Akashic records reading please

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Akashic records reading please

Post by FrankU1982 » Fri Mar 15, 2019 4:09 am

If possible, I would like an akashic records reading. I give full permission for the reading. I'm looking for guidance and insight on the topics of relationships and finances.
I would like to thank the reader in advance for taking the time out of their day to perform the reading.

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Re: Akashic records reading please

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Mar 15, 2019 11:09 pm

Hi Frank,

I am sorry to have to tell you that we do not offer Akashic readings on Mystic Board.

Would a psychic reading about either your relationships or finances, do in its place?

Good to see you back,

Brian :smt031

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Re: Akashic records reading please

Post by FrankU1982 » Fri Mar 15, 2019 11:31 pm

Hi Brian👋🏻, I hope you are well. It's great to be back🙂. I would love a psychic reading on relationships, when you have the time do so of course.

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Re: Akashic records reading please

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Mar 16, 2019 11:50 pm


With reference to your relationships (romantic or otherwise), I have drawn the following three cards on your behalf, in the order shown below.

TEMPERANCE - The general meaning of the word is complete abstinence. But for this particular card instead it means doing things in moderation. The nature and success of our relationships with others is possibly one of the most important aspects of our lives, but it is neither wise nor healthy to continually focus focus all or most of your energies upon them, to the detriment of the rest of your life (including your job, health and personal happiness). In other words, try to maintain a more healthy balance between ALL aspects of what makes you who you are. By all means have and enjoy your relationships, but keep everything in their proper perspective. There is however an alternative interpretation for this particular card, and one which is without doubt much more confronting and challenging to the person for whom it has been drawn. As brittle iron is transformed or tempered into flexible and much stronger steel by the alternate application of opposites (fire and water), renewed strength and confidence in our relationships is often developed in those which have their extreme ups and downs. Human relationships can often be a bumpy road. If you are looking for someone with whom you can live happily ever after, then think again. There is a highly romanticized idea going around that finding a soul mate and falling in love with them virtually guarantees a relationship in which you are 100% compatible with each other, and one that is overflowing with love and light. When the truth of the matter is that soulmates tend to meet each again other over successive lifetimes, precisely because they have outstanding issues with their partner which were not satisfactorily resolved in shared past lives. What this card appears to be saying is not to automatically view the inevitable conflicts and disagreements in your closest relationship necessarily as a sign of failure on your part. In a strange way, these could be interpreted as a sign that everything is happening as it should and you are both finally making some progress towards resolving your difficulties with each other (as long as you do not hurt each other too much, along the way). The card TEMPERANCE is asking you to have faith when the evidence is to the contrary that all this fussing, fighting and making up has a higher purpose, and that if you play your cards right (pun intended), you will both be stronger and happier people as a result of your less than perfect experience.

The Seven Of Cups (SOC) - The Chooser. The card of the challenge of getting past mixed emotions and fooling oneself. I believe that the message of this your second card is merely an extension of that of TEMPERANCE. It predicts that you will be faced with choices in forming new relationships, which will emotionally pull you in several different directions at the same time. Constantly daydreaming about how wonderful and trouble free this or that relationship could be if you can only choose the "right woman for you" will get you nowhere fast, and almost ensure that you will end up with no relationship at all. You are being warned not to allow your imagination get the better of you. Not to have unrealistic expectations about having all your needs met by one woman, even if you love her deeply. When choosing your future partner, do not automatically reject her because you have mixed feelings. Your head might be telling you one thing about her, but your heart could be telling you the opposite. Again, this is normal. We are meant to consult or use both our heads and our hearts, when making important decisions or choices. Especially when choosing the person with whom we intend to share the rest of our lives with. This is definitely an important life changing decision, which could potentially have significant consequences not only for the both of you, but also for your respective families. You need to concentrate on what you really feel, really want and can realistically imagine getting from each of the choices in front of you. Do not hurry your decision, but take your time and balance the more obvious advantages and disadvantages of each relationship against those of the others. Once you have decided (using both your head and heart) on who the lucky woman will be, have no regrets (easier said than done).

The Nine Of Pentacles (NOP) - The number nine is always a card of completion. The 9s in the Tarot are often regarded as some of the most powerful cards in the whole pack. They usually mean that you will eventually get whatever you are seeking. Or in your case, who you are looking for. At first glance, the NOP may seem out of place with the first two cards which I have drawn for you. This is a card about being able to spend money on yourself and work for yourself, to make a comfortable but not obscenely wealthy living (Pentacles = coins). Whatever you are seeking will ultimately be achieved through what this card represents. When you look closer, you will realise that the NOP is not out of place after all. Forming and maintaining a relationship requires you having and spending a certain amount of your hard earned cash. Note that the NOP is NOT saying that your entire life should only be about taking care of yourself financially, and developing your career, leaving no time over in reserve for having a close relationship. Again this is about keeping all aspects of your life in their proper balance and perspective with each other. Keeping everything in moderation. You can spend some money on yourself now and then, and not feel guilty for doing so. You can have your career and your relationship, at the same time. It will never be you (or her) living happily ever after, and there will always continue to be individual and shared challenges lying ahead for the both of you. My overall impression based upon these three cards is that you will ultimately find the person and the relationship which you are seeking, but patience alone will NOT be enough by itself to either get you there, or to keep you in it.

Be kind to yourself,

Brian :smt041

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Re: Akashic records reading please

Post by FrankU1982 » Sun Mar 17, 2019 5:11 am

Thank you Brian for that reading. I appreciate your time and effort.

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Re: Akashic records reading please

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Mar 17, 2019 7:41 am

You are very welcome, Frank. :)

I am always pleased to be of assistance.


Brian :smt032

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