Pinnacle Phases

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Pinnacle Phases

Post by swetha » Sun May 22, 2005 7:48 pm

Pinnacle Phases

First Second Third Fourth

We are all inherently subject to major changes in our lives . Numerology attempts to project major life changes and calls these monumental turns in the road pinnacles. If it weren't for these big transformations in life, the highly successful would become apathetic, and those struggling would soon feel totally hopeless. Pinnacle in our live give us the necessary change of pace and direction that is stimulating and hopeful. Pinnacles show the direction that progress will lead us. A pinnacle is an experience occurring over a specific time in our life. These pinnacle periods have been compared to the four seasons. The first pinnacle is the spring of life. The second covering years of family raising and responsibility represent summer. The third covering middle-age and growing maturity of judgment represent the autumn of life, and the forth, consolidating the experiences of life, is represented by winter.

Each pinnacle is represented by a number and the number reflects the tone of the period. The pinnacle number is written in the birth date. We will use the month, the day and the year of birth in this calculation. The first step will be to reduce each of these components to a single digit base number. Even master numbers are reduced to achieve the pinnacles.


The first pinnacle begins at birth. This pinnacles’ ending is calculated by subtracting the Life Path number from 36. The timing for the master number 11 is the same as Life Path 2, and the master number 22 is same as the Life Path 4.

In our November 1 1963 example (a 4/22 Life Path), the end of the first pinnacle is at age 32 ie (36-4) The first pinnacle is derived from adding the month and day of birth.

November 1 1963

In our example, 3 would be the first pinnacle number.

1. Most of your youth was probably spent learning how to lead, how to rely on yourself without being egotistical, stubborn, self-centered or dominating. This is a period to learn leadership and it may not produce the opportunities you would like. It is primarily a learning time.

2. Since this pinnacle is experienced early in your life, it may tend to make you an over-sensitive child, and you may be easily hurt or offended. You may have difficulties with expressing yourself both verbally and emotionally. Your mother is apt to be the stronger influence in your life throughout this period.

3. This is a difficult number to handle on the first pinnacle, for while there may be many opportunities to develop artistic or creative potential, you may not recognize them or be willing to work as hard as may be required for the development of these opportunities. There is a tendency to scatter energies and work on the wrong ideas. You may be too busy having fun to worry about the future.

4. This can be a demanding period in with you are required to work due to monetary reasons , or in which you are a highly motivated person in your pursuit of education. In either event, you may not be so active in normal youthful activities because of your work schedule.

5. This can be a difficult first pinnacle because it is hard to find the stability to establish yourself and build a suitable foundation for latter life. You may experience moves that require you change schools and friends. As a first pinnacle, the 5 has you living by your own set of rules, even if you are raised in a traditional family. You are more resourceful then most your age, but you may also tend to get into more trouble. Impulsiveness and a craving for independence are both strong in your nature during this period.

6. As a young person you are likely to find much duty and responsibility related to home and family. There may be strong feelings of limitations because of these pressures. Rushed into marriages at an early age sometimes occur. It is a period for you to attend to the demands made on you by family and close friends. Often, the six pinnacle suggests a person who is under the close dictates of a parent or of some authority figure.

7. With the number 7 as the first pinnacle, your circle of friends will not be large. You are a serious student, motivated to learn by inner yearnings. Your youth may be a difficult and confusing time.

8. With the first pinnacle featuring the influence of the number 8, you may become involved in business or commercial activity at an early age and face some restriction because of this.

9. You may be the type of person who is a friend to those who have few friends, a protector t those who might be the favorites of bullies, and generally a helping person in whatever way your talent permits. As you mature you are apt to embrace humanitarian political views and ideals.

11. The 11 vibration has associations with spiritual and metaphysical studies and understanding. With the number 11 energies influencing behavior in any stage of the life, there is a significant lessening of material goals and desires. The background tone of this period is perhaps better communicated through use of the number 2 energies. The general emphasis of the number 2 pinnacle is that of friendliness, cooperation and harmony. You are apt to be a very sensitive person during this pinnacle, even if sensitivity is not indicated in your basic makeup. The 2 shows patience and attention to detail. You are tactful and cooperative, and willing to work with relatively little recognition.

22. Young persons, except in very rare instances, are unable to use the general influence of the 22 productively. Therefore, the background tone of this pinnacle is more in tune with the number 4.


The second pinnacle will be in effect for 9 years or for this person until the end of age 41. The second pinnacle is identified by adding the day of birth with the year of birth.


In our example, 2 would be the second pinnacle number.


The third pinnacle will also be in effect for 9 years or for this person until the end of age 50. The third pinnacle is identified by adding the first and second pinnacle.


In our example, 5 would be the third pinnacle number.

1. With the second pinnacle and the third pinnacle ruled by number 1 energies a degree of aggressiveness becomes apparent in your demeanor. Your ability to get ahead and develop your talents is limited only by your own initiative. Your achievements are likely to very apparent to the public and a sense of independence allows you to assume a leadership role.

2. Your accomplishments during this productive period of your life will greatly depend on your abilities to work with other people, promote harmony, and show patience and a willingness to wait for credit due based on your contributions. The work you do may be very detailed and demanding during this period.

3. With the number 3 in the second or third pinnacle, responsibilities and accomplishments will be dependent greatly on social demeanor and general influence. This pinnacle may bring about opportunity for writing, speaking, interior designing, or some form of participation in the entertainment arts. Imagination and emotions are stimulated.

4. With the number 4 in the second or third pinnacle, your ability to get ahead and achieve will no doubt be directly associated with your ability to out work the competition. Sometimes, this pinnacle brings a sense of economic limitation. This is likely to be a period of building and steady growth.

5. With the number 5 pinnacle coming in mid-life, your ability to progress and achieve may be linked to your ability to function comfortably in a fluctuating environment. Your ability to adapt is very critical. The sense of freedom that you have now is very significant. The caution here is not to burn too many bridges because of your urge for freedom, travel, and adventure. You may need that job (or family) later on.

6. In this period of your life you can progress and achieve by accepting an increased level of responsibility. Home and family with generally take precedence over business, however. It is a period for you to attend to the demands made on you by family and close friends rather than yourself. Often, the six pinnacle suggests a person who is under the close dictates of a parent or of some authority figure.

7. Unless you are involved in some sort of research or possibly religious or philosophical endeavors, your progress during this pinnacle will be painfully slow. Your accomplishments are simply not the type that bring financial benefits as desired or expected. The benefits of this pinnacle are much deeper and internal.

8. During this period of your life you are apt to become very deeply involved with being an executive (or perhaps being married to one). You will begin to rely more on rational feelings and less on emotional impulses. You are more ambitious and success oriented.

9. With the number 9 energy apparent in the second or third pinnacle, you may at times express extremely emotional humanitarian views and ideals and become a champion of the underdog . Striving to teach the need for tolerance and compassion in the world. You may possess a universal view of the world, working in ways that will benefit mankind.

11. The number 11 pinnacle occurring in the second or third stage of your life may take on much the same implications as the number 2 pinnacle. However, responsibilities and accomplishments of any significance will be inspirational in nature.

22. With the mid-life 22 pinnacle, many great things are possible. Much depends on the life's development and preparation up to now, and whether you possess the capacity to bring about such endeavors. If you have not received the opportunity for education and developed sufficiently to anticipate the responsibilities of the master number, it's likely that the reduced number 4 will better describe the tone of this period.


The 4th pinnacle beginning at age 51 will be in effect for the remaining years of life. The fourth pinnacle is identified by adding the month and the year.


In our example, 3 would be the fourth/final pinnacle number.

1. With the number 1 energies occurring in the latter stages of your life, any desire to retire or slow down will be unfulfilled. Challenges and changes will mark this part of your life. Responsibilities and accomplishments will be based on the ability to lead, direct, and express your own individuality and original ideas.

2. The latter part of your life should be harmonious whether you are retired or continue to work. The key to fulfillment will be patience, tact, and cooperation.You will find it necessary to control a tendency toward being overly sensitive.

3. There is a good possibility of travel, social activity and entertainment. This pinnacle number usually promises freedom from financial worry in the later years. While the tendency is to drift in relative comfort, this is a time when you can be at your creative best.

4. With the number 4 as the fourth pinnacle, any thought of retiring or slowing down is not likely to happen. You are not the type to relax and enjoy leisure activities. It is very important to you to work and feel the sense of accomplishment. In some unfortunate cases, economic conditions hamper the ability to retire and enjoy life.

5. With the number 5 in the fourth pinnacle, any desire to retire or slow down is not likely to be fulfilled. Change and variety will continue to keep your days occupied and busy. If you are adaptable, this can be a very interesting time in your life. In most cases, a final pinnacle of 5 will mean freedom from financial or domestic worries.

6. With the number 6 in the fourth pinnacle, the 6 brings home the rewards and pleasures of family, security, and a close circle of friends. You are likely to find yourself giving back some of the nurturing and attention that you received in the early part of your life.

7. With a number 7 in the fourth pinnacle, your later years will be a quiet time when you will concentrate on the development of your inner being. This is a time for study and thinking about life in philosophical ways. It may not be easy for you to find individuals with whom you truly feel comfortable unless your spouse has similar ideals. Be patient for people will come to you for what you know.

8. With the number 8 in the fourth pinnacle, business and positions of responsibility will make retirement at the normal age unlikely. Circumstances in the later years may be an atmosphere of status and power.

9. With the fourth pinnacle showing the number 9, your work in the latter part of life will tend to be more charitable, allowing you to give much more of yourself. If your financial circumstances permit it you will give to causes that benefit mankind. You will have a more caring attitude now than you did earlier in your life.

11. With the 11 pinnacle occurring in the fourth stage of your life, your responsibilities and accomplishments will be of an inspirational nature. And it is probable that your work later on in life or during your retirement years will be influenced by a spiritual nature.

22. If you have the ability to achieve the level of master builder forecast by this pinnacle, business endeavors with idealistic ends will likely postpone retirement.

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