First time posting nerves

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First time posting nerves

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Nov 07, 2018 3:15 am

It was April 11th, 2007 when I made my first posting on Mystic Board.

Doing your first posting on any forum, especially one as big as Mystic Board is, can make you feel very nervous.

Thinking back to that day I remember that I was more than nervous (scared you know what -less) about taking the huge risks involved in putting my ideas and questions out there in plain sight, while naturally thinking that everyone else would think that I was either stupid for having or asking them, and that the older, more experienced members would not have the time and patience to listen to people like me. It is true that I had been doing readings and dream interpretations on another website (which has since closed) for six years before registering with Mystic Board, but this really did not seem to help me be more confident that I would be similarly welcomed on a website somewhere in India. I also remember that I was especially concerned that because of the vast perceived differences between India and Australia with special reference to cultural and religious and language differences, I was afraid that I would unknowingly offend someone who I wanted to help with my every word, but with the very best of intentions.

And sure enough I did make some major mistakes and false assumptions during the last 11 plus years. But then, who doesn't? And I still do it now and then. For so many years I have been beating up on myself for holding back from being my true self (mistakes and all), and I had lost so many valuable opportunities in the past by thinking that everyone was better, smarter, stronger, and a better communicator than I was (or I would ever be). So I tried to be more like the people I looked up to as good examples of what I thought that I was expected to be like. The more I tried to be like them, the worse that I felt about myself.

I could not even imagine what my true self was like anymore, or what my dreams had been when I was still a child. But once I began giving readings and dream interpretations and joining discussions online, this feeling of never going to be good enough slowly but surely faded away. I was too busy and focused on helping other people, to have the time and energy to feel sorry for myself. I would be dishonest if I said that this happened in the first week, month or year, but it was a much more gradual process (at least it was in my case).

The reason I am telling you this now is not to get sympathy, or to get special treatment.

This is more about you (especially first posters), than it is about me.

The journey of 1000 miles (1609.34 Km) begins with one step. And the journey towards learning to value and accept ourselves more (self love) also begins with one step, which often feels like the biggest step you could ever be expected to take. It does get easier with each step. By helping others and not constantly focusing on our own challenges (which will not go away if we do) , we slowly but surely travel towards a more balanced and healthy estimate of what we are really capable of achieving, but IF and ONLY IF we are willing to take that first small but also at the same time BIG STEP INTO THE UNKNOWN, towards discovering who we really are (our soul essence).

That friendly we welcome you, everybody is equal, and second home way from home feeling which Mystic Board gave me from the first day onward, definitely made the journey much easier for me, than it might have been otherwise. I firmly believe that it could do the same for you, if you will only make your first posting.

HINT: The General Discussion forum (where we are now) was designed to be the best place to begin your journey. It should be your next stop after introducing yourself in the Introduce Yourself forum.


Brian :smt026 :smt031 :smt038 :smt006 :smt045 :smt049

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Re: First time posting nerves

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Nov 08, 2018 4:22 am

I have a suggestion for those of you who are suffering from first posting nerves, although existing members are welcome to join in.

Have you recently read a book with a positive, uplifting spiritual message, watched a movie of the same theme, or have you discovered a spiritually uplifting song which you would like to share with other members?

No links please to external websites, or to those where you can buy the product.

Just write a short review of what the book, movie or song was about, most importantly the messages contained within it, plus why you enjoyed it so much.

Please include the book's, or song's author, and in the case of the movie the year it was released on DVD/Blu-ray.

Then it is up to the other members to use any good internet search engine, if they are interested enough to follow up on your review and perhaps decide to purchase the item themselves.

In this way, we can avoid most copyright infringement issues

For books viewforum.php?f=92

For movies viewforum.php?f=128

For songs viewforum.php?f=89

A final reminder that the book, movie or song must have a positive, uplifting spiritual message(s) to be allowed to remain on the forum.

Make somebody else happy, more positive and spiritually uplifted today, by sharing your experience of the book, movie or song with them.

Brian :smt026 :smt026 :smt026

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