What to do when you find a stone....

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What to do when you find a stone....

Post by Tonjha » Sat Oct 14, 2006 7:57 pm

Well this was a little bit strange, so I thought I would ask for some input.

For several weeks I have been looking for a piece of Amythist. I have purchased a few pieces, but none of them truly felt right... I believe it is because the pieces were all either cut or finished mounted pieces.

Anyway, yesterday when I returned home from work... my son looked down and there in my drive way was a piece of raw Amythist. Very odd, because to my knowledge I am the only one in my neighborhood that collects gemstones.

Anyway, I decided that I would try to find the rightful owner of the stone and took it into the house. Later in the evening I was showing the stone to my husband and telling him that I was not sure if I should keep it or try to return it... when my black tiger eye necklace... that I ALWAYS wear... suddenly broke and fell off of my neck. It appeared nothing had caused this necklace to break, but when I looked the rope chain was snapped in half.

This made me wonder if it might be a sign for me to put away the black tiger eye for a while... and carry the Amythist instead.

I feel a little funny about using someone else's stone... and when I loose one of my stones, I'm always a little frantic until I can find it.

So my question is... would you suggest that I keep and use this stone, or try to return it???


What might be the symoblism of my black tiger eye breaking at the same time that this Amythist entered my life???

I look forward to hear what anyone has to say on this subject.

Keep Smiling....

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Post by Samson » Sun Oct 15, 2006 9:38 am

I suggest that you keep the stone, I believe it was ment to be there for you to find, I can't help you on anything else other than that. The Amethyst is my Birth stone and a very good healer.

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Post by sorceress426 » Sat Nov 25, 2006 10:20 pm

Tiger's eye has many wonderful properties.  One of which is divination.   It is possible that your necklace led you to your discovery.  When you asked your question, you were truely answered.  The amethyst is yours.  Don't take that lightly as the amethyst is one of the most powerful stones around. It beckoned you. Cleanse it, charge it & keep it with you always. It will bring you happiness.  Remember to re cleanse & re charge after anyone else has touched it.

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Post by roze » Mon Dec 04, 2006 7:22 am

keep the amethyst. it was meant for u. otherwise u would not hve found it . gems find the person and not the other way around

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Post by misty-midnightrain » Mon Dec 04, 2006 7:59 pm

It seems that the time in your life is changing an you need the change and finding the amethyst is letting you know this. Wear it and see what it brings.

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You were led to it.

Post by amadea1949 » Tue Dec 05, 2006 4:17 am

Finding that stone was meant to be.  Otherwise you would not have seen it.  They say that when the time comes, a crystal will leave you.  Maybe since your necklace broke, it is telling you that your use for it is over and you need to carry the amethyst.
Your life is changing and creating new experiences.  Go with it.  Let yourself feel its vibrations after cleaning away old ones. Hold it in your hand when you meditate to create a bond with it.  Everything has a vibration.  You just have to let yourself feel it.  You already know that it was meant to be yours, now enjoy it.

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Good responses

Post by Rob » Thu Dec 07, 2006 7:37 pm

There is much good information in these responses.

One belief that I have, however, is that we can never really "own" a crystal or stone. Like a stray cat, they may come into our lives for a while, but then they may leave again. Crystals existed long before we were born and will continue to exist after we die. They have very long lives compared to us.

Amethyst is a very powerful and spiritual crystal. It is a good protector, because it transforms negative energy into positive energy.

Enjoy the amethyst while it is visiting with you! I'm sure it has much to share that you may benefit from.

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Post by business voodoo » Tue Dec 12, 2006 8:08 pm

right on everyone ...

one other thought i had to add ... your first instinct was to find the person it belonged to ... perhaps that's you, but perhaps it was asking you to explore your neighborhood and perhaps find a kindred crystal spirit right next door ...

i don't know what your layout is like, but if i found a stone on my driveway ... if it was one of my neighbors, there's only 4 neighbors (although that would be highly unlikely as everyone just gets into their cars in their garages and drives away) ... but perhaps it could have belonged one of the couple of kids who walk down my block on their way to school ... it would be easy to ask those people about it, and after exhausting that, i would know that it belonged to me, that it came to me.

if its a situation where there's a TON of people, e.g., you live in a highrise apt building in NYC or something ... pay attention when you are outside and watch and see if someone seems to be looking for something ... if so, asked if they have lost something ... perhaps this is the way the universe is trying to bring you together with someone who is important in the next step of your life ... it certainly wouldn't be the first time an amethest did something like that!!!!

but, like the other's said, until such time as it is clear it is not your's, you are the steward of the stone ... receive its energy and share your's with it as well.

peace & harmony,

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use it

Post by Phoenix1985 » Sat Dec 30, 2006 4:37 am

Stones have a mind of their own and go to the person who needs them most.  As for feeling frantic when you lose a stone dont worry.  Stones will vanish when they feel they can no longer help you.  If it is ment for you to have the stone they will apear in your life again.  Hope that helps

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Post by viroscan » Sat Dec 30, 2006 5:15 am

It is also said a stone will find you, and if it is having this much of an impact on your life if personal "feel" it is to remain with you.
cleansing and recharging may not hurt either

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Post by Vishwas » Sat Dec 30, 2006 8:28 am

So u mean that we can not buy a gem or stone also, until it wasn't meant to be??

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Post by maplewoman » Tue Jan 02, 2007 4:25 am

I have heard that if a stone breaks while you are wearing it or holding it, that it has absorbed all the negative energy it can possibly hold and it must then be buried in the earth forever to keep that negative energy away from you, (Can anybody cooberate this?), do not forget to thank it and release it.  The amethyst is a special find.
Did you regularly cleanse the black tigers eye? I know turquoise absorbs a lot of negative energy and needs regular cleansing maybe tigers eye too!

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