Intercepted Houses

Learn about the influence on your life of the planetary positions, and their placement in the various astrological houses.

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Intercepted Houses

Post by Benevolentwizard » Fri Jul 01, 2005 12:46 pm


  OK, this post is for the more experienced astrologers out there. Among the various schools of thought in astrology is the significant’s of Intercepted Houses. For those who do not know what this means, other than charts than charts that use the Equal House system, charts will have houses larger than 30 degrees. This means that sometimes a whole sign will be contained within a single house. This is referred to as an Intercepted house. One of the common interpretations of this is some sort of Karmic influence. Now I am not a big fan of Karmic influence but putting aside my questions about karma for a moment, lets look at the purely mechanical nature of intercepted houses.

  One reason we use different house systems rather than simple equal houses is because that the higher the latitude you are on the earth, the farther you can see the along the zodiac around the curve of the earth. Because of this not all houses are of equal size. With this, the higher the latitude the more likely you will be to have an intercepted house in a chart. To illustrate this I did some research with the charts I have stored on my computer. Since I have a lot of charts it took a few days to do but here is how it came out.

  I currently have 1456 charts on my computer.  I classed charts into 5 groups; below 30 degrees; 30 to 40 degrees; 40 to 50 degrees; 50 to 60 degrees; above 60 degrees. This applies to charts with both north and south latitudes. Here is how things broke down.

Below 30 degrees: 216 charts of which 3 had intercepted houses. This represents just over 1%.

30 to 40 degrees: 541 charts of which 52 had intercepted houses. This represents about 10%.

40 to 50 degrees: 527 charts of which 146 had intercepted houses. This equal about 30%.

50 to 60 degrees: 219 charts of which 159 had intercepted houses. This is over 60%

Above 60 degrees: 53 charts all of which had intercepted houses.

* All house cusps are arranged with the opposite cusp being 180 degrees apart so the 1st and 7th houses are exactly opposite. The 2nd and 8th, are paired and so on, thus intercepted houses come in pairs. Above 54 degrees I started finding charts with 4 intercepted houses.

  Now here is my biggest problem. If there is a karmic link between intercepted houses and life lessons, does that mean that those who at higher latitudes have more life lessons than those who live at lower latitudes? Is there some cosmic punishment to being born in Norway or Alaska? Anyone have a thought on this?


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Post by mbs730 » Sat Jul 16, 2005 2:34 am

I know about duplicate houses and intercepted houses. Mine is 1 and 7, Capricorn and Cancer. And so true, I have a hard time actually GETTING to something, but I talk about it very nicely, yak yak yak. Influence of Sag and Gemini, especially they are in duplicate houses too. But this is all I am going to say. I believe there is a reason for EVERYTHING! And what system do you use if someone was born north of the Arctic or south of the Antarctic circle? Just equal?


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