A Question on depression

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A Question on depression

Post by swetha » Wed Jul 13, 2005 5:21 am

hello guys,
I had a question,
can astrology and related sciences predict to people that they may suffer frm depression, health disorders( what kind of health prbs can be predicted ?
just a thought that came to my mind:)

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Post by Raven » Wed Jul 13, 2005 11:06 am

I think this is a question whcih you will have several answers. I can see alot of things for health and body related stuff including depression. I can scan a person so to speak, and see areas and problems that need tending. I am also able to fix those problems as long as spirit allows it. Sometimes people get sickness and problems in order for them to learn a lesson or to see what is happening. You always have to remember to have permission before doing anything because you don't and shouldn't mess with free will. When I first started doing this or realized I had this I healed a couple of horses on a ranch I volunteered at. At first I didn't realize I had done it, it was just something that happened. Then a friend's little dog ran into a car, yes she ran into the car, and the vet told my friend the dog would not make it through the night. She called me and asked if I would try. I went to her place, because she wanted her dog at home with her, and worked with her dog for about 2 hours. The dog had internal damage, had severly damaged one side of her head including her eye and had broken bones. The next morning when I went back to check and see how they were doing, the dog was like nothing had happened, there had been no accident, she was running and jumping and playing. She was taken to the vet to make sure and he couldn't believe it, the x rays and things from the day before showed all the injuries, but they were all gone, not a sign of any of them.

I have saved alot of people from having surgery because the doctors were looking in the wrong areas for the problems and when they went to the doctor and suggested they check here the problems were fixed. It is quite amazing when these things happen and I thank the powers that be that I am able to do these things. I can't do it for everyone, as I said before some need the problems in order to see or learn, and some just don't allow you to. It is always what is for the higher good.

Not sure if this gives you an answer or not, I think I mostly just rambled.


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Post by Abhishek » Wed Jul 13, 2005 11:16 am

Hey Raven,

Maybe you can help me. I read someplace you dont really want to know whats up or the areas affects ... both mentally and phycially.... and i think both Swetha and me need a lot of help right now.

maybe you can see understand and help us.


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Post by Raven » Wed Jul 13, 2005 11:22 am

I will see what I can get....let you know later today

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Post by Abhishek » Wed Jul 13, 2005 2:18 pm

Thanks a million :)

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Post by swetha » Wed Jul 13, 2005 2:58 pm

hi Raven,
thats true. wud love to have u help. posting a request for ur reading in the psychics section.

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Post by coolguy » Fri Jul 15, 2005 10:13 am

how wud u define depression as? is it a state if mind that can be reversed or something that u have to face at times? what causes it?
how do u prevent it?

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Post by Deborah » Fri Jul 15, 2005 6:21 pm

Everyone gets sad or loses interest in things from time to time. With clinical depression (also called major depressive disorder and depression), these feelings can last for weeks, months and even years. It's a medical condition that, like other diseases, can be treated. The key is seeking help.

Two-thirds of people with depression don't get treated¹ because they don't realize it is an illness that usually won't go away on its own. Some feel ashamed that they can't just "snap out of it." Others worry that family, friends and coworkers would treat them differently if they knew.

Depression can include a wide range of emotional and physical symptoms that vary from person to person. Doctors think that many different factors can trigger depression, from external events to physical changes in the body. These factors make it challenging to recognize the symptoms in yourself or a loved one and to seek help.

Which one of these statements could signal depression?
"I feel sad all the time."
"I just don't feel like myself."
"I don't enjoy being with my friends or doing any of the things I usually love to do."
"I feel completely overwhelmed by my life. I can't see a way out."
"I've been having a lot of trouble sleeping lately."
"I keep having aches and pains, and my doctor doesn't know why."

Answer: All of the above.
Depression is not just a temporary mood, and it's not a sign of personal weakness. People with depression can experience a variety of emotional and physical symptoms.

For some people, it's a matter of feeling sad, overwhelmed, or stressed out. For others, aches, pains, fatigue and other physical problems are part of their depression too. In fact, research suggests that about two-thirds of people diagnosed with depression talk to their family doctors first about physical symptoms.¹

Linked to Serotonin and Norepinephrine
Many researchers believe depression is caused by an imbalance of naturally occurring chemicals, serotonin and norepinephrine, in the brain and the body. In the brain, these two chemicals are thought to be associated with mood. These same chemicals are thought to be associated with regulating and reducing feelings of pain that come from the body.

Experts believe that if these chemicals are out of balance, the effect can be felt in both the brain and body. You can feel both the emotional and painful physical symptoms of depression.

Family history may be important
People with a family history of depression may be more likely to get the disease, but anyone can become depressed. Sometimes the triggers are external – for example, relationship troubles or financial problems. At other times the disease may begin with physical illness or hormonal shifts. Depression also may occur without any identifiable trigger at all.

Seek help
Many people suffer in silence while depression slowly eats away at their quality of life. Some are ashamed or afraid to seek help; others try to downplay the severity of their symptoms. It's important to remember, depression isn't something that's "all in your head."

Learn about symptoms and causes of depression.

A note about suicidal thoughts
Not everyone with depression thinks about death or suicide, but it's important to take such thoughts seriously. If you feel like giving up or as if you might hurt yourself, get help immediately:
Call your doctor
Go to the emergency room
Call 911
Call the national hotline, 1-800-SUICIDE [1-800-784-2433]

My mother is a manic depressive..For years I did not understand why she was so mean and hateful to me ...I now understand but ..i find it hard to let go of the hurtful things she has done to me and still trys to do to me.

Hope this helps!

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Post by seema » Fri Jul 15, 2005 8:45 pm

thanks deborah,
i personally feel that depression is more dangerous than any physical disease. i have a question: how is one supposed to know that he is suffering frm depression and needs treatment???
sometimes i feel i am suffering... but am not sure since i dont really know what depression is all about. i do all the stuff that i have to even if i dont feel like it and life goes on as normal.

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Post by cltncblondeeagle » Fri Jul 15, 2005 9:46 pm

coolguy wrote:how wud u define depression as? is it a state if mind that can be reversed or something that u have to face at times? what causes it?
how do u prevent it?
In Victorian times it was called meloncholy, neither happy or sad. As someone who lives with depression it cant be prevent and sometimes may even run in families. Some scietensists think shock therapy can reverse it or at least tone the syptoms down but the side effect is lost of some memory. It is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain and that chemical being seritonian. You cant really face it you just learn to tolerate, live and cope with it. I am hoping that I can talk my shrink into letting me try a more natural approach to dealing with my depression. I am on generic prozac and I feel like it is making me misserable with some of the side effects. I would much rather be taking St John's Wart or vitiamn B-12 instead.

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down in the dumps vs getting help

Post by Deborah » Fri Jul 15, 2005 10:40 pm

I think we all hit a low ..but its when that low dont leave when we find ourself feeling down and out and feelings of undesireable then we need help ...

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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sat Jul 16, 2005 9:23 am

Dear Friends,

Depression is indicated in the palms by a disturbance above the heart line and below the Saturn Finger. A cross on this mount or even a horizontal line cutting this area could indicate depression and this should be accompanied by a sloping head line going towards Mount of Lunar. A person feels has very low spirits and feels the whole world is against him/her and if there are no positive signs to control this depression then suicide seeems certain with some other indications. I have often this in so many hands and it is a very common occurance. I find it in many hands. A strong thumb and a good palm helps a person come out of it. Even a small horizontal influence line on upper mars at the palmar surface adds to the depression.

Pravin Kumar.

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