
Learn about the influence on your life of the planetary positions, and their placement in the various astrological houses.

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Post by swetha » Thu May 19, 2005 5:21 am


The Moon in your birth chart shows your more spontaneous reactions, what you instinctively seek for a feeling of safety or flee from to avoid a sense of insecurity, in contrast with the Sun, which shows your goal or purpose in life. The Moon in astrology stands for the unconscious in contrast with the conscious, the female rather the male, the emotions rather than the intellect. Just as the Moon without the Sun can show an aimless life bound up with what is felt to be necessary for security, so the Sun without the Moon can show a relentlessly purposeful life pursued solely by the conscious part of one's being without recourse to the great riches of the unconscious.

The Moon waxes and wanes. It was regarded in the ancient world as both treacherous, because the light it provided at night would not last, and as reliable in that it corresponded with the rhythms of life. The Moon phase can correspond with personality types. If you were born just after New Moon, and if other chart factors agree, you may show the Aries characteristics of impulsiveness, seeking to impress yourself on life and on others. If you were born just after Full Moon, the qualities of Libra may show, with concern about how your actions affect others, especially those with whom you are in particular relationships.

Your Moon sign, together with the relationship of the Moon to other planets, will show where you seek security. In Taurus, for instance, this will be physical security, money in the bank, possessions, with good food making you feel good. In Gemini, it will be interaction with others, conversation, knowledge, information gathering without much thought as to whether or not the information is useful (that would be the concern of the Sun).

As reflector of the Sun's light, the Moon can show where you reflect back to the world with motherly concern what you achieve through pursuit of your purpose as shown by the Sun.
Last edited by swetha on Sun May 29, 2005 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by swetha » Thu May 19, 2005 7:39 am

Rules over -Cancer

Day - Monday

Colors - Silver, Green and white

Health - Moon rules the brain, stomach, glands, breasts, left eye in males, right eye in females, bowel, thymus gland, menstrual cycle, depression, obesity, headache, posture.

The Moon is the nearest celestial neighbor to the earth. The distance from the Earth to the Moon is roughly about 240, 000 miles. The radius of Moon is about 1080 miles. The orbit of the Moon around the earth is not circular but elliptical. Moon moves round the Earth from the West to the East with reference to the fixed stars by 13.2 deg.

The Moon is the fastest moving of the planets. It takes about two and a half days to travel through one sign and 28 days to complete the entire zodiac.One movement of the Moon through the zodiac is called as sidereal month. To be precise it is 27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes and 11.5 seconds.

Sometimes Moon has the same longitude as the Sun and Moon is said to be in conjunction and is called New Moon. When the separation from Sun is 180 deg is said to be in opposition and is called Full Moon. The interval between these two phases is called Synodic month or Lunation.

In some forms of astrology, mostly ancient methods like the Indian system of Astrology , the moon sign is given more weightage and importance than the Sun sign. The influence of Moon is more prominent in children's charts and as we grow up the other planetary influences take precedence.

Moon's energy is emotional, responsive and reactionary. It can sometimes be oversensitive and lacking in control. The moon rules desire as opposed to ego, need as opposed to reason. It describes how you feel about yourself, how you handle relationships, and how you emotionally respond to situations and experiences. It describes the flow of your daily functions -physical, emotional, and mental.

The Moon represents your residence and domestic environment. It rules babies and young children, your mother and other important females in ones life. The Moon signifies softness, charming eyes, steady mind, generosity, menses, infants, love, pleasures, breasts, family life, beauty, watery places and passions.

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