Reading for benniedoode

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Reading for benniedoode

Post by benniedoode » Fri Apr 26, 2019 11:07 pm

Hi all.
I am new here, joined today. I hope you are all doing well x

How would I go about getting a possible reading?
Thanks in advance вќ¤

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Re: Reading for benniedoode

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Apr 27, 2019 5:07 am

Welcome to our community; Bennie! :smt045

Because you have not asked a specific question, this will necessarily be a general reading.

I would suggest that in a month or more from today that you should choose an area of your life which is of most interest and concern to you (employment, education, romance etc), to form the basis of your next reading request.

One question per reading.

Such readings are naturally more detailed (less vague), and probably of more practical help to you in solving your problems.

But a general reading is always a good place to begin, so let's go.

The Eight of Wands card in the Tarot is often associated with travel and taking quick action, in order to overcome your life challenges.

Wands are action cards. Not only do they tell us about what action would most likely be the best one for us to take, but they also look at the possible long term consequences of taking (or not taking) that action.

Everything is going right for you in most areas, and will continue to do so, but only as long as you act quickly and intelligently.

If you act quickly on an impulse (without thinking), without first using both your intelligence and intuition to guide you in the direction which is most likely to be successful, you will waste a lot of valuable time and energy, neither of which you can afford to.

You need to balance the risks involved in making your mind up as to what is the best and right course of action, against the real risks of continually putting off your decision to another day (a day which often never arrives.)

Procrastination (putting off until tomorrow what you should be doing today) could your greatest enemy here, but you do not have forever to decide what to do.

Making no decision at all, is a decision to allow other people to make the decision for you. You will probably not like what they decide you should do.

This card is also an indication that some good news is on the way.

You will need to stay alert, because the news could be disguised. It might also be a sign for you to declare your intentions. The Eight of Wands is also about communication. You need to effectively communicate your intentions to someone who is in the position to help you to reach your goals, as quickly and safely as it is humanly possible to.

Once in motion, the events will proceed rapidly forward, and soon you will see how well (or otherwise) your plans have worked.

Remain flexible in your approach.

Finally, the Eight of Wands is about a conclusion/end.

The appearance of this card in your reading could possibly mean that all activities have run their course, and are now rapidly coming to a close. It might be time to finish with your old ways of doing things, and for you to move on to new and more creative methods of achieving the same goals.

And you are to move on to something new in a place, which most likely involves you having to travel to somewhere other than where you live and work at present.

For this and several other reasons, I feel that this reading is being given to you mainly with reference to the area of your employment (job, career).

That is getting a job after being unemployed, or moving to a better job than you already have (in a place which could involve you having to travel from where you are now).

Be kind to yourself,

Brian :smt038 :smt038 :smt038

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