Love life reading

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Love life reading

Post by caroline36 » Tue May 03, 2016 6:47 pm

I´d like to request a reading about my love life, at this point I dont have much background information to the question, so whatever you sense is fine.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat May 07, 2016 1:06 am


Probably it is a case of the less background information the better, for the purposes of this general reading.

I am uncertain if you have had some bad experiences in your relationships with men in the past, but I feel that you simultaneously want and do not want a relationship with another man in your life at the moment. In other words you are of two minds about beginning another relationship when there is always the risk that your feelings could get hurt yet again.

I am also picking up that you are angry and frustrated with yourself as you regard yourself as highly intuitive (I agree), but you still failed to see the signals that something was not right with the last man with whom you had a love relationship in time to stop feeling hurt and betrayed.

To make matters more urgent your age which you even included as part of your user name on Mystic Board is constantly reminding you of the ticking biological clock of any hope of you becoming a mother.

From a numerology perspective, 3 plus six equals 9, and the number NINE of course often represents a person who is a philanthropist, humanitarian, socially conscious, and is deeply concerned about the state of the planet. The number 9 is also associated with mysticism and a developing spiritual consciousness.  

So what I am saying here is that at the same time that you are feeling an emptiness in your life with regards to the absence of an intimate relationship, you could also have just reached an important spiritual crossroad on your journey towards a much better understanding of yourself, as well as of your intuitive/psychic/ reading abilities.

The word metamorphosis is usually applied to the massive changes which happen when an unattractive worm or larva enters a cocoon, only to emerge later as a beautiful butterfly. In a similar manner I see you slowly emerging from your own protective cocoon and your light shining more brightly as a result, but you are finding this process of exchanging the semi darkness of your cocoon for the brighter light outside of it much more difficult than you feel that it should be. And your patience with yourself is rapidly running out, which in turn can make you overly defensive when someone offers you constructive criticism, with the genuine intention to help and encourage you.

This over defensiveness can at times give people the wrong impression about you. You may come across to them as thinking that you are better than they are (and that you think that you already know everything there is to know), when the truth about your intentions is the complete opposite.

You are seriously lacking in self confidence and feelings of self worth, and you already know that the more you learn, the more that is left for you to learn. The person whom you often appear to be on the surface to other people, including prospective lovers, is nothing like the wonderfully gifted and loving person who is still hiding within.

And your body language may as a consequence of your low self love sending out to men mixed signals about whether or not you really care about them, when the truth is that you probably care too much for your own good. Some of your many positive qualities working in your favour can as a result work against you, when it comes to you finding a suitable and committed life partner. before the big 40.

Just like so many other Light Workers, you frequently sacrifice your own equally important needs to help others to get their needs met. Do not stop helping other people (I think that that will never happen as it is an important part of the healer whom I feel that you are), but if you do not some times get your own physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs met ahead of the needs of your clients or other family members or friends, then you are going to be of little help to anyone (including yourself).

It is extremely difficult to be able to help vulnerable people from a hospital bed or early grave. Protect your available energies and overall health as much as possible to make this less likely to happen, although nothing worthwhile is ever achieved without some measure of risk being taken, and without some personal sacrifices being made in non critical areas (your health is a critical area).

I am sure that you may not want to be told this, but for at least the next six months thought to be covered by this reading, I cannot see a new relationship on the observable horizon. For your sake I hope that I will be proven to be wrong about this prediction, but if I am proven to be correct it is suggested that you need to work more intensively with grounding and centering techniques during your meditation sessions, to stop you being blown in one direction closely followed by being blown in the opposite direction by the winds of change.

The larva in its cocoon is on average safer and more protected from the wind than a butterfly is, but if you wait indefinitely for the winds of change to become calmer, the adventures and opportunities that only a butterfly can take advantage of will be lost to you. The same general principle of feeling protected from having your feelings hurt by not having another relationship seems especially relevant to the main message of your reading. Being overprotected from the risks of being hurt too long can all too easily become your prison.

Love, Light and Healing,

EoT  :smt007

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Post by caroline36 » Sat May 07, 2016 3:17 pm

Eye of the Tiger, thank you for your input. It isnt different from what I already expected. At this point is pretty clear in my mind I wont have children (for many reasons other than just age I rather keep to myself) or a partner. The feeling of wanting or not to be in a relationship I´d compare to wanting to win the lottery... you may have the desire and play the game but it isnt up to you, really. I dont really rely on having a low self esteem. I do feel sad but mostly bc I am unemployed.

May I ask why my health is a critical area? I feel fine.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat May 07, 2016 11:49 pm

May I ask why my health is a critical area?
Dear Caroline,

I can assure you that it was my pleasure.

In order to achieve your goals it is often (unfortunately) necessary for you to make sacrifices in other areas of your life in which the sacrifices will not compromise your situation, or put you in any danger.

For example, in order to save up for the money which you need for that new dress that you just have to own, you might temporarily go without a little luxury, and choose to instead put the money which you would have normally spent on it away for the dress.

The little luxury would be a non critical area. No real lasting harm to your health, happiness or success in life is going to result from your small sacrifice.

However if what you are doing or not doing is likely to put your health, happiness or success in life in serious and lasting danger, then the disadvantages of taking that particular action would greatly outweigh the advantages of taking it.

So anyone's health (including your own) is one area where sacrifices made could have major and long lasting effects upon your survival (physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually).

Therefore health is always a critical area for everyone. If whatever you are planning could potentially destroy your health, then you would be most unwise to continue down that path and should seriously consider why you even thought that it would be worth taking a chance putting it at risk for something which you could easily do without.
I dont really rely on having a low self esteem

Did you mean to say that you do not really have low self esteem? Having low self confidence is always a disadvantage, so most people do not want it, let alone them relying upon it.
It isnt different from what I already expected.
Then it largely confirms what you believed was the truth. Were you hoping that it would not confirm what you thought were your challenges?
I wont have children (for many reasons other than just age I rather keep to myself)
Of course your right to privacy must be protected. Nobody would expect you to reveal deeply personal and possibly medical details about yourself on a public forum.
I do feel sad but mostly bc I am unemployed.
Yes unemployment is a common reason for people feeling sad these days. Especially when a person's value seems to be measured by our society by what paid work they do, how much money they earn in a year, and how much they actively contribute to their country's economic growth.

We could if you like specifically look at your employment outlook in a future reading, but not immediately.

The reading is certainly not saying that you do not have the right to feel sad about not having a job (to deny your feelings is never a good idea), but the type of sadness being referred to here goes much deeper than that which is directly caused by your unemployment (which is very real).

It is rather a form of spiritual sadness or despair, which many of us Light Workers on MB share with you. A feeling of inner emptiness and imposed isolation, which nothing of this external world could ever replace. Know what I mean? This type of sadness underlies and reinforces all the other reasons for why we feel sad, including being unemployed.

Blessings in abundance,

EoT  Image

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