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Pravin Kumar
Posts: 7094
Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:08 pm
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun Jan 20, 2019 7:02 am

Life Right Now:

What arises in the present moment can't be changed, but it can be accepted as it is. When this is done life can truly be lived because when what's there is accepted nothing needs to be different...

To be with life as it is what arises has to be accepted. What arises is what occurs right now and it's the only place where life happens. If what’s here right now isn’t accepted, life will be made into something that’s difficult. Life can never be anything more than what it is because right now is what has arisen; only the Conditioned Mind makes you think this isn't so. Life is always about what's here because that’s what’s happening now. You can wish for things to be different, but that's how you wish your life away. Accept what's happening now, be with what's in front of you so you can be with life.

There needs to be some semblance of quiet so your direction is clearly seen. It's very easy to become distracted if you aren’t vigilant. There are many distractions that will try to divert you from the present moment. It's like life is an obstacle course and things are in place to divert you from being with what’s here now. There's only the present moment and it's always what's in front of you. One of the main obstacles used as a distraction is wanting things different. Your own mind tells you if things were different life would be better, but this is the great lie; the delusion of the Conditioned Mind. When what's in front of you is accepted there's no struggle with wanting things different; it's in this space that you can be with life as it is...


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