Master Numbers and karmic numbers, power they hold

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Master Numbers and karmic numbers, power they hold

Post by mbs730 » Wed Jun 29, 2005 8:13 pm

Master Numbers hold a special vibration, 11 being the
most intuitive of them all. Its a number of vision as
well. Master Numbers also display a lot of nervous
energy, and the esoteric meaning of 11 is not all that
positive. It says that it can attract treachery from
hidden enemies, take September 11 as an example. The
date alone is not enough for that to happen, even with
the other 11's within that day again wasnt enough to
do it. You have a lot of days that fall on the 11th of
a month and its an ordinary day. You had pinnacles of
11, 14/5, 16/7 and 3 within that day. Thats a
dangerous mixture when it comes to an 11. The 14/5 is
a wild streak, and it can cause the 11 to break down.
The 16/7 is destruction of the old, causing a spiritutal
awakening (the 7), then you have 3, something created,
which was fear, awareness, etc. The day of the Tsunami
you also had pinnacles of 11, 14/5, 16/7 and 9. But
there was a lot more karmic influences involved. The
26 alone (the day being December 26) is an 8 and the 8
is a very karmic number. No middle ground with the 8,
either there is gain or severe loss. The esoteric
meaning of 26 means a warning of grave danger ahead,
almost signifies an 8 which means loss, since the 2 is
a weak number to begin with, coming before the 6. The
universal day of that day was also 8. The final
pinnacle of that day being 9, represents an act of
humanitarianism and its no wonder you saw tonnes of
people help and pitch it to help the unfortunate. It
was all mapped out. So that doesnt mean just because a
date falls on the 11th or 26th, or 16th or whatever
that something ominous will happen. There are so many
other hidden factors that can influence it, just those
dates can be influencial if you have a pinnacles made
up of a lot of malefic numbers such as 13/4, 14/5,
16/7 (the 16 is the most dangerous of them) or even a

And back to Master Numbers, if anyone in their
numerological make up has a Master Number, its a big
burden to them. They usually end up living up to the
lower octave of the number because its too demanding.
For instance, 22 is a considered to be the Master
Builder, meaning whoever has a 22, has huge visions
and must have the ability to turn a mundane chore into
a huge thing, and tap into their spiritual side, the
22 holds huge responsibility, must be the master
provider, you even take simple words such as food,
work, even electricity, all add up to 22 in some way
in the Pythagorean (exoteric) way anyway. Arent those
master builders? Then you take 33, that is the most
compassionate number, the Avatar, the number of
Christ, the healer, but if you fall to the lower
octave of 33, you can end up living the worst of the
ways of the 6 which is too much interference,
martydom, or even resentful about having duties and
responsibilites and all of that. Alright I'll list the
rest of the double digit master numbers but wont
elaborate too much

44/8 must build solid foundation in a spiritual way in
order to find success (extremely karmic)
55/1 the born traveller, avid learner, but can be
66/3 love, spirituality, and creativity, similar to
33, but more creative
77/14/5 most intelligent of all numbers, holds tonnes
of knowledge but if misused (14) can become chaotic
88/16/7 number of divine knowing, teaches universal
laws which improve management skills, delegates
authority in a way that gives each person his/her own
sense of power, works to find cooperation with the
higher laws of mathematics, leader in metaphysical
philosophies, respects integrity and clarity, develops
new ideas of thermodynamics, hydraulics and
engineering theories. But the 16 comes in as far as it
can be a "know it all" and can come off as destructive
to others with all of that knowledge
99/9 the most spiritual of all numbers, very artistic,
gives out a lot of spiritual energy, and just
universal love

Here is a little guide when you keep seeing tripple

111- considered to be a gate of opportunity, only
think about WHAT YOU WANT whenever you see a 111, not
what you dont want, and this number can be evidence
that there is a new cycle heading your way, and your
dreams very well may come true

222- new ideas are turning into reality, a sign to
keep plugging away at whatever you are working on
because it will turn into something big

333- a message from the deceased loved ones, or even
from the Ascended Masters, saying they agree with what
you are wishing for, whatever dreams you have, if you
want to go ahead with something, you see this number,
consider it to be their permission to go ahead with

444- if you are having a hard time, the angels are
here to help you out in anyway, but it also can
indicate a "No" from the deceased if there is
something you want to do but should not be done

555- a big change is on your way, dont think of it as
positive or negative, consider it a huge life change.
No wonder I saw this number a lot when I was pregnant
with my first

666- this number actually means obsessed with
materialism, and your thoughts are out of balance
right now, if you see this, dont focus too much on
stuff that doesnt matter, only the important stuff.

777- an A+ from the angels, you are doing well with
whatever you are working on, they are saying to keep
up with the good work, speaking of which, I gotta lose
a few lbs, if I actually stick with it, and see this
number popping up all the time I just may ;)

888- a phase in your life is about to finish, also
indicates a light at the end of the tunnel if you are
feeling like crap, but it also can indicate a
relationship is about to be over, you are no longer
going to be working at the job that you are in

999- completion, also a message saying that you are
needed from many at this time, you are there to heal

000- reminder that the Creator is within you

There you go, keep those in mind if you see those numbers pop up out of
no where ALL the time. There is a reason for it!


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Post by swetha » Thu Jun 30, 2005 5:19 am

that was a nice post miriam,
tell me..
based on do u predict the future?
or is it onlt the past or traits of a person?

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Post by mbs730 » Fri Jul 01, 2005 2:04 am

You can make predictions, but I am not overly experienced in the mundane stuff, just individual! But the thing is, you could have many malefic pinnacles in a day and that doesnt necessarily mean that something ominous could happen. Perhaps you may feel some negativity in the air but, there are many other factors that could predict such events!


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Post by swetha » Fri Jul 01, 2005 5:46 am

ok...but sometimes dont predictions made by palmistry , numeroly etc contradict each other?

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Post by coolguy » Fri Jul 01, 2005 3:30 pm

that was interesting....does a person's reading acc to numerology keep changing during his lifetime? like in realation to day to day stuff?

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Post by mbs730 » Fri Jul 01, 2005 10:20 pm

The Chaldeans use more of a precise way of predicting things through their form of astrology which is the esoteric meaning of numbers, but its not used much these days. Its not so much "predicting" when it comes to the numerology that is used today. It gives you an idea of what kind of periods you will be going through, through pinnacles, essences, life path periods, personal years, months, days, etc, see what I am saying? You are going to be going through a 9 year pinnacle of 7, this means you are not going to be very interested in socializing or its not going to be a huge focus to you, you will want to analyze and gain wisdom through things. If you are heading into a 5 personal year, that is the year that you will be wanting to try new things, be adventurous, possibly travel, etc. See what I am getting at?


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Post by swetha » Mon Jul 04, 2005 4:17 am

thanks miriam,
things r more clearer to me now:)

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Post by michelle2123 » Wed Jul 20, 2005 7:06 pm


I see the number figures alot especially the 222 111 or 1111, 333, also for a year now I have been seeing every morning and every night the figures 9:11 on my clocks. I have no clue what this could possibly mean. Any suggestins?


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Post by mbs730 » Wed Jul 20, 2005 8:46 pm

Wow very interesting. Someone else told me she has seen that 9:11 a lot too lately. Well firstly the 9 can mean several things. It means action, since its associated with Mars, and a number of completion. As I had explained too, the 9 is a selfless and humanitarian number. The 11 as you know is intuition. These numbers are both very spiritual. I believe its a message telling you to follow your instincts as always, and you will complete whatever you are supposed to complete at this time or DO what you are supposed to do. It is a 4 personal year for you but that doesn't mean you can't go out and find that person, it means no fun and games. Is there a way to contact that man again that you had met a few years ago? Could be meaning that. You never know. The next time you see the 9:11, take note on what you are thinking about at that time. It will give you a better idea.


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Post by michelle2123 » Wed Jul 20, 2005 8:53 pm

Wow thanks, No unfortunalty I can't get in contact with him. I have tried, but it's all dead ends. I am hoping fate will let us bump into each other.

The funny part is that I am usually really good with my intutions execpt when it's about some one I like or love. I don't get it. I try to tap into it and see what I can pick up but I can't. As soon as I start to see something positive a negative thought pops up and I don't know what to believe. It's hard. And that's what I have been getting whenever I try to see about me and this lost man. I'm almost ready to give up :smt010


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Post by mbs730 » Wed Jul 20, 2005 8:56 pm

One thing that gets into the way of intuition is fear :smt009 And I know how that is, because I have experienced getting that block when fear is involved. Unfortunately fear is our biggest enemy. You WILL find that man, and WHEN it is meant to happen it will. Please don't give up hope.


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Post by michelle2123 » Wed Jul 20, 2005 9:02 pm

well you know I did find a long lost friend that i was looking for that knew him and I lost contact with her and I finally found her not even a month ago but she hasn't heard anything from him . But her and I are starting a friendship again.

Also I forgot his home telephone # and after I was talking to the girl that I became friends with again his house # came to me and I remembered it but it was diconnected.

Then the girl that I met up with again went out like 3 weekends again and seen his cousin and gave his cousin my phone # but I don't think his cousin gave it to him or forgot.

Then I went to a local bar that he likes to hang out at but he didn't show.

Now this weekend where Ilive there is a festival going on all weekend and I am going to go everyday (fri, sat, sun) cause I know he goes to those too. Well gotta go I have to leave work now. Hope ya feel better.


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Post by michelle2123 » Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:56 pm


I found him! Friday when I got off work I picked up my daughter and my friends picked me up and then we went to that parade, and not even 10 minutes being there, my one friend that I just got back in contact with that knows him, grabs my arm and runs with me and I said Stacey what are you doing and she said there's Anthony.

Oh my gosh my heart dropped and as I was approching him it was like slow motion, and the look on his face was a huge surprise and the feeling that I got that came over me when I was approaching him (seemed like slow motion) I felt like when he seen me his heart went to his throat and I felt that he thought he would never see me again, I felt he felt very happy to see me and I also felt that his feelings for me were still there.

Well he grabbed me and gave me the biggest hug and then he let me go and then he grabbed me again a gave me a hug. I told him that I have been looking for him for a year and he smiled and said oh really. And I told him that I didn't get that last digits of his phone # the last time he ever called my old phone #.

There is one problem. He has a GIRLFRIEND! :smt012 I asked him do you have a girlfriend and he said yes, it's not the same girl that he was with the last time we gotr into contact but a new one. He has been with her for almost or about a year now. He lives in her apartment with her. ( But he's lived with other girls before so that isn't unlike him)

I was soooo disapointed when I found out, I was like I was going to give you my phone # but you have a girlfriend, and he said I'll take your phone # and he smiled when he said that. Now he is NOT the cheating type at all, so this has me wondering what his motives are.

Then every where I went at the festival eaither me or my friends I was with would notice that he was right behind us. At first we thought it was by accident but it kept happening way to much that everytime I looked or turned around he was right there. And he would be looking at me and then he would also stop me and talk to me or if I was just standing there he would walk up (and I wouldn't even know he was comming) and start talking to me and stand there with me,

And when he would talk to me he would be real close to me and he would be staring at me while I was talking. It was like he just wanted to grabb me and kiss me. It was like he was hanging on to every word I was saying and it was like he was studing my face as weird as it sounds.

He always wanted to meet my daughter but I never let him because I wan't ready well she was there with me and I introduces them and he keeped staring at her and smiling and talking to her.

The feelings and everything that I got from Friday night with him were all positive and I know that he still has feelings for me, cause I literaly felt them from his energy if you know what I mean. But the problem is , is his girlfriend.

I don't know what to do. He hasn't called me yet. But now my intution is getting blocked to where I can't tune in. I don't want to give up hope. But something is telling me to be pateient.

Miriam what do you think about our encounter?


Sorry so long :smt015

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Post by michelle2123 » Mon Jul 25, 2005 1:56 pm


I found him! Friday when I got off work I picked up my daughter and my friends picked me up and then we went to that parade, and not even 10 minutes being there, my one friend that I just got back in contact with that knows him, grabs my arm and runs with me and I said Stacey what are you doing and she said there's Anthony.

Oh my gosh my heart dropped and as I was approching him it was like slow motion, and the look on his face was a huge surprise and the feeling that I got that came over me when I was approaching him (seemed like slow motion) I felt like when he seen me his heart went to his throat and I felt that he thought he would never see me again, I felt he felt very happy to see me and I also felt that his feelings for me were still there.

Well he grabbed me and gave me the biggest hug and then he let me go and then he grabbed me again a gave me a hug. I told him that I have been looking for him for a year and he smiled and said oh really. And I told him that I didn't get that last digits of his phone # the last time he ever called my old phone #.

There is one problem. He has a GIRLFRIEND! :smt012 I asked him do you have a girlfriend and he said yes, it's not the same girl that he was with the last time we gotr into contact but a new one. He has been with her for almost or about a year now. He lives in her apartment with her. ( But he's lived with other girls before so that isn't unlike him)

I was soooo disapointed when I found out, I was like I was going to give you my phone # but you have a girlfriend, and he said I'll take your phone # and he smiled when he said that. Now he is NOT the cheating type at all, so this has me wondering what his motives are.

Then every where I went at the festival eaither me or my friends I was with would notice that he was right behind us. At first we thought it was by accident but it kept happening way to much that everytime I looked or turned around he was right there. And he would be looking at me and then he would also stop me and talk to me or if I was just standing there he would walk up (and I wouldn't even know he was comming) and start talking to me and stand there with me,

And when he would talk to me he would be real close to me and he would be staring at me while I was talking. It was like he just wanted to grabb me and kiss me. It was like he was hanging on to every word I was saying and it was like he was studing my face as weird as it sounds.

He always wanted to meet my daughter but I never let him because I wan't ready well she was there with me and I introduces them and he keeped staring at her and smiling and talking to her.

The feelings and everything that I got from Friday night with him were all positive and I know that he still has feelings for me, cause I literaly felt them from his energy if you know what I mean. But the problem is , is his girlfriend.

I don't know what to do. He hasn't called me yet. But now my intution is getting blocked to where I can't tune in. I don't want to give up hope. But something is telling me to be pateient.

Miriam what do you think about our encounter?


Sorry so long :smt015

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Post by michelle2123 » Mon Jul 25, 2005 2:01 pm

Sorry about duplicating the post LOL!!!!! :smt017

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