Mars+moon in same house.

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Mars+moon in same house.

Post by rramesh » Tue Oct 24, 2006 3:28 pm

It may be chandra mangala yogam. But in real life,I have seen  in many occasions that when mars and moon joined together  in 7th or 8th houses always causes trouble  in the married life. if lord jupiter has seen that house then the troube will be less . Please perform a pooja for lord mars immediately.

  please pray god to make  those life happy all the times.

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Re: Mars+moon in same house.

Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Oct 24, 2006 11:04 pm

Some would say that such a combination also represent what is known as mangal dosha (mars in 12,1,2,4,7,8 th houses.
However even that should not be taken literally. In such situations one should not fall prey to phobias and start praying too quickly, particularly the jyotishi should not :-)

Any yoga or arishta must always be met with questioning other considerations:
Is the planet/s creating the yoga a malefic, an afflicted planet, a ruler of bad houses or yogakaraka or in badhaksthana or in bad houses etc.

What is the role of the planet as a charakaraka, and its association with other planets or vis-a-vis dasha period subperiod lords or in nakshatras etc etc etc.

Without these considerations, it will be a hit and miss and mostly cruel and careless insofar as the nativity is concerned. They place their trust in the hands of jyotishis/astrologers and deserve our serious and complete consideration and not one-off responses!


[quote=""]It may be chandra mangala yogam. But in real life,I have seen  in many occasions that when mars and moon joined together  in 7th or 8th houses always causes trouble  in the married life. if lord jupiter has seen that house then the troube will be less . Please perform a pooja for lord mars immediately.

  please pray god to make  those life happy all the times.[/quote]

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Joined: Tue Oct 24, 2006 1:15 pm

Post by rramesh » Sun Oct 29, 2006 4:38 pm

When we write these message. It will be taken into the consideration of mars where he is placed . is he placed in his own house i.e aries, cancer,scropio,capricon . Whether  Jupiter has seen mars or not . what is the strength of mars etc.

Mars being ucha in capricon and neecha in cancer.   It will also be considered whether two or 3 grahas are joined together with mars or not . I have mentioned all these with my experience only.


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