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Pravin Kumar
Posts: 7094
Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:08 pm
Location: bombay


Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun Jan 27, 2019 2:42 am

My Raison D'etre

My aim is to enjoy life to the full and assist others to do the same. At the essential level that is (for Consciousness) to enjoy this manifestation, Cosmic Energy Consciousness in motion, through every expression, and instrument, of This (Consciousness). For everything we experience appears in Awareness, Consciousness at rest, otherwise there would be no experience for we would not be aware of it, and thus everything enjoyed is enjoyed by Consciousness Itself. The easiest way to facilitate this is to provide pointers to Awakening, so that through ones own investigations (self-inquiry) one may realize that there is no separate self and that we are all expressions and instruments of Consciousness Itself. This is the first stage of the Bodhisattva path which is entitled the joyful.

For this reason I like to point out the simplicity of awakening by (the following in quotes are titles of some of my stand-alone books on Awakening) 'awareness of awareness the open way' which leads to 'freedom from anxiety and needless suffering' resulting in discovering the 'happiness that needs nothing'. For one goes 'beyond the separate self' resulting in one becoming 'a light unto ones Self' taking one to 'awakening and beyond'. In this one no longer sees the world through the murky filter of the small self and all of its petty self-interests, opinions, preferences and concerns. When thus seen as it is the world is much brighter, vivid and alive finally resulting in seeing it as a manifestation of Consciousness Itself. In this all others are seen to be (of the same essence as) oneself (The Oneself) and this removes all hatred, exploitation, prejudice etc This naturally leads to joy in all things, which requires nothing, and only ceases if one reverts to misidentification as a separate object in a world of such.

So this is the main reason that I write and promote my books, not for the money as the Australian old-age pension provides for everything I need. In fact you could say that due to this generosity I am actually sponsored by the Australian Government! I also give away everything that I write on social media and to my email group, all of which you are welcome to join at . I am also not interested in fame except for the fact that, if I were well-known, this could enable more people to access my work. Rumi wrote if there were a clear way into that (the freedom of Awakening) nobody would stay here in the bondage of separation, and my aim is to point to such a clear way for as many people as possible so the Bhodisattva aim of the awakening of all is brought a step closer.
Naturally, being human (at the surface level), I have more selfish reasons for writing on this subject:
1/ As a way of staying awake, for when one is contemplating and writing about awareness this keeps one aware of awareness and thus awake.
2/ For the pure joy of doing so, for being awake is naturally joyful and carefree, so that any activity which fosters awakening will lead to joy.
3/ As a way of clarifying my understanding and putting into words my discoveries from my periods of meditation and contemplation.

Here is a poem I wrote on the subject:
Why Write About The Ineffable?

A sophist recently enquired
Why do you write, wasting your time?
For The Absolute, it has transpired,
Is ineffable, not to be captured in rhyme.

The Tao that can be spoken is not the Tao
Of the Tao Te Ching the first,
Not to be confined by words so how
Can it be elucidated by essay or verse? ... vOjPh9hn-b ... o6QE6ePdWB ... C9T5dvY6IV ... qOE_LxEwRZ ... tmAC7gpsdd

But when of awakening one has discovered the ease,
And that this readily dispels angst and fear,
This must be proclaimed, even it does displease
The perfectionist to whom silence is so dear.

For if of the divine nothing was written or spoken,
And all awakened beings had remained mum,
Of scriptures, or spiritual paths not even a token,
Would have appeared, or into being come.

A reader recently appreciated my e-mail musing,
On the verge of suicide she was reminded,
Of Pure Awareness, this her despair defusing,
Realizing that we are not by body/mind defined.

The Dalai Lama said that inner tranquillity,
Comes from developing love and compassion,
So such pointings can restore anothers serenity,
And help their own awakening fashion.

Writing on The Absolute helps one to stay awake,
Carefree, full of joy, vigour and vim,
By such deeper discoveries one may make,
So that ones awakening does not grow dim.


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