Reading request

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Reading request

Post by FrankU1982 » Sun Jul 17, 2016 8:35 pm

Hello eye_of_tiger, I hope you are well. It's been nearly 4 years since my last reading from you and I would like to see which path my life is heading to.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Jul 18, 2016 1:14 am

Welcome back Frank, :smt023

If the date of birth in your forum profile is accurate, then this is your reading.

If the date of birth in your forum profile is not accurate, then this is somebody else's reading and most if not all of it's contents probably do not apply to you.

Which is why I would remind members to always ensure that their DOB is accurate, as it could save us a lot of wasted valuable time and energy which I would much rather be using constructively and positively to help you.    

Your DOB as displayed would give you a life path number (LPN) of 5.

Numerologists believe that your LPN is one of the most accurate indicators and predictors of your life path at the exact moment of your birth.

Which can mean that the path which you are now walking is not the same one which you started out on during March of 1982. In other words your overall life path can significantly change over time, mainly as a result of what meaning you give to whatever has happened to you during the years between 1982 and the present moment.

Unfortunately the average person (you are anything but average) walking the number 5 life path often suffers from a string of one broken relationship after another.

Your reading is NOT saying that you are somehow destined to live the rest of your life alone without that special woman in your life, or just as importantly it is NOT saying that there is nothing which you could do to change what may seem to you to be the inevitable outcome.

It IS saying that some of the factors which are causing you such frustration and heartbreak in your love relationships are completely beyond your control, and actually have more to do with people other than yourself (the woman and her family are prime examples) than they have to do with you or your personality.

This is NOT a reading about blaming yourself for what has happened so far in matters of your heart, but rather it is trying to help you better understand what improvements you could possibly make in the future, in order to reduce the chances of it happening to you all over again.

The reading does NOT however include a guarantee that you will find and fall passionately in love with each other during the next six months thought to be covered by it, and from then on you will live happily ever after together in a state of perpetual bliss. If it did give you such a guarantee this would mean that you cannot change your life path, which as I have explained is wrong.

Beating up on yourself for having certain personality weaknesses or making mistakes in the past IS almost guaranteed  to make things worse than they have to be, as a lack of self love for both partners is often at the core of many relationship difficulties.

LPN 5 people have a natural magnetism or charm about them which can be irresistible to any potential life partner.  They are often stronger than the average individual (physically and mentally, inner and outer) but have a carefree live only for today attitude about them which can be most attractive to the ladies, but only up to a certain point beyond which it can get terribly frustrating and exhausting to live with a typical number 5 individual.

Many spiritual teachers instruct us to live more in the present moment instead of using up our valuable energies trying to live our life in the past or the future, and many anxious and depressed people are comforted by the advice that if they can only get through the next 24 hours and the next 24 hours after that and so on, then they will ultimately, successfully finish the course.

Your reading is NOT so much saying that you never plan for the future, but your on the surface carefree live only for today approach to life can often give people the mistaken impression that you never plan beyond the next sunset. Also worrying yourself sick about what might happen to you in the future and planning for the future have very little in common with each other.

Indeed good planning can reduce your anxiety about the future, but your plans must be flexible (able to be quickly changed) enough so that if your situation suddenly changes (welcome to the real world) that you can adjust your plans accordingly to fit your new situation.

One of your biggest challenges in life therefore is for you to get the balance right between living in the present moment and at the same time planning for the future, and nowhere is this more needed than in your closest relationships. Whether you are still between relationships, or are currently in a relationship.

Finally (as I do not want to give you the wrong impression that I do not see you as also having many positive qualities and strengths of character as well), comes the unpopular C word COMMITMENT. Or to be exact a lack of commitment to making a relationship work over the longer term which is according to what we have observed through the broken relationships of our adult daughter in epidemic proportions among males between the ages of approximately 30 and 40 where we live.

Commitment does not mean the same thing as stubbornness in the face of adversity when it is clear to everyone other than yourself that there is no future for this particular relationship. You have to recognise and accept that sometimes even when you have done everything practical and reasonable in a genuine attempt to save the relationship (as happened about four years ago), it is not always possible to save it. When you enter into a relationship with someone you also automatically enter a relationship with other members of their family. Need I say more about how those relationships can negatively interfere with your love life?

I would like to see which path my life is heading to.

Your life is headed along a series of paths which continually split off each other and move in a slightly different direction, when compared to your original path and direction when you were born. Each decision which you make opens up new paths, and closes off some of the alternate ones.

If you beat up on yourself for being human and therefore by definition fallible (you make mistakes) that would be the biggest mistake of all for you to make. By all means work towards correcting your mistakes (if you can) and fixing some of your personality issues (perfection is unreachable), but also recognise that you possess many positive and admirable strengths and qualities which together with your mistakes and weaknesses make you the whole person whom you are.

Stop trying to be more like someone else and start being more true to yourself. You have so much going in your favour and to your advantage when it comes to you attracting a potential mate. Do not allow your mistakes and personality problems (which we all make and have) to mean to you that you have been doomed/selected to live a life of endless loneliness by an angry or sadistic GOD.

Such a faulty and dangerous belief as the one above would be a major factor in determining what paths you will walk from now on, and the consequences of you believing that you are permanently cursed in matters of your heart could be seriously negative to your chances of finding the deep and lasting type of love which you so richly deserve in the future. Understood?

Be kinder to yourself,

Brian  Image

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