What is Reiki and energy blocked and energy flowing

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What is Reiki and energy blocked and energy flowing

Post by sudarshantr » Wed Jan 24, 2007 9:20 am

Dear beautiful people,

Recently in a TV channel I saw somebody explaining after checking with a sort of headphone etc. that there is a block in your body , if that can be changed or blocks removed the health  problems will be cured.

Is it so please explain under what medicine therapy it comes.

Thanks and regards

Sudarshan tr

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Post by mysticangel » Sat Feb 17, 2007 3:40 am

We all think that by the Grace of God interference is a miracle.  Why do we say it is a miracle?  it is because miracles rarily happen and we think only a few lucky individuals are able to experience this and that we are not so lucky or hope to be just as lucky when needed.  We pray when we are in need to God feverishly to grant you a miracle, when it doesn't happen we blame God and then we start to doubt if there really a God and that is because we don't see his workings with us.

Blockage you have mentioned are the barriers and doubts we have.  Everyone states they believe in God, but the doubts are still there.  We have all the ego's that we attached to our bodies to where it grounds us to the 3rd dimensional plane and it does not allow us to be in the 6th dimensional plane we all strive to be at and that is to hopefully become one with God and experience "Enlightenment."  For some, we never accomplish this and that is because of our beliefs in the Universe.  We all still see things on the 3rd dimensional plane and not the 6th.  For others, we go to the 6th dimensional and know how to get here, yet we only go there once or twice and that is why for some, they have certain gifts yet are still feeling that lostness and still seek to others the guidance that is already within them.  I did not realize this for the longest time and it prevented me from going and achieving what i started out to seek a year and 1/2 ago to find.  I only found it 2 days ago.  The very last blockage has been removed, the last ego has been removed.  I have witnessed so many miracles in my life within this past 5 months span, its unbelievable to some.  Too many miracles to really call it miracles.

The reason why it is said that if the blockages within our bodies are removed, any disease is curable is because if we remove all the blockages our soul has to God, it will give God open doorways to be able to work his miracles for us.  That is why you see people who just believe and believe with every fiber of their existence in God that they have been cured for no apparent reason or explanations to scientists that it was classified as a "miracle" happening.

Remove all the barriers, the ego to the selves, the fears and let God do the rest.  Give it up totally to God and know, not just believe that he will take care of us and will never forsake us in anything.  He has not forsaken me yet thus far.  He has always given me in which I need.  He has never let me suffered.  

At times in our lives we believe we are suffering because we feel pain associated to what we are going through.  What we are feeling is the lesson to be learned and the distrust we have that God will really take care of us and our needs nd that creates the negative thinking we get in our minds.  We draw so much negative energy to our bodies that God cant start his work on us from the amount of barriers we surround ourselves in.  he has to let go of his protective cocoon in order to perform his miracle on us and the second he does, we attach more barriers for him to have to remove before he can do his workings on us.  That is why we experience time and we see that it takes such a long time to overcome or deal with certain situation we have in our lives.  

In this past 5 months, I have had so much chaos that happened to my family that one individual would ever see in his lifetime.  Some would never experience some of the things I have had to endure.  I realized that it happened to me because it was my training to make me stronger for what is to come later.  The minute my training was completed, my purpose in life is now beginning.  

God's voice will be heard and it has begun.  This is the era of the new age where we will start to see a lot of people awakening and see many changes to what we have begun to see as normal.

So really to answer your question--------  remove all blockages (the ego's, the fears, the doubt) and let God work his miracle of healing.  

Watch "The Secret" everyone and you will understand which what I am referring to.  What we have come to know and understand of the "Law of Physics," and the "Law of Man," is really in fact all an illusion.  "The Law of God and the Universe" is what actually is the true reality of our existence.


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