Rock fasinations?

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Rock fasinations?

Post by DragonKnight » Sun Mar 11, 2007 11:40 pm

Ive been wondering about the effect of rocks and stones on peoples lives, energys, auras and the effect that they have.

Ive come to believe that rocks are like enchantments or trikets that amplifly certian spiritual aspects and I dont believe that they should be used to aid the spiritual journey.

Several months back i began using crystals seeing that that they had the ability to do what every one here knows.

It was sort of expirement i began by carrying several crystals the most memorable that i had was this unique blue lace with a little image of the south island with some arrows on it.

Given the fact that there are many that i have heard that use crystal balls to see things that they can not do naturally live communiction with the dead for the steriotypical psycic in the gypsey van i can see some advantageous use of crystals but i dont think that they should become a facet of everyday life more as a tool in the use of healing and the like.

I was told that i have busniess and stuff on that island which ofcourse i know by intuition though that isnt the point.

Over time i found that the effects of the crystals ether diminished or became that base for my gifts my charkas were bocoming harder to clear and i was having difficutlies controling myself in certian stuations.

I am quiet an active person with a lot of things to do and my favourite thing to do is drive i am conviced (lol) that i am the best driver in the know world. i used to have several of my crystals in the car takeing them where ever i went and trust me they ant just as simple as placing and forgetting about them, they are high matience pieces of rock.

It was all well and good when i found that where you take your crystals and what you do arround them is what direction they end up taking you in.

I was touched one night by god talking directly to my spirit he said "i do not like crystals" i didnt take it under advisement wich caused me a few problems like struggling to overcome a drug addiction of mine with is well undercontrol now.

Crystals have a funny habbit of absorbing not so much energy but traits of the person that is in their presence.

A crystal also has uses that it should only be use for what im trying to say is that they are not every day items.

It may have been that i wasnt clearing them on a regular basis but in the end it becomes too much of an effort to know and understand what the crystal itself has been through to keep it clean.

I am not deneying that crystals contain energy specific to their own but i believe that when you start with crystals they slowly throw you out of ballance causing a small but signifigant chain reaction that causes you to go on sourcing more and more crystals.

MY experience with crystals all started with this specific sunstone it gave me the hottest flashes of energy from then i learnt about quartzs and then when on to balancing and clearing crystals.

They do work but my approch to this is isnt it worth developing you power naturallty with out using the crystals to take shortcuts and cover inconsistances in the spiritual body?

And why do we have to use crystals to help our lives when isnt the journy to becoming a spiritual person one of severing ties that hold us to people places and items?

Wouldnt it hold true that by take advantage of some thing natural to enhance our own abilitys be just the same as an athlete taking steriods to gain an advantage, the work would be somewhat more satifying if it wasnt so easy.

Maby a topic for the more wise to dicuss


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Post by Delphina » Sun Mar 11, 2007 11:56 pm

As you have pointed out.. Anything can become habit, or an addiction.  There is a yin and yang to everything.  Even drinking to much coffee.  

If a person knows that they have an addictive personality, they must learn to control it.  

As for using crystals to enhance an ability, this is good to a point.  Crystals also help awaken feelings and abilities in people that they never knew they had.

There are many natural stones, minerals, plants, ect that are good for people... in moderation.  I.E. the bark of the willow tree is used to make a painkiller, among other things. But you should know that you have a problem if you start chewing on trees.

Moral of the story...
Most things are good in moderation.  Know your body, know yourself.

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