Can I have a general tarot reading from cedars please, as the last one worked really well :-)

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Can I have a general tarot reading from cedars please, as the last one worked really well :-)

Post by stephybabes92 » Sat Aug 13, 2016 7:11 pm

Hi Cedars,

I would really appreciate a tarot reading from you if and when you have time?  please :-) the last one was awesome.

Like last time I have no specific question, I just want to see if the cards have anything to tell me.

Steph xx

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Post by cedars » Sun Aug 14, 2016 8:50 am

I will be happy to do so Steph within the next 24 hours, as I am doing some PC reformatting today. If I am late, the PC will be the reason.

Have a good day.

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Post by cedars » Sun Aug 14, 2016 10:42 am

Hello Steph

I decided to go ahead with your reading today :)

As  with your previous one, I asked the cards what is most pertinent in your present situation now which you may or may not be aware of.
Am using the Rider Waite deck.

Seven of Swords:
The minute I saw this card I felt something is being robbed off you; whether material, emotional or energetic I am not quite sure. Whilst this card is known as the ‘thief’ card in general tarot terms, where a man is running away from the scene of a festival or a fete, carrying five swords and leaving two behind standing upright. He is looking back to see if he can grab the other two swords or if someone is following him. This card also gives me the feeling that if you are being taken advantage of, perhaps it is best to run away, turn your back, cut your losses and salvage whatever you can. Don’t worry if other minor issues are left behind (the two swords) and just get away first and take stock of your losses and regroup.

Ace of Pentacles:
We have this card again on this reading for you.
This is the card of new beginnings, a gift from the Universe in the areas of finance, job opportunities and all things material that one needs in life. It could herald the start of a new employment; promotion, financial rewards, inheritance, a new path leading to a material prosperity.  Has anything of this sort happened to you since your last reading?

This is a Major Arcana card and it does not refer to the physical demise. This card is telling me that a change is imminent in your life – whether you like it or not. Unless this change comes about – and it helps if you are also willing to embrace it – then there will not be a new chapter in your life writing off the past and starting a clean, new slate. Closing of old chapters can sometimes be painful, but they are necessary if we are going to embrace a new one.

Five of Pentacles: looks like some hard times are ahead despite the Ace of Pentacles. Being number 5, this is not the ultimate conclusion, but just a passing phase. Distress, loss of faith in the universe, giving in to depression and dis-ease and disappointment are all indications of this card where we see a young boy supported by crutches along with what seems like his mother next to him, walking through the snow with difficulty whilst passing a church with its stained glasses above their head. When the stakes are down, we tend to lose faith in the great power and – as this card is related to the No 5 Major Arcana card, The Hierophant – it is good to remember to have faith and rely on convention and the higher powers than us.

I picked an Advice card for you to conclude your reading:
This is a beautiful Major Arcana card which shows the archangel standing one foot in water and the other one on soil, mixing (blending) water in two cups thus creating a state of moderation and healing. The Temperance is generally considered as the healing card, but it also tells us about moderation between the physical and the spiritual realms of our beings. Once we find that fine balance and equilibrium, both body and soul will be in a state of healing and in tune with our surroundings.

I hope this reading resonated with you Steph and I wish you all the best.

Much blessings.

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Post by stephybabes92 » Sat Aug 20, 2016 5:48 pm

Hi Cedars,

Thankyou so much for doing the reading. Again, it highly resonated with me apart from the ace of pentacles card. In reference to your question about if i have received any promotion or reward or new job or inheritance; no, nothing has happened in that area. It is interesting that it has came up twice now in the last few months.

I hope the five of pentacles is just a reflection of my mind's thoughts on certain issues, rather than a new hardship.

But life is always up and down :-)

Thankyou once again xx

PS: Sorry it took me so long to get back to you!

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Post by cedars » Sun Aug 21, 2016 2:29 pm

Thank you for your feedback Stephy..

As for the Ace of Pentacles, may be it is yet to be revealed?

Do let us know please.

All the best!

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Post by stephybabes92 » Sun Aug 21, 2016 8:45 pm

I really do appreciate it, and I hope all of the readers on here feel appreciated as it is so admirable that you all consistently give your time and energy to people you don't even know on this website to help them make sense of their situations. xxx

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Re: Can I have a general tarot reading from cedars please, as the last one worked really well :-)

Post by stephybabes92 » Fri Jul 23, 2021 12:36 pm

Hello :-)
Well, it has been FIVE YEARS. !!!
I keep coming back to this site every few years. I'm 29 now. And I can honestly say, both me and my life have changed so much.
The ace of pentacles now makes sense, in this time frame of 5 years.
My career is exactly where I want it to be now. This has been caused by a few things. Merit, growing/developing/learning, hard work, loyalty and also a change (or clarification) in my desires - I fine-tuned/really thought about what I actually wanted from the world of work. I am satisfied :) I am comfortable. I am much happier.
The 5 of swords also makes sense. At the time of the reading, 5 years ago, I had been robbed of my old life. Uprooted and moved to the other end of the country. I had "lost" my so-called friends. I "lost" everything. But the truth was that none of it was making me happy. None of it was genuine. My friends were not there because they liked me for me - but rather, they found it easy to take advantage of me because I lacked an identity and I was whoever you wanted me to be.
And so here we are. Wow.

If we go back even further, to the tarot readings Brian had given me years prior to the above reading...the 8 of swords would repeatedly show up. And that was indeed my reality for so long.

I still hold a lot of trauma from these experiences. But my awareness has grown massively. I have grown massively! In both mental/spiritual development and waist size, LOL. JK, I've always been big in that way. But health to me is not just about waist size, I used to think it was. That was what I associated with health. Salads and runners. Ugh lol. But health is so much more than that. It is holistic, as I'm sure you all know. It took me a while to realise, lol. So I'm here with the waist size still being too big, but everything else feels...healthier.

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