Feng Shui and Remedies

The Chinese way to improve your work and home environments to promote health, happiness, and prosperity.

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Post by lincoln » Sat Aug 13, 2005 9:37 am

It is very good and kind of one to help people. Before trying to help another, make sure, one has that capacity to do so and to provide the right medicines.To provide the right medicine, one has to diagnose the sickeness that the other suffer. Simply offer medicine as read from some media or public sources without verifying its genuiness or one is incapable of doing so or being qualified to do so, will render the recipient deeper into troubles and suffer more harm than good.

If one has the qualification and expertise to help, to cure sickness, it is approproate fair and acceptable to even charge for fee. On the other hand, by offering TO TEST if the formula work or not on other's person body Is UnProfessional and very BAD. To deny one of the right medicine without proper cause and reasons, or by ecah own ignorance ,is another bad Karma.

Please heip anybody if you can, provided you CAN

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Post by fshuifan » Sat Aug 13, 2005 10:17 am

lincoln wrote:It is very good and kind of one to help people. Before trying to help another, make sure, one has that capacity to do so and to provide the right medicines.To provide the right medicine, one has to diagnose the sickeness that the other suffer. Simply offer medicine as read from some media or public sources without verifying its genuiness or one is incapable of doing so or being qualified to do so, will render the recipient deeper into troubles and suffer more harm than good.

If one has the qualification and expertise to help, to cure sickness, it is approproate fair and acceptable to even charge for fee. On the other hand, by offering TO TEST if the formula work or not on other's person body Is UnProfessional and very BAD. To deny one of the right medicine without proper cause and reasons, or by ecah own ignorance ,is another bad Karma.

Please heip anybody if you can, provided you CAN
Medicine is a drug to be prescribed by a doctor or a pharmacist. A drug wrongly prescribed & taken by a patient is fatal (& a patient may die).
To say ‘f/s remedy is analogous to drug prescription’ is purely misleading. The ‘scarce tactic/strategy’ might work in an undeveloped country. Forumers r smart to judge & would not fallen prey to any one with full bags of tricks. :smt015
Wing4dean was so called ‘professionally advised to change her sleeping direction to feel better. But the advice seemed ill judging from her terrific nightmarish dream. I am quite sure she is still surviving.
If those f/s principles r allegedly false, they would hv vanished. On the contrary, many ppl of tertiary education r seriously taking up such. Thus, there must be at least some effects.
My intention is good, conscience clear & service is purely FOC. I benefit nothing commercially or materialistically. God is to judge if it’s a good or bad karma for me. No one, let alone a quack, could act like God.


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Post by lincoln » Sat Aug 13, 2005 10:42 am

Would you mind we have a post montern on her 4p and to see what astrlogically her problems are that have landed her romance instable and frustration. and why sleeping in that direction have bearing to put in equlibrium all the astoligucal forces to restore physical event in order.

I would be pleased to hear from you, before I state mine.

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Post by lincoln » Sat Aug 13, 2005 10:54 am

Did I aske a single cent from her for advising her to do that, I did not. Niether I have asked her to donate to anybody. At least by sleeping in that directin, there is immediate response, Do you know what that response mean? It meant it is taking effect astrologically-There was a negotiaiton between the two forces-to cause a physical or biological feedback

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Post by fshuifan » Sat Aug 13, 2005 1:06 pm

lincoln wrote:Would you mind we have a post montern on her 4p and to see what astrlogically her problems are that have landed her romance instable and frustration. and why sleeping in that direction have bearing to put in equlibrium all the astoligucal forces to restore physical event in order.

I would be pleased to hear from you, before I state mine.
My objective is crystal clear & simple (learn as many f/s principles as possible & help the needy w/out any string attached other than the ancient disciplined rules which I faithfully subscribe).
I don’t intend to advertise myself let alone condemning others or crossing sword with any one.
I do believe hypocrites & conmen would be penalized (by God) sooner or later.


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Post by lincoln » Sat Aug 13, 2005 1:13 pm

From now,on, just contribute your understanding of your knowledge and listern to other senior if you don't undertsand. Don't interfere in something which you have no confident to handle . Don't feel unpleased when your suggestion are not positively taken by Inquirer.We talk about substance here, and dont go around a big circle with excuses. You are very welcome. I speak in the capcity AS Mederator of this list here.

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Post by fshuifan » Sat Aug 13, 2005 1:18 pm

lincoln wrote:Did I aske a single cent from her for advising her to do that, I did not. Niether I have asked her to donate to anybody. At least by sleeping in that directin, there is immediate response, Do you know what that response mean? It meant it is taking effect astrologically-There was a negotiaiton between the two forces-to cause a physical or biological feedback
Did u mention that your L.Fa cost US$5k & she can be a master after that? Hv already explained why the token donation is mandatory.
It's interesting to know your proclaimed ratinale on the astrological effect. Traditionally, sleeping in a bad direction is inauspicious. I wonder any one enjoy nigthmarish dream & be more productive in one's work during the day.


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Post by lincoln » Sat Aug 13, 2005 1:28 pm

I do conduct courses for those who are interestd to LEARN for a fees without conditions. I announced that before I was appointed Mederator and I was not aware of this acts, as going against the management policy here before.I charge NO fees when offering help and advise. Even if I charge, what it matter if the *patient* is too happy to give.You don't go to even Government university or insituition to do a degree, without having to pay fee, do you?

Ok, I have made this very clear and talk no more of commercial transaction here anymore..

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Post by weng4dean » Sat Aug 13, 2005 4:17 pm

To Lincoln and fshuifan...I guess i caused you trouble with out my intention. I am sorry about that. i don't mean it.

You 2 have unique way of applying f/s principle and no doubt about it. But it is not the deal which one is true or which one is not true. It's a matter of how you can help people like me who are thirsty for the knowledge and understanding of f/s principle. How you can help us to change our bad luck buy giving tips and advice and what is the best way to do and not to do and apply it in our daily living.

You two are doing a great job, so please help us to understand more f/s principle.

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Post by lincoln » Sat Aug 13, 2005 4:25 pm

He is a good guy, he has not that knowledge and expertise yet to help you as he so wishes. You don't have to worry, Feng shui though is powerful, but it is not what evey body can have and enjoy.It is a privileges by invitation not for sale. You just keep on sleeping at what you do now. Rome was not built in a day . Ok.

If you are going to pay million to any one guy, the answer will be the same, if not worse. Never invite trouble to you self.

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Post by fshuifan » Sun Aug 14, 2005 12:27 pm

lincoln wrote:He is a good guy, he has not that knowledge and expertise yet to help you as he so wishes. You don't have to worry, Feng shui though is powerful, but it is not what evey body can have and enjoy.It is a privileges by invitation not for sale. You just keep on sleeping at what you do now. Rome was not built in a day . Ok.

If you are going to pay million to any one guy, the answer will be the same, if not worse. Never invite trouble to you self.
Hi Lincoln,

If u wish to blow your trumpet, just carry on. But don’t drag me in.
I still believe, it’s a matter of time, a hypocrite shall get due punishment.


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Post by Shion » Mon Aug 15, 2005 3:27 pm

lincoln Fri Aug 12, 2005 1:59 pm wrote:Before the introduction of Xuan Kong Flying stras and Xuan Kong Da Qua, this 8 mansion was the most popluar fengshui and the San He school was the other. Nowaday, Liu Fa has taken over the other two xuan kong schools.
Said who?

Study by which organization??

Is there statistic figures shown "Nowaday, Liu Fa has taken over the other two xuan kong schools" ??

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Post by lincoln » Mon Aug 15, 2005 3:38 pm

I would be pleased if your website simply donot Blacklist those members , such as myself who have contributed some postings there. Why not you let me in your website and we have an open discussion there too. Some one's name you have mentioned in your earlier posts are happend to be my student. I beleive he/she might have been your members and now no more. More members from your list (I thinks ) are learning from me now UNOFFICIALLY.


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Post by Shion » Mon Aug 15, 2005 3:45 pm

lincoln wrote:I would be pleased if your website simply donot Blacklist those members , such as myself who have contributed some postings there. Why not you let me in your website and we have an open discussion there too. Some one's name you have mentioned in your earlier posts are happend to be my student. I beleive he/she might have been your members and now no more. More members from your list (I thinks ) are learning from me now UNOFFICIALLY.

Hahaha... so register to your newsgroup considered as your student? Must be kidding.. if so.. you should not put it up publicly in Yahoo, should have it privately... and validate it before let people sign up.

In fact, we encarage people search around for more information as the can, and prove for themself what is real and what is not. It is not proper to say somebody's feng shui methods are FAKE and only mine feng shui method is REAL.

Hmm... are you doing advertising here as well? May be you should state clearly the ADVERTISE.

You are free to access any web forum you like, it is up to ADMISTRATOR to refulate the forum. :)

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Post by lincoln » Mon Aug 15, 2005 3:46 pm

Lately, there have been many new commers registereing in more than one names m in my and my other website to present questions and to even ask for very simple advise, to all of which I dully answered and advised. Some are hidding in the dark corner disguised in as many website and forum as they could do , to learn LIU FA ,at the same time to teach. I hope none has come here yet.Many cowardice acts were performed by these guys here such as Extracting my photgraph in my open list, without my consent and posted in otehr list for unwarranted personal attack . These are the so called Masters' education and code and professional ethics


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