscious beliefs can be in shaping our future. They can either work FOR OR AGAINST US.
What do you see around me in the area of career and money?

I see that there is an above average (greater than 50% chance of your home business eventually becoming a moderate success, although you are unlikely to make enough money from it to cover your expenses if this was to be your only source of income. In other words especially in the first 12 months, the money which you make from your business after tax minus your business expenses will not be enough by itself to satisfy your financial needs over the same period. And establishing and maintain a home based business these days often requires a much higher level of self organization and self discipline than if you are working for someone else outside of your home. While the home environment can allow you to work within a much more flexible time schedule, it is filled with distractions (including your TV and refrigerator), any of which can divert you from getting down to some solid work throughout your working day (and in some cases night as well). Will you be the only person running this business, and what external support people or other resources would be available to you, when you inevitably come up against a problem for which you need extra help and guidance? You will need to make what money you have already invested in your business work more efficiently for you. Try to minimize your risks, but at the same time to be able to make more money, you first have to wisely spend some of the money you already have. Anything worthwhile in life (and your dream of having this business is I feel very worthwhile) involves us taking risks. The secret of success is often to as much as possible make them planned or calculated risks, instead of taking unnecessarily dangerous risks. Does this home based business create a product or service which is normally hard or impossible to find from any of your competition? Have you already done some market research to establish whether there is enough demand for this product or service, to make your investment worth risking? Who are your potential clients? In other words, what type of person would you expect to be interested in this product or service, and can you get enough customers to keep the business cash flow healthy? This may not apply in your case, but if it was necessary how long could you survive financially if your business income was temporarily in the negative? More money going out than coming in for next X months? If your home based business is already reasonably well established, this question may be redundant, but if it is still to be established it might be a very real possibility which you need to consider and plan ahead for (although not doomed or destined to happen, no matter what). By itself hard work is usually not enough to ensure a good chance of success, either in our business or personal lives. Balanced risk taking, self organization, self discipline, good financial planning and listening more to one's gut feelings about what a potential client is looking for from your business, go together to fill the gap. In summary the success or failure of your business will be determined by a complex interaction of internal and external factors, only some of which you can ever hope to have a degree of control over. There are no guarantees that your business will be successful, but there are also no guarantees that it will or must be a failure.
How can I make a success of myself and be doomed at the same time?
It ranges somewhere between difficult and impossible for you to make a success of yourself (including in a business sense) IF you are constantly under the control of persistent, negative thoughts which can fool or hypnotize you into believing that you are NOT capable, intelligent or strong enough to be able to face and eventually overcome whatever challenges life places in your path now or in the future.

It is above everything else these negative well practiced self sabotaging thoughts which have the greatest potential to make you lose all of your remaining business confidence, and as a result make your business fail. Doomed means a zero chance of you making your business more successful, and keeping it financially viable. That is the complete opposite of what your reading is telling me is the case.


EoT  :smt006

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Post by karess » Fri Apr 08, 2016 3:00 pm

Thank you Eye of Tiger.  I wont be quoting since I just realized that I don;t know how to do it properly.

I have heard that I am doomed to fail in those words and that I will die soon.  That is a very negative thing to say to someone because it makes them wonder if today is the day they will die or if they should even try doing anything if they are already doomed.  After that reading, I think that I was pessimistic about a lot of things.  Not only did I get a bad reading but my friend who was also there, got a good reading and everything that was said to her came true.  And the things that were predicted to me started coming true as well so of course it is scary.  I started thinking that there was nothing I could do to prevent these negative things from coming true. So anything negative that was said to me sounded like such a curse.  Like of course this would only happen to me and even of course it is bound to happen to me.  (sorry, the quotations key is not working on the computer Im using.

But I noticed that the more I lived in the present, the happier I was and the less I cared about whether or not I was doomed in the future.  But still, I needed some kind of confirmation that Im on the right track in my thinking.  I decided to work on this home business because I love the products so much and promoting is a good way for me to spend my free time.  I thank you so much for the confirming to me that this business depends on me. I know that I have some a lot of work to do but I believe that my enthusiasm will give me the energy that I need to keep pushing forward.  I have printed your response and I will be reading it once a week.  Thank you

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Apr 08, 2016 10:23 pm


It was my pleasure to give you this reading.

And thanking you in return for your honest feedback.

I am unsure as to the reason why the QUOTE button did not work on your computer

The usual method is to select all the words which you want quoted by holding down your left mouse button and dragging the cursor until they are all highlighted, then click on the Quote button which will automatically insert the correct square bracketed commands for this to work. Always click on the preview button to test that it works, before continuing.

For those computer users who find this drag and click method difficult, try the following as an alternative.

Left click with your mouse to insert the flashing cursor before the first word to be quoted, hold down the left shift key on your keyboard and click just after the last word. This should leave all words to be quoted highlighted. Now left click on the Quote button, and the job is done.

Always remember to click on the submit button once you are satisfied with your posting, to save it to the forum database.

Failing to do this is one of the most common errors which new forum users make. A preview (using the preview button) will be instantly lost as soon as your web browser window is closed, or you move to another site. Click submit, or watch all your hard work apparently disappear forever before your eyes.

It is not a very nice feeling when it happens to you. :smt009

Take care,

EoT  :smt038

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