can someone help me out?

Learn about the influence on your life of the planetary positions, and their placement in the various astrological houses.

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can someone help me out?

Post by mbs730 » Tue Jul 12, 2005 9:29 pm

I have to apologize, I haven't been able to do anything for anyone lately. I have been sooo busy but I know there were some requests. But I am wondering if someone can help interpret this for me. This friend of mine has a very difficult chart to interpret with a grand cross and yod, its no wonder. She is very sick with an autoimmune liver disease, and has suffered for a while with a lot of other things. A sweet and intuitive person she is, but also unstable in so many ways. Her DOB is December 12, 1973 at 2:47 am, in New York City. That is the birth info I got from her. Let me know what you see, because this will help me learn about how to interpret charts like these too! Thanks


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Post by Abhishek » Tue Jul 12, 2005 9:42 pm

i will try to get the attention of Mr. Tolson for you... he maybe able to help.


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Post by Benevolentwizard » Tue Jul 12, 2005 9:48 pm


I too have plans to begin trying to handle some of the reading requests. However, I just signed a lease on a new house and am in the middle of moving so it may be a couple weeks before I can devote the time and energy. For the waiting I can only say be patient.


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Post by Abhishek » Tue Jul 12, 2005 10:39 pm

thank you so very much Ben. It is becuase of members like yourself that this board has become the palce it is today :)

Thank you again,


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For Miriam --

Post by morton tolson » Wed Jul 13, 2005 7:44 am

Dear Miriam --

Your friend’s natal Sun is at 20 degrees of Sagittarius, and the planet Pluto, now at 22 degrees of Sagittarius, has been transiting your friend’s Sun for the past two years. In other words: its influence is now waning.

This is a fairly rare transit, and only occurs every 247 years. Its effects on individuals can be widespread, dramatic and last a long time after the transit; the person is changed forever. And, the transit can act on different people in different ways. In your friend‘s case. It IS a life and death matter. She must let go of all that she has been and be willing to make (accept) a TOTAL transformation of herself – as I will try to explain later.

Secondly, Pluto is transiting her second house of personal resources, and – since she is a Sagittarian, with Mercury, Neptune and the Sun all in Sagittarius, this has been a very long series of the firing up OF ALL OF HER SPIRITUAL RESOURCES.

(By way of further explanation, on Life and Death matters: a Scorpio friend of mine died a couple of years back, when Uranus was squaring her natal Sun. She absolutely could NOT change as Life wished for her.

And this change that LIFE asks of your friend, involving Pluto, is much more challenging than Uranus involves. First, the change in your friend’s persona is like a death followed by a rebirth. And since Sagittarius IS a mutable sign (and closest to God), she really should be able to LET GO of all her ideas on who she is, and get with the changes).

Her natal Pluto is in her 12th house, of the past – working there to clean up and change old memory records that are outworn and useless for what Life now expects of her Sons and Daughters. Your friend’s Moon and Saturn, fortunately are in Cancer, in the 12th house of Jupiter (ruler of Sagittarius). Further, Saturn as her most elevated planet, will surely show her the way. But for now, she must concentrate on surviving, and allowing Life to show her the Immediate Way.


She is a third decanate Sagittarian, so what she is working on (for this lifetime) is the Kingdom of Earth, but in the World of Fire. And while Life may bring her a clear decision on some final Spiritual Path at a later time, for now here are some thoughts that will help your friend to see her Way at this critical point of change:

Her physical body and her constitution are focal points of all energies in the world. She should think of herself, then, as being nothing but POINTS OF LIGHT, and of her body becoming attuned so it can hold these points in service of Life Itself.

She should think of herself as the fulfillment of some specific task that LIFE will soon ask from her, and it would help her to say – everyday, and then to hold this thought: ‘I am a center of expression for the Primal Will to Good which continually creates and sustains the Universe.’

Also, at every moment, in the back of her mind – like a mantra, should echo the realization that she (her body) is a temple for the most High; and she is ONE with the One Self of the Universe.

The ancient Rosicrucians (of Fama fame) called her assignment the ‘Zelator’ – or zealous student. Her goal during this lifetime is to SEE INTO all things and all people, and being ‘zealous’ means that THIS burning desire to SEE this in this Manner is what drives her!

She must also be willing to give up all she has learned, and to accept and trust the great LOVE that comes to her. The source of all this Love is the angel Michael, the angel of the Sun – or so say the Cabalists. And I would seriously recommend she get a Rider (Waite) Tarot deck and keep Key 14, Temperance, on her altar. This Key represents Sagittarius and the Angel of the Sun or Michael.

Michael will eventually do all things for her, as she learns to trust Him and comes to see that His TESTS have really TEMPERED her and made her stronger. Astrologically there is a particular connection between Michael and her Mercury in Sagittarius. (Incidentally, her Mercury is in Sagittarius and tightly conjunct her Neptune).

I do not know the spiritual leanings of your friend, but the Cabala is also tightly related to Yoga as taught by Pantajali; but I have cast this in Cabalistic terms, and after your friend survives this period of travail – and establishes herself as a spiritual expression for life, then is the time for any further changes.

And, by that time, she will KNOW which Path is best for her. When she is ready, LIFE will tell her.




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Post by mbs730 » Wed Jul 13, 2005 7:29 pm

Shantana, thank you!! That was VERY interesting. You must have sensed that she is a Wiccan because that is what she is. She actually converted to Wicca from Christianity when she was in her late teens. But being sick so much over the least several years, and she has an illness that can't be cured, just treated.... she feels she has lost her spirit. I can't say I blame her. She told me she has tried to stay strong but now she is tired. I will give her your advice. Thanks once again. This must be a karmic deal for having to live with this. With a grand cross and a yod in her chart. I think that is what threw me more than anything. Thank you


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Wicca Meets Ally

Post by morton tolson » Wed Jul 13, 2005 8:41 pm

Hi --

I do not believe that either you nor I can predict your friend's future. The powes involved are beyond the limits of science or reason. And if we do not believe that LIFE is bigger than we are, then why do we play with astrology?

I just remembered an illustration I made some years back for an article on Shamanism. But it also works well for Wiccas.

This shows your friend, still carrying her Shadow (the rag doll) with her, and she has just discovered that her Ally is none other than her own true self!

Is it an accident that Key7 of the Tarot, which shows the One Self in the vehicle (the Chariot) of our body) happens to represent the Sign of Cancer? You friend has her Moon and Saturn in Cancer, and Saturn is her most elevated planet! (To understand that, take a look at Key 21, The World, sometime).

Your friend has the Ally working for her now. That is what the Pluto transfer tells us.

Anything can happen.



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Post by mbs730 » Wed Jul 13, 2005 8:51 pm

Thanks so much. Actually, since you are very knowledgable and helpful, maybe you can help me too. All my life I have felt like... no one really took me seriously. I feel as if people have been only interested in being a friend of mine to gain something from me. Like a favor or something. I admit, I have so much crap of my own to deal with. I have issues of letting go and I KNOW I need to let go. I get into such funks sometimes, moods I mean. I mean my issues, biggest issue right now is that I have a hard time dealing with anyone who is going to be judgemental towards me for something they have no right to judge. I try to be so nice, caring and have gone out of my way doing things for others. Some people I know genuinely like me for who I am but the majority just use me for what I am good for and want nothing to do with me other than that. I mean am I reading into it too much? Or is this really happening? Tell me what I NEED to do once and for all to stop this. I can't go all my life without trusting people. There needs to be a balance between trusting and being leary. Because of being hurt so much in the past, I am leary unless I know I won't get hurt. My DOB is July 30, 1975 and my time of birth is 6:05pm in Toronto Ontario Canada


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Post by Abhishek » Wed Jul 13, 2005 9:09 pm

mbs730 wrote:All my life I have felt like... no one really took me seriously. I feel as if people have been only interested in being a friend of mine to gain something from me. Like a favor or something
i feel quite the same way... infact just today when swetha and me were having dinner i said almost the exact same words to her. if i have any regrets in life ... its being to casual about stuff and often not being taken as seriously as i would like to be taken.

i always knew there a a reason for everything... look at this... many a times i send people threads url via that they might miss and i called Mr. Tolson's attention to this thread.... and now see where its heading towards... :)


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Post by mbs730 » Wed Jul 13, 2005 9:14 pm

Abhishek, I appreciate the work that you and Swetha have done for this board. I apologize for not being around too much. I know I promised a few people some readings, but things have been crazy. But I want to thank you for putting this amazing place together.


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Post by swetha » Wed Jul 13, 2005 9:56 pm

hi Miriam,
u dont have to be sorry for anything:))
come one... we are here for each other right?
u know, sometimes when i am down or feeling bad, this forum really gets me back on my feet.
just wanted to tell u... ur words are similar to what i heard frm abhishek 5 hrs ago. i swear! exactly the same. he is going thru a rough phase too.
and btw his birthday is on Aug1, 1975, just the 2nd day after urs... coincidence:)
u take care

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Post by mbs730 » Wed Jul 13, 2005 10:38 pm

Yes I am not surprised Swetha. He is also ending his Saturn return. It forces us to put things into perspective and to basically wake up, and this time helps us grow. Its a hard time for a lot of us to handle but... from what I hear we feel much better once we get through it. Besides, having Saturn in Cancer can make you insecure in many ways. Its a rough sign to have Saturn in.


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Post by Abhishek » Wed Jul 13, 2005 11:28 pm

swetha wrote:u dont have to be sorry for anything:)) come one... we are here for each other right?
i'll second that! YOU DONT HAVE TO BE SORRY ABOUT ANYTHING. you got a life other than this board too as do other people... we only made this board as place where we can everyone can help everyone else. just small way to give back some.


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Post by Raven » Thu Jul 14, 2005 12:22 am

mbs730 wrote:
All my life I have felt like... no one really took me seriously. I feel as if people have been only interested in being a friend of mine to gain something from me. Like a favor or something

Unfortunately that is what most people are like, they don't realize that is what they are doing but some that is all they do. You have to look at it as someone that has come into your life for a reason, could be to show you that you are being used by others, sometimes too many others, but in itself its a lesson, be thankful for what they have given or shown you and release them to themselves. Sometimes we need to protect ourselves from those that suck our energy an duse us or drag us to their level. Each and every person who comes into your life is there for a reason. What reason is for you to decide.

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Post by Abhishek » Thu Jul 14, 2005 1:04 am

i guess you are right!

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