A brief introduction to what the Tarot is and is not.

Please note readings given here will be done by tarot students of varying levels with the purpose of improving their skills and knowledge. These practice readings will draw feedback on the style, the card interpretations and overall content.

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A brief introduction to what the Tarot is and is not.

Post by cybee » Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:57 pm

A brief introduction to what the Tarot is and is not. A little bit of history first. For thousands of years people have looked to the heavens and made their own assumptions of what all those celestial bodies do to serve our needs here on earth.  One of those assumptions was that the Earth was the centre of the whole Universe yet nowadays scientists have disproved that theory.

For over 600 years now the Tarot has been defined, re-mastered and even messed around with, to the present day. Many have thought of the Tarot as magikal, mystical and even dangerous if used in the wrong way for predictive purposes. The Tarot cards incorporate many other types of divination, such as Astrology, Kabbalah, Karma etc. They have a symbolic nature inherent to themselves and this symbolism defines through our psyche our true inner thoughts of the subconscious. And so we use these pictures and symbols to connect to our own deeper thoughts and through that process, in turn we connect to the universe, of which we are all apart.

The "Tarot Cards", if used correctly by the right person can be a very valuable tool, giving the reader insight of "Karmic" situations in the querents' future and thus allowing one to understand their "Karmic" destiny. I am going to spoil the party now, by saying, "It is not a predictive tool!" In other words, it can't be used to predict the day and time the world is going to end or if I will win on the Lottery this week. What it does do though, is allow for possible future "Karmic" situations to be changed by the querent if they so desire. "Only the querent can do this." The reader has no power to change anybody's future.

I will now leave this for open discussion for anyone to give his or her knowledgeable or experienced views and comments.


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very true

Post by jyotimirpuri » Mon Nov 27, 2006 1:19 am

i agree totally with you as tarot reader is only guiding the subject but the path has to be followed by the subject to heal his karmic cycle and move to a positive direction

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A brief introduction to what the Tarot is and is not.

Post by dee » Sun Dec 17, 2006 2:45 am

TAROT like any other tool of divination, points out the probabilities ahead and the many factors involved in your query with an accuracy that surprises many newcomers. However the emphasis is on the words ‘probabilities ahead’. It is best to keep away from the word (or need for) predictions! Tarot and most other metaphysical systems are best used for guidance rather than prophecy! Words like ‘fore cast’’ (looking ahead) and ‘clairvoyance’ (clear seeing) if observed and understood properly imply the above!
The cards thus show you what you are creating in the current now-towards a probable future; and that is the whole point of doing a reading! So that you may in this awareness: enhance, change, deter or better deal with what is yet a possibility!  
The word prediction limits and locks you into an outcome, whereas the word possibility- frees you into a field of options with you at the helm! This is the Tarots plus point: The cards reveal different aspects (which you are more often than not unaware of) about any given state of affairs; and through the conscious awareness that comes about during a reading you are empowered to deal with your situation in enhanced ways.
Indeed, as you expand your personal philosophy, and live life more consciously, less   do the classic predictions of esoteric systems fit you as they do for those who continue to live life unconsciously and according to patterns!
So do not ask the cards to ‘answer’ you, as much as to guide or give you pointers! With this approach you move away from giving your power over to the cards, and use them instead as the invaluable aid that they are designed to be, towards empowered decisions

love dee


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