General Reading

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General Reading

Post by argo » Thu May 19, 2016 9:07 pm

May I request for general reading on the obstacles I need to defeat in different areas of my life as of NOW.


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Post by argo » Sat May 21, 2016 9:51 pm

please need direction badly and depress

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Choose the area of your life which is currently giving you the most obstacles

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat May 21, 2016 11:06 pm


What you are asking is impossible to give a reading about. There is just not enough space or time or motivation for any reader to even try to answer your request as it stands.

Could I therefore with the intention to get you your reading faster, please suggest that you should choose in which particular area of your life you most need to know how to overcome the obstacles that you see as getting in your way?


You are much more likely in my opinion to get a more useful reading sooner rather than much later or never, if you first choose the specific area of your life where you feel the need for this advice is most urgent.

Please take good care of yourself in the meantime.


EoT  :smt049  :smt049

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Post by argo » Sun May 22, 2016 4:39 pm

I am not moving in all these so I don't know what's wrong with me.

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Post by cedars » Sun May 22, 2016 4:54 pm

Whilst EOT's comments on your reading request are quite valid and it helps to narrow down the type of reading to a particular area of your concern, but I will pick four cards and give you a general reading and you take from it what you resonate with...

You need to take in carefully what the reading reveals, as we will be looking at each card by way of ‘obstacles’ , even if they happen to be ‘good’  or positive cards.

Here we go:
I asked the same question as to what obstacles should Argo be aware of in the area(s) which are of most concern to her.

The Hermit.

This card stands for wise introspection, getting detached from the world and taking stock of what is going on in your life, generally speaking. We see here an elderly, wise man, holding a lantern to light his path ahead and yet not knowing what lies ahead. We all have moments or times like this when we withdraw from the world and go into introspection checking, taking stock of what has happened and what to do next or gather our thoughts. It looks to me, by getting this Major Arcana card, that you have not had time to do that; you have not given yourself the time needed to gather your thoughts or perhaps you have anticipated to happen without due consideration on your part? Something or someone has been stopping you from taking this Time Out for yourself to gather your thoughts, to regroup and think about your actions of the past and how they have shaped your present.

Another Major Arcana card which, in itself, is not a negative card. This card stands for change and to let us be accepting of that change, because that change will come whether we like it or not, but sometimes we close the doors and do not invite that change. We refuse to let go of the past and do not invite the new to come in. Without this willingness to accept this change and closing the door on the past, we will remain stagnant and no progress will be made. A state of stagnation which is bad for the soul and may even gnaw at the body and mind.

Four of Wands:
A happy card where we see a mood of celebration to give thanks for the fruits of the hard work to enjoy with friends and family. We see here two maidens bringing in fruits and the outcome harvest of their hard work to celebrate in a family-and-friends spirit. As an obstacle to this happy situation, I am getting the feeling that you have either refused to celebrate with the success of others around you, or, you yourself, have not put enough of an effort to achieve your desires and what you aspire for.  In order for there to be celebrations and thanksgiving, there is some work to be done and I feel an obstacle is in front of you for you to carry on and go ahead with the work at hand.

Ace of Pentacles:

Another very positive card which heralds success in the material and financial arena of your life. This is like a gift being bestowed upon us from the divine and yet I feel a sadness here… I feel as though you have not accepted this divine gift and you are mulling over what would have been or could have been….. This gift is precious and there are two ways I can look at it: 1) Either you have been carried away with this gift and lost contact with your surroundings by ignoring them in your hour of success 2) or, that you have turned a blind eye on this gift because you may either be grieving over something and this gift seems so secondary to you.  The very fact that this gift is there for the taking, it is up to you to turn this divine gift which you are making an obstacle of, to take it with gratitude and move on.

Please be ware,  my dear, whatever it is that has been depressing you, you can only come out of it by accepting all that is positive around you and looking at them with a view what they exactly are: your way out of this depression.

I hope these four cards shed some light on your situation and the ‘obstacles’, because sometimes we make our own obstacles even if there are none around us.

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Post by Talia » Tue May 24, 2016 11:33 am

argo wrote:please need direction badly and depress
Sorry to hear you are so depressed, I hope you feel better soon, Cedars reading will help if you read it and take time to think about the points raised.

How are you getting on now?

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Post by cedars » Thu Jun 02, 2016 7:38 am

Hi Argo

Your reading has been posted since the 22nd of May  and I was wondering if you've had a chance to read it, as there was a sense of urgency in your request..


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Post by argo » Sun Jun 05, 2016 3:39 pm

Sorry I did not expected someone will pick up. Quite sick and having slight respiratory problems maybe because of keeping myself worried.
I am trying to rest right now and the hermit shown is me. I want to let go of the baggage I have and SO TIRED.

Am I a push over that's why no one cares about me.  I am sick of my boss who do not care and they just walk on me without asking. I am so scared they going to fire me.
Family that is so disoriented and a lonely place to stay in. Friends can't help me. Nothing is left of me.

THANK YOU you paid attention.

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Post by cedars » Tue Jun 07, 2016 12:08 pm

Dear Argo

When someone responds to your thread, you should automatically get an email notification unless you have turned that function off in your Profile settings.

I am very sorry to hear about your situation, but rest assured things change, they always do. Sometimes they change within ourselves (as the reading above suggest) and sometimes they change due to efforts from your side and with the help of the environment- friends and family.

Dont be a hermit and get out there; dont be afraid or ashamed to ask for help from family and friends. Someone is bound to come to your help.

And, most importantly, please note that we need to help ourselves too.

My best wishes to you.

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