IVf pregnancy and astrology

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IVf pregnancy and astrology

Post by sandhu.jp » Tue May 31, 2016 4:16 am

Astrological factors --

Planet moon- Is very important factor in ovulation,mensuration and pregnancy.
The second most important planet here is Venus which is signifactor of female generative parts.

Moon and Venus - All body fluids,including blood and reproductive ones.Venus represents the reproductive organs in females,third week of menstrual cycle and semen in males .
Moon /venus- for female hormonal disturbances relating to such as infertility with low levels of the blood hormone, testosterone or o estrogen receptor insensitivity. Dry weak uterus,ovarian deficiency.
Saturn - For chronic wasting diseases and all blockages,it also represents excretory system.
Mars- Surgeries ,procedures and sex.
Moon/mars- Mensuration.
Jupiter- The putra karka .Natural significator of 5th.
Rahu - the foreign object and something unorthodox  ( here fertilization of embryo through IVF )
Sign - Scorpio.
Houses-5th, 7th,8th
Lords of 6th 8th and 12th.
Mars- Any insertion,injection,procedure where something is injected or taken out of body.

IVF - comes into play when normal pregnancy is difficult due to motley of  following factors.
Kshetra/beej  saphuta falling in barren signs.
Jupiter / 5th lord combust or afflicted.
Signs of jupiter in 5th house.
Barren signs in 5th.  ie ,Aries ,gemini,leo ,virgo
Damaged Fallopian tubes.
Hormonal problems
Diseases like PCOS and PCOD.
Weak/damaged uterus.
Saturn in sign Scorpio, placed in the 8th house will give diseases of reproductive organs throughout life.
Affliction to Moon and Mars in a female astrology chart create disturbance in menstrual cycles
Venus/Moon being afflicted by Saturn/Rahu indicates blockage in fallopian tubes.
7th/8th house afflicted by Saturn and Rahu indicates obstruction in Fallopian tubes

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