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Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Tue Apr 16, 2019 1:43 am

The Field Of Awareness

Awareness saturates the whole of manifestation, from electrons changing their behaviour when (aware of) being observed , cells responding to (aware of) changing environments, white corpuscles attacking viruses they detect (are aware of) in the blood, moulds moving towards (when aware of) foods placed near them and so on...

It has actually been shown that the only time that electrons ever manifest as particles is when we are looking at them, otherwise they manifests as waves . It has also been shown that this coalescence into particles occurs before it is theoretically possible for any information to have passed between the observer and the observed! Thus this awareness, by the electron of being observed, is not a case of it ‘seeing’ that an observer was present, it is actually a case of the electron ‘knowing’ that the observer was present because they are part of one continuum, as is everything , and thus no information needed to be traded!

Neils Bohr showed that subatomic particles are not independent ‘things’ but were part of an indivisible system and to think of them as otherwise was meaningless . David Bohm through his experiments on plasma discovered that ‘electrons stopped behaving like individuals and started behaving as if they were part of a larger interconnected whole … resulting in entire oceans of particles each behaving as if it knew what untold trillions of others were doing.’

This is a case where ‘things’ exist in a ‘field of Awareness’ and are ‘aware’ of the behaviour of other ‘things’ in this ‘field’; not by faculties which ‘see’ these other things but by the fact of no separation in which all are the same ‘thing’ (or system)! In the same way that if you shine a laser on any part of a photographic plate, on which a holographic image has been stored, it will produce the whole holograph … even if the plate has been cut into many pieces. In this case this information (needed to produce the image) is contained at every point on the plate and, in the same way, all information is accessible at every point in the ‘system’ given above. In fact Bohm went even further and indicated that at the subquantum level, location ceased to exist! All points in space became equal to all other points in space, and it was meaningless to speak of anything as being separate from anything else. Physicists call this property ‘nonlocality’.

Quantum physicists have discovered that two particles can have their wave functions tied together, or entangled, so intimately that any action you perform on one seems to instantaneously influence the other no matter how far apart they are! This was proved by John Stewart Bell who designed a series of experiments to prove its validity and in a series of ever more accurate experiments (based on these), performed from 1972 onwards, entanglement was shown to be a reality. 'Quantum physics was indeed found to be non-local!'*

From this it can be seen that each of these entangled particles was aware of what was occurring to the other by being in the same ‘field’ of Awareness and not by information being traded between them. For, it matters not how far physically apart these entangled particles are, the effect is the same and occurs before it is physically possible for any information exchange to occur between them! ‘For physicists non-locality seems more shocking because it touches on the fundamental constituents of reality; things like space, time and causality.’* In fact this adds more evidence to my supposition that ‘Awareness Is Beyond Time and Space’ and for more on this see my article on this in The Golden Dawn Of Awakening.

This Awareness is Consciousness at rest, whilst all things are motions arising, abiding and subsiding in this; for Einstein has showed that all matter is cosmic energy (E=MC2) which is ever vibrating and thus in motion. In fact all nuclear energy is created by the destruction of matter (by converting it into energy) caused by the nuclear fusion or fission. Now all motion arises in (and from) stillness, exists in a field of stillness, and finally returns to stillness. Therefore Awareness is an omnipresent field pervading all space, and all things are of the same essence - Consciousness itself.

* New Scientist 3221 Mar 16th


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