Ouija Boards?

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Post by sk2006 » Thu Dec 21, 2006 4:53 am

I hear ya...although I don't remember what exactly was being spelled out..and I use the word "spelled" loosely..ha. It was more like nonsense every time, and I just didnt see any real words. It literally did start at A and then touch every letter in alphabetical order...I got the feeling they were just messing around for their own amusement (which isnt necessarily bad). But when they said they were God, I definitely felt like someone was either screwing with us before or another spirit jumped in line to screw with us!

Devil's Storm
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Post by Devil's Storm » Thu Dec 21, 2006 5:00 am

Ok, I understand. Most likely they were messing with you.  Though they could have been doing this to let you know that there was someone there and the next move was yours. As for them saying they were "God", they were messing with you or it could be the the name that related to their life.

The spirit in my home has never given me her real name, but a name that she preferred to go by.

This is all guesswork on my part, it is based on what has been told to me or witnessed, so I can't tell you for sure what the spirit is trying to tell you.

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Post by sk2006 » Thu Dec 21, 2006 5:18 am

you mean perhaps they were a preacher or a member of a church and just used God as a way to relate? never thought about that.

I guess I will never know what they were trying to tell them. I do not own a board myself, only used a real one with my friend a few times years ago and then a home-made one with my cousin this past year. For some reason I have always felt like I'm not allowed to know a lot of the things I want to know...and yet I'm still a pain in the ass and ask! :)

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Post by Devil's Storm » Thu Dec 21, 2006 5:23 am

If you don't ask, then you'll never know. Being a pain is a good thing sometimes. I hope the information I gave you was helpfully, but like I said most of it from what I learned, and unsure how accute it is.

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Post by Tish » Thu Dec 21, 2006 1:59 pm

:)  I used to use the Ouija Board for a few years, starting when I was about 12.  We made a few friends on there.  One of the main things I learned from the Board was that telepathy is a reality; we had no need to voice our questions for them to be answered.  In fact, when we enquired, the spirits we talked to seemed confused when we asked them about this: they could not tell the difference between us asking "out loud", or "thinking" our questions/comments; presumably the contact is always telepathic, and when you speak the question it is also in your mind.

Our "Board" was home-made, using an upturned glass on a smooth surface.  We usually followed a procedure in which one of the group present would not be touching the glass, taking turns to sit back, so that we all got to feel satisfied in ourselves that it was not simply one of us deliberately or unconsciously directing it.  And we asked questions about who we were talking to; we weren't asking them to tell us our futures.

There were a couple of particularly interesting incidents from this.  One was when we were joined by a few others who were interested, but very skeptical.  One lad announced that he thought it was all rubbish, and it was simply one or more of the group directing the glass.  To show him otherwise, we told him: "Think of a letter, and we will ask them to show which letter you are thinking of."  He did.  The glass went straight to "M", and this lad leapt up from the table as if he was on fire, and ran out!  He was horrified!  Not everyone is happy with the feeling that what is inside their head is accessible.  (As a result of this, he formed a new "group" amongst his friends to try the Ouija, and they had some very terrifying experiences indeed, including one in which one of the members was, apparently, nearly strangled by an invisible spirit!  It is not really something to play with.)

In another incident, I acquired a friend down here (I was 14 then).  My brother and I were using the Board one evening, simply talking to those we already knew, when we were told that someone new wanted to speak to us.  We said, certainly, put them on.  We were given only a first name (Steve, if I remember rightly).  This one asked me did I know someone called "Fiona*".  (* Name changed to protect the innocent.)  I said I did, vaguely.  I had just moved to a new school, and I did not really know anyone yet, but there was a girl in my year with that name.  He asked me to give her a message: tell her that I am all right.  He said he had recently passed.  He also asked me to see if she would be prepared to come and talk to him.

I went to school the next day feeling rather uncomfortable at the idea of approaching a girl I did not know, in order to give her a message from a spirit.  However, when "break time" came, I went to look for her.  She was with a friend, and both were in tears.  Feeling worse, I approached to say, "I'm sorry to bother you, but I wanted to ask: do you know someone called Steve?"  At this, they looked at each other, and cried even harder.  So I had to continue:  "Look, I know this may sound crazy, but my brother and I were talking on the Ouija Board last night, and Steve came through and asked me to give you a message - to tell you that he is all right, and that he would like to talk to you."  It turned out that this was a friend of theirs who had died from stomach cancer just a few days earlier.  It was extremely sudden; for a few days he complained of stomach pain, and then he simply died.  He was only young.  (He was not local, so it wasn't in our local paper.)  Well, she came round to my house that night, and talked to Steve, and I got to know her better, and we became best friends for the next 2 or 3 years.  It helped her to know that her friend was all right.  So sometimes some good comes out of it too!

I don't use the Ouija Board any more.  It can be extremely confusing, as you do not know who you are talking to, or whether they are telling you the truth.  And it certainly may invite mischievous spirits into your life who will cause problems for you.  I don't recommend it.  But if you come across any spirits, through this or any other means, who you suspect may be "earthbound" ones - they have not moved on to the higher planes because they are confused, or afraid, then the thing to do is to tell them:  Look for the light; go towards the light and you will be met.  There is nothing to be afraid of.

Then they can move on.

Love & best wishes,

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Post by Nicole » Thu Dec 21, 2006 2:36 pm

Tish wrote:I don't use the Ouija Board any more.  It can be extremely confusing, as you do not know who you are talking to, or whether they are telling you the truth.  And it certainly may invite mischievous spirits into your life who will cause problems for you.  I don't recommend it.  But if you come across any spirits, through this or any other means, who you suspect may be "earthbound" ones - they have not moved on to the higher planes because they are confused, or afraid, then the thing to do is to tell them:  Look for the light; go towards the light and you will be met.  There is nothing to be afraid of.

Then they can move on.

Love & best wishes,
I don't use it anymore also~!!
It did alot of damage to me and my mothers kitchen....lol
I would get nasty after using it.. I wanted to hurt my brother g/f.. It told me lies about my b/f at that time.. Telling me things that wasn't true, and I would play it by myself.. Bad thing to do....lol I use to keep the needle in it, and it can hear everything what was being said.. I would laugh at it, and say things. I was in my mothers kitchen and the cabinets would open and cans of things came flying out at my mother and me.. Shooting at us fast....LOL
I got it out of my mothers house immediately~!! My husband is wanting really bad.. I see they have some cool looking ones.. No matter~!! I wont allow one in our home ever again I don't care how cute or pretty it is~!! LOL

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Post by RedWhisper » Sun Dec 31, 2006 8:47 am

I tried using one by myself a few times, as a young teen, but kept getting messages from a man named "Abe" who always told me "never to use the board again."

I told this to my Mother, who became very scared - apparently, her and my father and some friends used a board when I was a baby, and a man named "Abe" spoke to them and told my father to "stay and take care of the baby" (my father left shortly after).

So, this Abe apparently does not want me to use a talking board, but does seem to have my interests at heart, so I suppose I should listen.

I prefer to use dreams as a method of communicating with departed people - assuming I can make contact.

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Post by EarlofLeicester » Sun Dec 31, 2006 1:25 pm

My only exposure to the Ouija board was almost 36 years ago in 1971 (I was 11 back then).  To put 1971 in context, I lived in the Boston area and professional ice hockey was all the rage.  The Boston Bruins, the NHL team of the area, had just finished a record setting season of offensive firepower and their victory in the postseason playoffs was assumed by experts and fans alike.  And at that point, a Ouija board finds it's way into my home.

I'm not really sure who's board it was or what happened to it.  A mystery there, I suspect, but one day my (now very Catholic) Mom (also a hockey fan) wants me to use the Ouija board with her.  I'm a science-math nerd back then (although I follow the hockey scene, because everyone did) so I decide to put the Ouija to a reliability test, asking it if the Bruins will win the playoffs.  With my and my mom's hands on the pointer device (I don't know what it's really called), the pointer moves to the NO answer.  Well, I claim my Mom is moving it over to NO which I said made no sense and that this was a waste of time.  She insisted, however, that she had the light touch required and that it moved where it needed to go.

Well, an 11 year old is generally trusting in his Mom so we try again and ask if Chicago would win (they would be the other most likely candidate).  Another NO result.  At that point I'm baffled. Amdist the You're pushing it, No, you're pushing it accusations, an idea hits us.  Ask the Ouija what team will win.  And it starts spelling out the answer M-O-N-T-R-E-A-L. At that point I laugh.  The Montreal team was a 3rd place team that was very little competition for the Boston team that year.  And Boston was expected to wipe the floor with them.  Disregarding the logic of the answer, I walked away from the Ouija board, never to see it again.  Two weeks later, the Montreal team upset the Boston team in a fierce seven game competition, courtesy of a rookie goaltender who came out of nowhere to shut down the mighty Bruin firepower.  And what seemed so silly two weeks prior suddenly made a lot of sense.

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Post by Tish » Sun Dec 31, 2006 2:42 pm

Though unfortunately it might lead to loads of people trying to get "winning" info for gambling purposes via the Ouija(!), I think the purpose of that sort of incident is really for mind-opening.  It's to show you that there is really something behind it.

The crowd of us that got involved in our teens were all changed by it in that way (though it scared the hell out of the bikers, who decided that invisible "opponents" were beyond them to deal with!).

I was also told to leave the board alone, when I was about 17.

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Post by EarlofLeicester » Sun Dec 31, 2006 5:28 pm

I could have made a lot of money had I bet on Montreal that year.  But it was too scary.  I won't go near a Ouija board.  Nosiree...

Laura Ann
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Post by Laura Ann » Sat Jan 20, 2007 6:02 pm

Ouija boards are not to be messed with.  And that is a shame.  I feel so drawn to them.  Like and addict... I do not trust myself around one.  It is so strange.  I was just talking to my mom about them a while back.  My mother has also had experience with Ouija boards and her advice is to never have them in your house.  Only do if you are ready for the disrupt  and bad luck it will cause.    Otherwise take it out of your house and burn it.

Ouija boards can be purchased a Toys "R" Us toy stores... I know I seen them there before.    

When I was around 12 or a little younger my mom found one in our attic.  She explained to me how to use it.  I did and it did it's thing.  I asked who I was going to marry and it spelled out "Johnny"  It is really freaky when that little piece of plastic moves.  I was in awe of how it just  glide around.  I thought I was possibly makeing it move, but I wasn't.  I lifted my fingers up so the pressure was even lighter on the plastic.  I also asked about children and it went to the "6"   that's basically all I remember about it.  I did tell my  mom what it said.  I thought how unreal.  To this day she remembers me telling her what the board said.  The only Johnny I knew was the boy across the street and Iknew I would never marry him.  And six kids get real.  I wasn't gonna have six kids!!!  

Here it is many years later...three marriages later and my wonderful husband's name is John.  As a kid (siblings still do) call him Johnny. No, he is not the same Johnny that lived across the street.  And six children later.  Yes!! Six kids later. I had two he had three and then we had one.  

I have heard the the Ouija board opens up to all spirits.  Bad and good.  And we don't know which we are communicating with.  But isn't it the same for a psychic who does a reading?  Or do they have someone, a spirit, they trust and know that gives them their infomation?  

But isn't it true that spirits, ghosts or whatever can not hurt us or make us do anything we don't want to do?  I watch Sylvia Brown on Montel  Williams show whenever she has a new episode on.  

Laura Ann

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Post by maplewoman » Sun Jan 21, 2007 7:11 am

I had a few experiences as a inquisitive child. My cousins and I made one up, no one knew who was moving the glass we all blamed eachother, it ended in a fight . Then one night the parents went out and my brother and I decided to make one and the same thing happened. When we both agreed this was a silly idea we heard we had to burn it after use, so the very normal white cardboard was lit by a match to one end on the concrete patio. The board was burning nicely from the bottom up as my brother held the top corner in his hand when a flame 6 inches long shot out of the side of it and made the most unbearable screaming noise ever. The flame narrowly missed me and my brother dropped it there and then. The noise and flame continued from that spot on the board for about 30 seconds. I was terrified and have never done a ouiji board since.

la pere
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Post by la pere » Tue Jan 23, 2007 8:06 pm

I have used and do use a quija board now and again, I have made contact with a few spirits but not had long talks just short ones, i did have a few problems with rappings when the board was not in use but that has now stoped, get a few weird things happening but nothing scary, I would suggest to anyone to be carefull, i made some cards to be used as a board and also brought a board, the cards did work better.

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Post by Nicole » Tue Jan 23, 2007 9:46 pm

la pere wrote:I have used and do use a quija board now and again, I have made contact with a few spirits but not had long talks just short ones, i did have a few problems with rappings when the board was not in use but that has now stoped, get a few weird things happening but nothing scary, I would suggest to anyone to be carefull, i made some cards to be used as a board and also brought a board, the cards did work better.
I'm so done with Ouija boards.... rofl
I will not have another one in my home... My husband thinks, and I say he thinks he's going to get one... I think not~!!! LOL
I had my share with one.. I didn't play buy the rules I had my own rules I had of my very own....

Your right, be careful.. It don't always play very nice~!! LOL  :smt018

Live and learn~!!  :)

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Post by ALIENDESENDANT » Tue Jan 23, 2007 11:53 pm

Oujia Boards are mystifying, but if not used correctly can be very dangerous. When I was a teenager, I made one with a relative and forgot to say goodbye and the weird stuff started to happen. We had to burn that one. I had a regular board once, but my mother said it lied to me to much and I was calling the dark forces with it. She made me get rid of it. The next day it was on my bed. So I had a friend get rid of it, and it was again on my bed afterwards. Had to burn that one too, problem was I didn't completly burn it and it came back to me again, nice and toasty. I used a whole bottle of lighter fulid to toast that one. It was gone then. About 6 months ago I needed to use one and bought the new version that glows in the dark. Me and my husban have been together for 17 years and this was the first time we tried this together. It took only once for me to remember I didn't want to go down that path. I still have it, but I keep it above my bed not allowed to breathe. I just wouldn't open Pandora's Box unless you really need to that's all.

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