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Post by ginowapolee » Sun Jan 17, 2016 1:48 pm

Can I ask your help I am very jealous with this person. Please help me can't sleep.. is it still normal. Am I getting cheated. Thank you.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:04 pm

Are you married to this person or in a long term relationship with him/her in which you have agreed to only be faithful to one another, as if you are not then by definition you cannot be cheated upon?

If your third party tarot reading (some readers will not give these as the person under suspicion is not the same as the one who has requested the reading), please be extremely careful of making any accusations of infidelity based only upon such a reading. Obtain and write down solid physical evidence of their betrayal of your trust, as well.

This is because if you are a particularly jealous person this can be picked up on by the reader to seemingly support your theory, when he or she is actually picking up on your own insecurities and low self esteem, which are often the root cause of your habit of being so jealous.

If you are married to this person or in a de facto relationship with them which is regarded by the law in many countries as the same thing, the result of a psychic reading is not acceptable as evidence in a court if law, on which to take legal action against your partner.

On the other hand false accusations for which there is no solid and carefully documented physical evidence of sexual infidelity can definitely be used as a basis for your partner taking legal action against you, including wanting financial compensation for defamation of his or her character, and a possible loss of income by them as a result of your actions

Take care,


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Post by ginowapolee » Tue Jan 19, 2016 6:13 am

it's not a relationship more brother to mother. the favorite son gets attention always. can't understand why not pick me. sorry this is not too deep..thank you.

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Post by Talia » Tue Jan 19, 2016 1:16 pm

ginowapolee wrote:it's not a relationship more brother to mother. the favorite son gets attention always. can't understand why not pick me. sorry this is not too deep..thank you.
Hi, I will read for you :)

The first card from my Angel deck that I pulled for you tells us all about the history of your situation, what has led you there. It tells me that you are highly sensitive and that you are aware of everything gong on around you. You see things that others don't and this should be something that helps you to overcome obstacles, but sometimes you feel overwhelmed and wonder why others can't see like you that unfairness of events.

Right now you are suffering and don't know what to say and who to turn to to get support and help. This is the point where you need to stopa nd sit down and relax for a time, you need to put your feelings aside and think about what others are feeling.

Taking care of your self is also important. We may not be able to change what has happened but we can change how we react to it. Think about taking a different approach. I can sense that you are getting very unvolced and upset about the feeling you have and they may be clouding your thoughts and complicating the rest of your life, spilling over into areas that should be separate and not affectedby these feelings.

You are in a position swhere you can change these things, little by little, chipping away, finding out why and understanding and accepting the way things are, then taking a new stand point one that is virtuous and kind.

I am sure you will have many more questions but really you know the answers inside you and just may need to come to look a them without emotion.

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Post by ginowapolee » Sat Jun 18, 2016 8:53 pm

Thanks Talia.  I tried best to understand this guy like a family and we're a bit good now after several months.
Does the message here is I should trust him to take care of my interest as well or it will be much easier if I move away from this person.

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Post by Talia » Tue Jun 21, 2016 12:08 pm

ginowapolee wrote:Thanks Talia.  I tried best to understand this guy like a family and we're a bit good now after several months.
Does the message here is I should trust him to take care of my interest as well or it will be much easier if I move away from this person.

That reading was a long time ago, are you asking me for another one?

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Post by ginowapolee » Thu Jun 23, 2016 4:09 pm

Is it okay, I am still not clear on this issue? Thanks.

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Post by Talia » Sun Jun 26, 2016 1:48 pm


Thanks for your pm, as it is six months since your last reading I decided to pull a few cards to see what has changed if anything, but don't forget it s up to you to make decisions in your life, a reading can offer suggestions but you must take responsibility.

Son of Air - This brave holds his spear high and his horse is ready to gallop into the fight. You are still in battle mode. You are read to fight every moment of the day and that is not good, it will wear you down and when we are tired we may miss things and over react.

The Star - this card shows two herons being taking a drink from a bowl, one is busy drinking the other is flapping their wings and risking knocking the bowl over, above them is a bright star shining down, light on everyone. In the past there have been incidents where you have felt used and cheated and pushed aside, but are you really sure of that? If you look back now can you see things differently? Usually there is a reason and a purpose. Maybe you were not open to the offerings back then, maybe now things have changed and time has moved on you can be impartial?

The Clown - Of course making a new start is sometimes good and if we start from a place of experience and knowledge then we stand a better chance, looking before we take a step is good too. Trust though, well trust is not necessarily a good thing, trust needs to be earned. Behind the clown there is a fox, the trickster. Is the fox going to push the clown over the edge of the cliff in front of him. This makes me feel that if you watch your back then there will be no tricks that suceed, but that is not trusting.

The decisions are up to you.

Good Luck and stay calm

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Post by ginowapolee » Mon Jun 27, 2016 3:19 pm

Thank yo so much Talia. Sorry I am not much familiar with the cards. Am I getting it that I should still be carefull even if he's already nice to me. I welcome him to the family, but still on guard with him.

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Post by Talia » Mon Jun 27, 2016 3:58 pm

ginowapolee wrote:Thank yo so much Talia. Sorry I am not much familiar with the cards. Am I getting it that I should still be carefull even if he's already nice to me. I welcome him to the family, but still on guard with him.
You are welcome Gino, I think that you have just answered your own question there lol. Of course things are entirely up to you, if he seed of doubt has been planted it is very hard to get rid of it unless you dig deep and rid yourself completly of it and that just isn't going to happen? Is it?

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