My name is Brian

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My name is Brian

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Jun 07, 2016 1:06 am


My first name is Brian.

I am a 63 years old retired high school teacher, living with my wife of 37 plus years in Adelaide, which is the capital city of South Australia.

I first registered as a member in April 2007 as I have always wanted to be able to help other people with their psychic and spiritual problems, and I believed at the time that giving online readings and interpreting dreams were the best ways for me to be able to do this.

Also because of chronic illness and increasingly being unable to get out of the house and since I had already discovered that the internet provided me with a way of being able to reach out to people from all over the world, using the communication skills which I developed as part my teaching role.

As well as a considerable amount of information which I had accumulated over the years, both from books as well as from the world wide web. It would therefore not be exaggerating the truth to say that the internet has become my personal life line to the outside world beyond these four walls, and outside of the members of my own family, which includes our son and our daughter (empty nest syndrome since 2011).

Now please do not misunderstand what I am about to say. I am saying them for myself. I respect the right of other readers on MB to have their own beliefs and opinions about these matters, which may be very different from my own. I feel privileged to have worked beside these highly gifted and compassionate people since 2007, and my deepest and most sincere hope is that this sense of all of us working together for a common purpose and in everyone's highest interests, continues well into the future.

All of this being made possible by the continuing vision and commitment of a very special young woman whose name is Swetha, whom I have come to regard as one of my closest internet friends. Like many other Light Workers, she does not ask anything in return for her efforts on behalf of all our members, and prefers to just get on with this labour of love without wanting our attention or without asking for our special notes of appreciation for all the many sacrifices which she and her husband have made, so that Mystic Board can survive and grow over all these years.

I will of course continue to give intuitive readings and to a lesser extent dream interpretations when requested on Mystic Board, but I no longer wish to be defined exclusively as either an administrator, moderator reader, dream interpreter, spiritual advisor, teacher or as having any more answers to life's important questions or as being more able to predict what might happen in the future, when compared to everyone else who visits here.

What really frustrates me about giving online readings is that we are required by the law to state that they are for general interest and entertainment purposes only, when the subjects being talked about are often so serious and sensitive and sad. Readings are often seen as a last resort when everything else has failed to make any sense of what is happening to a person, or provide him or her with any practical solutions to common but often extremely complex human problems.

I can no longer honestly make out that I do not give readings because I genuinely want to help, support and comfort people, or say that I do not feel a great sense of responsibility for the advice which comes through me.

Some of the people who request readings from me have been abused, battered and damaged by what life has challenged them with, and some are severely depressed and are experiencing thoughts of taking their own lives out of sheer desperation, and a complete loss of all hope for any future which they feel is worth living.

One of the barriers which has existed between us since 2007, and which by the way also preserves the feeling that readers are superhuman and consequently do not have any of the problems that mere mortals do is my user name. The original reason for me feeling that I needed to assume an alias disappeared long ago. But the alias persists.

I now think that an important step of me moving beyond being only an administrator, moderator, reader, dream interpreter, spiritual advisor or teacher is to use my first name from now on in all my communications. I want to develop a greater feeling of honesty and trust and us all being in this together, and I believe that revealing my birth name is a small but important step in the right direction.

I would also like to see as many of you who do not use your real name doing the same, as I have always found that it helps us to better make the connection which is needed for this working relationship to be successful and fully human. First name only please, if you do decide to tell us your name, which of course remains optional. Could you also please at least tell us in your profile particularly where it is not obvious whether you currently identify yourself as male or female?

Thank you for reading this posting from beginning to end. I know that I am taking a risk by revealing my name to everyone, but I believe that it is a risk worth taking as without it I cannot carry on any longer like this. The time has arrived for each of us in our own way to think about why we are here, and what we can each personally contribute to this blessed community which is in imminent danger of disappearing unless some sense of shared humanity and relevance to daily living is quickly restored to these forums, before it is too little and too late.

I would greatly appreciate your feedback about this posting on the general discussion forum (not here). Or am I the only person on MB who feels this way? This posting will now be locked, but you are hereby invited to respond to it instead under the following general discussion thread. ... highlight=

Love, Light and Healing,

Brian  :smt006


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