Raven: request for health reading

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Raven: request for health reading

Post by swetha » Wed Jul 13, 2005 3:15 pm

hello Raven,
cud u give me and Abhishek a reading on our physical and mental health?

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Post by swetha » Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:03 am

hello Raven
u seem to have disappeared... waiting for u to read for me:)

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Post by stephanie » Wed Jul 20, 2005 8:10 am

I just posted for Abishek in another topic here about his energy.

So here is your energy reading: Overall your chakras are in good shape but your third and fourth chakras are a little low (not too low, just a little). Thrid is the solar plexus (upper abdomen area) and 4th is the heart chakra (center of chest). If you are asking about physical ailments this could possibly correspond with ailments in those areas of the body. Digestion, possibly.

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Post by Abhishek » Wed Jul 20, 2005 8:35 am

forund my reading here... http://www.MysticBoard.com/viewtopic.ph ... highlight=

i have asked some questions more on that thread.


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Post by swetha » Wed Jul 20, 2005 12:10 pm

hi stephanie,
thanks.. i seem to b suffering frm digestion prbs lately.
cud u tell me something about mental ailments like depression etc?

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Post by Raven » Thu Jul 21, 2005 3:12 pm

Swetha, I posted a reply in your PM

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Raven's reading for Swetha

Post by swetha » Fri Jul 22, 2005 6:58 am

Hi, sorry I haven't got back to you in awhile, I see you got a response to your health reading request.

Here is what I am seeing and you can post this if you wish but that is your choice.

I feel that you and abh are holding alot of things inside, things you may have thought you released after dealing with but you haven't, you are just burying them inside you. Holding on to the hurt and disappointment I see you being the worst at holding things. Abh releases part but not all. Its like maybe you will need to feel that hurt in the future to get through something else, if you understand that. You need to cleanse your spirit and your aura, even though Steph says your chakras are good these can still be affected. This is what I feel is causing the staleness or depression that you are feeling, these buried feelings are holding you down. Giving you an excuse not to go forward and accept what is waiting for you. You need to love yourself before you can go on and to do this you need to release all of the stuff you are holding. Find all these things, all the hurts and disappointments look at them and find something good that has happened because of it. For example, my mom died a few years ago, I was down for along time and couldn't deal with it. Then a friend asked me what she did for me by not fighting her illness anymore. It took some time but I realized that she gave me my freedom to move forward because I would not have to worry about her and how she was because now she was happy and safe. Once I realized that I was able to let go and move on. These are the things that hold us, that make us sad and make us depressed and they build as we allow them to go one. Grabbing at anything negative and adding to what we feel already. This I feel is what is happening with both of you. You need to cleanse your heart and open it to new things.

One way you may be able to do this or start the process is by imagining yourself in a large bubble of white light, allow the white light to enter every part of your being, watch the light enter and watch for any darker areas that might show up, I am seeing 4 in you and 5 possibly 6 is Abh. I also see a collar around each of your necks. This collar is a tie to someone or something that is controlling you, While you are in this bubble cut this collar and let it go, you can do this with any item really whatever feels right to you. Imagine holding the collar out so you don't cut yourself and then cut it, throw it to the heavens. With the black spots, ask the angels and the light to help disperse them. You should feel the release of these items and the collar.

So that is what I see, let me know if you have any questions or I can help.


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Post by swetha » Fri Jul 22, 2005 7:08 am

hi Raven,
Thanks for the reading.
I understand what u r saying. But dear, how do i release the stuff i am holding inside me. I am trying my level best to do so.. but even then i dont seem able to let go. As Mr. Prvain suggested , i started meditation. and i feel much better. generally i remove all negative thoughts frm my mind... but at times it becomes impossible to do so!
But I guess over a period of time i shall overcome all this as i know i have a lot more to achieve in life than cry over spilt milk:) right?

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Post by Raven » Fri Jul 22, 2005 12:59 pm

One way you may be able to do this or start the process is by imagining yourself in a large bubble of white light, allow the white light to enter every part of your being, watch the light enter and watch for any darker areas that might show up, I am seeing 4 in you and 5 possibly 6 is Abh. I also see a collar around each of your necks. This collar is a tie to someone or something that is controlling you, While you are in this bubble cut this collar and let it go, you can do this with any item really whatever feels right to you. Imagine holding the collar out so you don't cut yourself and then cut it, throw it to the heavens. With the black spots, ask the angels and the light to help disperse them. You should feel the release of these items and the collar.

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