
All requests for reading using the vedic astrology method, should be posted under this forum.

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Post by tarasevens » Thu Dec 21, 2006 8:30 pm

How does Atmakaraka work for you / work against you?

My atmakaraka is Mercury and is located in Leo.  Leo happens to be the 5th rasi ( Lagna is Aries ) but the bhava chakra indicates that Mercury falls in the 6th house.  

Now I have my Sun in the sixth house within ten degrees of Mercury in Leo.

Is the Atmakaraka afflicted?  If so, then how do I figure out the signs?  Do I remedy the atmakaraka or the effect of combustion?

I was told earlier that this combo is budha aditya yoga.  Well, I do understand a lot of sciences including astrology, but in terms of success in my work or profession, I dont see this combo working in my benefit.  Or does it?

Does choosing the number 5 for Mercury strengthen the atmakaraka?  Eg if I live in a house numbered 5, or if my cellphones last 4 digits total up to 5, then will it be in my benefit?


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Re: Atmakaraka

Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Jan 14, 2007 5:08 pm

Tara atmakaraka (charakarakas) is the planet that has advanced the most in any given sign in your hs. The premise (though unstated in classics) is that one acquires experiences over lifetimes and this shows up as advances in the longitudes. Next it is important to see in which drekkana the atmakaraka and other karakas are. How close or distant they are from each other. Are they otherwise strong benefic and well supported. Based on all these considerations, one can determine if the AK (or other karakas) will be good or bad, helpful or contrary in this lifetime.

Without that kind of analysis it is not appropriate to wear the gemstone or colour or number etc of AK.

Also when studying the AK pay attention to the navamsha it is in, because that gives the karakamsha chart that has bearing on one's spiritual leanings, potential and other things in life.


[quote="tarasevens"]How does Atmakaraka work for you / work against you?

My atmakaraka is Mercury and is located in Leo.  Leo happens to be the 5th rasi ( Lagna is Aries ) but the bhava chakra indicates that Mercury falls in the 6th house.  

Now I have my Sun in the sixth house within ten degrees of Mercury in Leo.

Is the Atmakaraka afflicted?  If so, then how do I figure out the signs?  Do I remedy the atmakaraka or the effect of combustion?

I was told earlier that this combo is budha aditya yoga.  Well, I do understand a lot of sciences including astrology, but in terms of success in my work or profession, I dont see this combo working in my benefit.  Or does it?

Does choosing the number 5 for Mercury strengthen the atmakaraka?  Eg if I live in a house numbered 5, or if my cellphones last 4 digits total up to 5, then will it be in my benefit?


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Post by vishnusmom » Tue Jan 30, 2007 1:05 pm


as far as i know, yogas are determined only in rashi chart or navamsha chart.
yogas are not determined from bhava chart.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Feb 24, 2007 5:13 pm


as far as i know, yogas are determined only in rashi chart or navamsha chart.
yogas are not determined from bhava chart.

Dear friend,

This has been an ongoing discussion and in the February and March 2007 issues of the Astrological Magazine (Raman Publications) the editorials have address this very issue and more. I have read the Feb issue (because they sent me a free copy with my article in it) but not the March issue but on another forum this very topic was discussed and it seems that the two issues could have some opposite opinions expressed by Gayatri ji, so please read both and draw your own conclusions.

The impression from reading the Feb 2007 editorial seemed to be (subject to confirmation!) that yogas only fructified if they are in the rashi (whole sign as house chart, which is the ONLY one I have found useful and use in my practice).

The kendra sambandhas (benefic in kendra from x house or malefics in kendras from y house) also were more reliably seen from the rashi and NOT bhava.

Same is true for aspects/drishtis. Regardless of the longitudes of the planets, mars in 1 degree aries will aspect a planet in 29 degree scorpio with its special full aspect (for example).

All this may be difficult to absorb and accept for those who are looking at astrology as a Newtonian construct and have (without pointing fingers, please note!) have a more 'engineer' or "Scientist" like mindset! However, if you view jyotish as a construct that views the charts against the heaven-based zodiac (as opposed to the earth-based reference used by our tropical brethren/sistren) then it would make sense why the rashi division as opposed to the bhava division applies better in practice.

I realize that jyotish also uses finer cuts in shadbala and similar determinations using sripati/porphyrii house divisions and equal house divisions [both being very crude and approximate ways of dividing the bhachakra/zodiac and hardly accurate if accuracy was the goal!] but I am not sure if those were original components of ancient jyotish or influences acquired and incorporated as the global village unfolded and different cultures communicated and incorporated parts of each other.

This can open a can of worms, but unfortunately this is not a setting for satisfactorily exploring or addressing that.

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Post by Phantom » Sat Mar 03, 2007 12:17 pm

aatmakaram gives you its attributes only
its influence on your thinking, behaviour will be seen

it has nothing to do with whether its benefic/malefic, or its results during its dasa,subdasa etc

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Mar 03, 2007 3:58 pm

[quote="Phantom"]aatmakaram gives you its attributes only
its influence on your thinking, behaviour will be seen

it has nothing to do with whether its benefic/malefic, or its results during its dasa,subdasa etc[/quote]

Benefic/malefic *are* important attributes of a planet, in whatever role it is serving, as itself, or as a house ruler or as a charkaraka etc etc. That is jyotish-101 ;-))

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