how to predict the sex of child?!!!

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how to predict the sex of child?!!!

Post by srsmanian » Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:17 pm

Dear fellow astrologers,
When someone poses such a question, say whatever you feel like for eg. a Boy.Then note down in your diairy the oppsite. say.. girl in this case. When the baby born is boy you have no problems! You get sweets. Suppose the opposite happens, you can show your diary and say you have predicted correctly, but the other man had understood wrongly!

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Post by swetha » Sat Oct 14, 2006 4:09 pm

Lol... but i think there is some Chinese way of predicting.

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Post by Samson » Thu Oct 19, 2006 3:36 pm

I believe you should be happy with whatever comes out.

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Post by Vishwas » Wed Oct 25, 2006 7:49 am

Yes I second that samson.

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Post by swetha » Thu Oct 26, 2006 1:03 pm

and i third it too;)

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Post by Samson » Thu Nov 09, 2006 12:26 pm

Just tell me, why would you want to know what sex your baby is, why can't you just be happy with whatever comes out.

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Post by PistGurl » Sat Nov 18, 2006 1:10 pm

Finding out the sex of your child doesn't mean you aren't happy for it to be either...That doesn't make sense. ^^;

There are ways you can tell though, not just by those old wives tales that say if your bump is high then it's a boy or whatever...but proven scientific ways.

I don't know about astrological ways though...apart from the positioning of stars telling you what time of year it is, which affects it slightly as sperm react differently to different temperatures.

See, x sperm and y sperm are different.

If you actually want to choose the gender of your baby before you conceive, having your sperm sorted is possible. (I don't agree with this as this IS favouring one or the other and is changing what could be...but it's not my place to say what people should do and I suppose if you've had like 20 boys you might want a girl. xD)
Y sperm are lighter than X sperm and so by spinning them a certain way, you can sort them out.  (Though this to me kind of means a lot of them are going to be damaged too)
You can also add a dye to one set of sperm.

If you don't want to do it professionally, you can do it yourself.

The X sperm are more sensitive to heat and perish faster than Y sperm in hot conditions, so if you want a boy, have sex atfer a heatwave, likewise for a girl, after a cold spell.

Y sperm are faster, but die quicker and X sperm are slower but live a lot longer, so if you have sex a lot suring the month, you increase the chances of having a boy, as the Y sperm will reach the egg faster once it's released...if you only have sex a couple of days before ovulation and not after, you increase the chances of having a girl, as the X sperm will still be alive when the egg is rleased and will have had time to make it there.

Also, if you have sex that is deeply penetrating ('doggy' etc) You increase your chances of having a girl, as the sperm is deposited nearer the cervix and the slower X sperm live longer...if you have shallow penetrating sex ('missionary' etc) you increase the chances of a boy, because the sperm is deposited further away and the Y sperm are faster.

If you look back to the way you had sex before you conceived, you can find out like this, although it doesn't always work out.  (There are some men genetically programmed to carry more sperm of one gender...or it might even be a totally different time you're thinking of. x3)

We tried to figure it out and everything points to a girl...even ALL of the old wives tales! xD
So when we find out at our next scan, it'll be interesting to see if we were right or not.

Fniding out doesn't ruin anything...I mean it's not like there's a hundred genders it could be, you know it's going to beone or the's not MUCH of a surprise...and finding out helps you know what you can buy and tell other people to buy.
It's a bit of fun. =]

Sorry for the long's quite likely that no-one cares about anything I've said, but still! xD

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a girl or a boy what difference

Post by jyotimirpuri » Sun Nov 26, 2006 9:19 am

a son or a daughter they are our children so what difference does the sex make

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