Please read for me

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Please read for me

Post by vicks_libran » Thu May 30, 2019 7:30 am

Respected learned Members,

I am vikash sharma from patna bihar from INDIA and i am following this forum from since last 12 years . I got good response previously from members and that made me to come back again to this forum for my well being.

I am suffering from lots of problems like no relationship no money no job no friends. let me tell you i am from a business man family background and we were having everything as a middle class citizen.

in 1992 my factory was taken from us by our elder uncle forcefully, in 2005 we have to sell out our house to educate my younger siblings. now they are settled in thier profession but i am not.

i had a long distance relationship with a girl and it lasted for around 4 years and all of sudden she denies to marry me in 2010. afterwards i get married to a girl whom i met on internet. she is nurse and currently serving to government organization. in 2011 September i am blessed with a baby boy. but unfortunately in 2014 july my wife left me. and in august 2017 we are legally separated.

In between 2014 to 2017 i again met a girl who is a government teacher by profession but a divorcee. Somehow we get married on 22 june 2018 but during the marriage the ceremony was interrupted and we have to be separated. her family dont want me to be her husband i am not in any job or a earning person.

her family forcefully separated us. in december 2018 she tried to live with me and till 17 january 2019 we are living together as husband wife, but dont know what happened and all of sudden she left me without telling any reason.

now i dont have any job any earning or any one who is supporting me in any way.

i have lost my confident in facing interview .

Sir i would like to know will i get my love my wife back in my life or not. when i will get my job or earning source. please help me as i am getting low confidence and sometimes i think to kill myself. i am worthless as no one care for me, i use to do all house works for my beloved but this world tought me that without money thier is no importance of love .

my birth detail
DATE OF BIRTH : 29 September 1979

I beg all learned members to kindly help me all the way and let me know when i will be able to earn my bread. will i make my home and property of my own. will i be able to take care of my family and will my wife come back to me. kindly predict.

Lot of thanks ...

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Re: Please read for me

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri May 31, 2019 1:32 am

Hello VL,


Many of the people who request a reading on this forum feel sad and depressed about the future, and have almost zero self confidence.

Life can often be challenging, to both our courage and core beliefs about ourselves.

I do not need to be particularly psychic to recognise that you have experienced more and a wider range of challenges, than what might be seen as the average.

But as soon as someone says sometimes i think to kill myself it is our policy on Mystic Board NOT to give that person a reading.

Instead we gently direct our friend towards receiving professional assistance, on websites such as

A psychic reading is NEVER to be used in place of getting professional (including medical) help.

Also when a person is so depressed that they are even considering suicide (without necessarily planning how and when to do it), anything which the reader could say will be instantly twisted by a disturbed mind into meaning something completely different from what it was intended to communicate.

But if I instead view your "take my own life" statement more as calling out for the type of help which a psychic reading can give you than what you are planning, then I would be pleased to be of what help I feel able to offer you.

If I am going to give you this reading, it would be based upon the question which follows. Since it is your severely damaged self confidence that I believe is at the heart of your problems, in you being able to cope with so many of your current life challenges.

I am NOT a fortune teller, or someone who can accurately and reliably predict what your future will turn out to be.

But I can predict with some degree of certainty that if you do not do something different and much more positive than what you are already doing soon, things will not get any better. The present moment is your only true point of personal power, to change your future for the better.


Because of the sheer complexity of your many problems, I cannot promise that anything useful will come out of this reading.

Some of them inevitably involve the laws of your country, which could be very different to Australian law. For this reason alone, I will not be taking sides either for or against you.

Do you still wish me to go ahead and give you this reading, using the above question?



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Re: Please read for me

Post by vicks_libran » Tue Jun 04, 2019 1:56 am

Thanks for your reply and concern.
EOT it's u who game me path 10 years back to fight with my challenging life and I stood again and again just coz of u and ur unbiased support.

I request into kindly give a reading for me. I promise I will take everything positively and will do the good things to me and my life. I am just curious to know when I will get back on my own bones.

I am in search of light, just show me that .


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Re: Please read for me

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jun 05, 2019 5:15 am

We are taught that it can be dangerous to measure your self worth by other people's opinions of you, or through your external situation.

But that having been said, we are all guilty of doing exactly that, at least at some time in our lives, and to some varying degree.

Our culture and upbringing condition us to want to please all people, all of the time.

So instead of being true to ourselves and following our dreams, we are constantly trying instead to be the type of person who other people will find acceptable.

You can easily lose or forget who you really are and what your dreams were, when living someone else's dream, or being a pale copy of someone else who you might look up to as being "perfect".

So your reading is telling me that for you to be better able to face your life's many challenges now and in the future and develop greater feelings of self worth and self confidence, you must learn to slowly but surely DISCONNECT other people's opinions and your external situation from how you measure both your self worth and self confidence (which are not the same thing as each other).

I immediately recognise that this is always easier for me to tell you, than for you to do it.

But without this DISCONNECTION process, any practical advice any reading/reader could offer you, has nothing to build upon.


It is not selfish to sometimes put your own needs before the needs of others. Have your younger siblings whose education was only made possible by you selling your home during 2005 ever returned the great favour you made for their good, either in the way of money, or through other means of support? Did you ask them for any support? Or don't you think that you deserve their support? Are you unconsciously sending out mixed signals to them that you can manage without their support?

With so many different relationships being ended by the woman herself (or her family), you must be at the very least sending out unconscious signals to the next woman you meet that you fully expect her to eventually do the same.

Once again your feelings of low self worth and in turn low self confidence are working against you having any long term relationship/marriage through your body language and ways of speaking and most likely criticising and punishing yourself. You could be without mercy or compassion punishing yourself for many things which you had no control over, or responsibility for.

These signals would be easily picked up on by both prospective employers, and potential life partners. Other people tend to agree with our own assessment of ourselves. If we keep sending out signals to them that we believe that we are worthless, and because of this we expect that they will eventually leave us for that reason alone, then why should we be surprised when it happens?

You are still grieving for the relatively recent "death" of your marriage to the love of your life. One of the first symptoms of grief is DENIAL. If you cannot recognise that her family has such a strong hold or power over her, that they have forcefully separated you twice not once, then you are denying the obvious reality of that situation.

You are scattering and therefore wasting too much of your limited life energy and other resources worrying about the past and future, and not staying enough in the present moment.

If you do not properly care about yourself for a pleasant change and take better care of your health (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual), then all of which or whom you are seeking will forever and increasingly be placed out of your reach.

Instead of listening so often to other people's opinions of you and attempting often with limited success to be someone whom your are clearly not, try the following.

Your self worth has already been measured by your creator as being indispensable and of infinitely great value to the world and all life forms.

Therefore draw more upon the strengths of your own spirit, in order to encourage and inspire you to keep moving ever forward, on the road ahead.

Be certain not to forget to ask your higher power for assistance, as it is always waiting patiently for you to give it the opportunity to help you to get through anything which appears to stand in your way.

But this higher power often prefers to help those of us who are willing to do whatever we practically can to help ourselves. So prayer and meditation by themselves, will never be enough.

Your higher power can work with (or through) you or other people, but was never meant to completely replace a doctor, counselor or career guidance officer. Or for that matter, a judge or police officer. As also applies to any other local official or person in a position of authority, who might be able to help you with your challenges.

Love and Light,

Brian :smt023

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