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Pravin Kumar
Posts: 7094
Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:08 pm
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Mon Apr 29, 2019 11:58 am

The Blame Game:

Unconsciousness is always supported by unconsciousness and because of the subtleness of this unconscious energy, this results in playing the blame game without the ability to truly look at yourself...

The Conditioned Mind supports unconsciousness and regardless of the spin that’s put on it, this energy only allows the blaming of others. I post many articles which activates many triggers for people that leads to name calling and finger pointing. All I do is post my experience, I’ve been called a “wanna be” amongst other things which doesn’t really concern me, but it does sadden me because the source of the name calling and pointing is from the unconscious energy that is destroying our society and planet. There's very little understanding of what the Conditioned Mind is so there are many that blame others along with other associated unconscious behavior. This energy has been in place since man started thinking, it's why humanity is in the dire straits that it is, but understand this isn’t life doing anything, it’s the unconscious energy that one emits out and lives by.

What is seen is seen and it matters little if it's agreed with or not. I write and that's it. Nothing is ever written to be anything. If I'm a “wanna be” so be it. If what is written doesn't resonate with you, move on. Go and latch onto someone who fits in with your conditioned behavior. There’s never a claim to be anything, there’s just writing that arises. There’s no need to blame others because the conditioning is seen for what it is, and it will be called as it is seen. There's so much energy that's not only dividing our country, but it's dividing all of humanity and although you may not agree with what is written, I will always write what arises in me, only because I have to as it is simply what’s in place...


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