What Psychic Gift Are You Strongest In? (Continued)

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What Psychic Gift Are You Strongest In? (Continued)

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jun 12, 2016 12:50 am

This posting is a continuation of a posting of the same name, submitted by Mystical Paradox.

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... 447#341447

MP's posting was designed as a survey to collect information from other members about recognising their strongest psychic gifts. Although that thread has currently stalled with no further responses for a while, I have chosen to leave it in place and invite you to add your own responses to it, if or when convenient.

The purpose of this update is to go into much more detail about how we can recognize what our particular psychic strengths are, one psychic sense at a time. As I have mentioned before it would be highly unusual for someone to be exceptionally sensitive to psychic information which comes to them through only one channel or sensory path. For example, clairvoyance or psychic vision.

It is much more likely that there are at least two or three spiritual senses which are significantly more developed than the others, although this of course does not mean that the other psychic senses could not be further developed if the person concerned was willing to commit the necessary time and energy to doing so.

So without further ado, what are some of the main signs that CLAIRVOYANCE (PSYCHIC VISION) could be one of your psychic strengths?

These are in no particular order.

1.Your dreams are becoming increasingly active or vivid. Many people do not realize that dreams are regarded as clairvoyant experiences.

2. You daydream a lot.

3. When you close your eyes as you are drifting off to sleep you often begin to see random images, colours, shapes and even people's faces  (people not known to you) on the back of your closed eyelids.

4. You have experienced precognitive visions of the future when dreaming, and during your meditation sessions.

5. You have started seeing flashing lights or strange patches of different colours in your peripheral vision (out of the corners of your eyes). Consult an eye doctor to first eliminate that there is not some alternative explanation for these phenomena, due to disease or unexplained changes in your eyes which need to be fully investigated. It is always better to be safe than sorry, when over 90% of the information which we constantly take in from our surroundings is visual.

6. You are well above average at visualizing or creating entire imaginary scenes in your mind's eye. While most people believe that your mind's eye is located in the region of the brow chakra, which is approximately located at a point half way between your two eyebrows, some are beginning to think  that our inner eye is buried deep in our brains, in the form of the pineal gland.

7. When you listen to a conversation or read a book you often have an inner scene playing out in your mind where you can literally see it happening as they talk or you read the words on the page.

8. You sometimes "see" things which other people cannot. Again please get your eyes checked out first, before assuming that this is exclusively a psychic phenomenon.

9. You "see" the spirits of dead people. Either in your mind's eye, or less commonly as though they are solid, living physical human beings. You have the potential to act as a clairvoyant medium between the two worlds.

10. The last sign of developing clairvoyance might at first sound to you a little ridiculous and of little practical use in identifying you as a latent clairvoyant as many people say things that they do not mean, or they get things easily confused. When someone explains something to you, do your responses often begin with I see what you mean? Or yes I can visualize exactly what you are talking about? Or I see what you are getting at, or what point that you are trying to make here? The use of such language suggests although obviously it does not prove that clairvoyance (whether we are awake or asleep at the time) is your primary (or one of them) channel for receiving psychic information.

Would any member like to add their own ideas to this list of ways in which we can recognise clairvoyance as one of our strongest psychic sensory channels? Or alternately, would you like to add your own comments about any of the existing entries?


Brian  :smt048

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Post by Talia » Sun Jun 12, 2016 11:26 am

Well I consider myself clairvoyant. I 'see' things that are not there, I have visions, I get transported to a different moment and the reality outside changes for a split second. I see causes or events, or deaths as past realities. From bystanders I apparently go still wth my eyes open and do not blink, the next blink and I am back in  the present.
It used to be a real problem so much so that I would be wary of going anywhere or meeting anyone but I gradually learnt to control it with grounding and using psychic protection exercises and so on.
I find it interesting that the past events invade my waking life whilst premonitions show up when I am dreaming, meditating or asleep.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jun 13, 2016 2:22 am

It used to be a real problem so much so that I would be wary of going anywhere or meeting anyone but I gradually learnt to control it with grounding and using psychic protection exercises and so on.
It can never be overemphasized how critically important the use of grounding, centering and protection techniques and rituals are in any type of psychic work.

This is something all too easy for both the beginner and more experienced but complacent psychic to forget or overlook in their enthusiasm to help the other person, but the consequences of doing so can be serious to say the least.

And these techniques should also be used at the end of any  psychic session, to close down the aura and protect the psychic sensitive from being continually overpowered or flooded with the emotions of those people around him or her on all sides.

Knowing how to turn off your psychic sensitivity and how to get on with the rest of your life, is just as important as knowing how to turn your sensory channels on, whenever you wish to function psychically.

Thank you again Talia,

Brian :smt023

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