my life just got turned upside is greatly appreciated.

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my life just got turned upside is greatly appreciated.

Post by iloveamma » Tue Mar 13, 2007 9:30 pm

I posted this under another name, but nobdoy read it so I decided to make another heading! It has recently been told to me that the state that I was born in was on Daylight savings time, something I never exactly understood. I have had at least a half a dozen astrologers over the years look at my chart, and told me certain predictions based on a time, which I think now may have been all incorrect!

Will my dasas stay be staying the same? What changes? Can someone help me to please straighten all this out?

My birthday is 5/1/75
Skokie Illinois
23:22 (11:22PM)

I have always given the other information to the astrologers, however, I neglected to tell them about daylight savings time which makes the time zone 05 instead of 06.

My life has been very very difficult full of sickness, loss, and pain. I am desperate to see if there is some way out of it and when. I have been told that in a few years everything would improve and all my dreams would come true, but if someone can please help me with specifics, I would be so greatful.

Thank you for your time.

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Post by govardhanvt » Wed Mar 14, 2007 4:09 am

Reciting , Vishnu sashranamam and as much of Hanuman Chalisa, would reduce all your tension. Take it positive iloveamma. You said your life has turned upside down. Take it that is almighty  who has given a gift to you , as you see the world which others cannot see. It is divine thing and GOD will protect you . Look it more positively. All that happens happen for Good. Have Strength and faith in the Ultimate GOD and it is he who will protect. No human being is above GOD and GOD is the only saviour. I am sure luck , comfors will flow in your life if you have faith in Utlimate GOD and not on Human beings. For your information, this was the story that my mother said, when i was young and complained about the problems

After the Mahabharatha War, Krishna visits, kunti and ask her to ask one boon which he can give . Immediately , Kunti , ask " Oh,lord krishna, I want you to grant me boon , that I get more trouble, and tension in all my birth i take ". Krishna, was taken aback , the way Kunti asked and he again asked her, that she should ask for a boon. She again repeated the same words. Krishna  to get to know , whether she was asking for it in sane mind, he queries again, saying, in this world , there so many pleasure , wealth, comforts and other happiness, ask something from them . Kunti tells lord again, she needs what has been asked for in the first place , and not other comforts. Krishna says he can grant it provided she gives the reason. Then Kunti says, if I am troubled and pained, I always think of the almighty and almighty grace would always be there on me, but , if I have all that i desire,like comfort and happiness, I will away from the eyes of the lord, i will forget him. Hence, I desire to be with the Lord and to have the lord grace always. Trouble and tension are the only thing that could make one nearer to GOD

This Story of my mother , has transformed me totally. Hence I tell everyone, that never feel bad about the trouble and tension, have faith in GOD and move forward.

Wish you all the best

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Post by AJ » Wed Mar 14, 2007 11:23 am

Wonderful story, Govardhanji... we should all take it to heart. :)

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Post by iloveamma » Wed Mar 14, 2007 6:16 pm

What a beautiful story. Thank you so much for sharing it with me. It couldn't be any more true. When we are in pain and have trouble, the only thing that really can comfort us is God. When you are tortured by life, GOD is the only place to person or thing can ease the pain. This is definitely something i have learned in my life.

But I wonder, dear sir, could you please share with me which chart you think is right? You did bless me in telling me that the predictions that you saw for me were right by the time... However, I was wondering if you could please I really have Rahu in the 12th and Saturn in the 7th? When you calculatated my birth time, does it use time zone NUMBER 05? I think in the year of 2975 the time zones were different than all other years. I am confused as I am being told that the chart that I have that says I have a Sag ascendent is NOT corrrect.

If you could adivse, I would be so have no idea.

Blessings to all..

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Post by govardhanvt » Thu Mar 15, 2007 2:53 am

There is nothing to be confused, I had checked the horoscope of yours using various software packages and got the day light saving time from net on the particular date and checked it, There is no ambiguity . Saturn is in the 7th and Rahu in 12th Ascendant is confirmed. In the modern days the information is readily available from various sources to be cross verified and checked for the accuracy. I have checked your horoscope using atleast  5 packages,  among them include Jagannath Horo, Parasara light, Astro loka, Vedic astro, Leo soft and all of them were giving the same result as regards to the chart

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Post by iloveamma » Thu Mar 15, 2007 7:20 am

I apologize for being persistent....I appreciate so much that you have helped to confirm this situation. The fact that you consulted so many softwares is reassuring. It was simply that I have been told that the cahrt that I have currently is incorrect because the time zone would be  05 and not 06..due to daylight savings time. I know that you are the expert and feel convinced now that you have indeed calculated the proper horscope for me.

Thank you very much.
God Bless you and your family....

Raman Deep Singh
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Post by Raman Deep Singh » Thu Mar 15, 2007 6:27 pm

One more thought..
When god takes away from us,kwhat we realy want and desire it is not becoz he is evil but because he wants us to pick up sumthing better....So we shud always go by his wishes...
Best of luck  iloveamma

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Post by iloveamma » Thu Mar 15, 2007 7:19 pm

You are very right.

I was wondering though, if someone could assist me in understanding which planets are causing me to suffer so much in my health. I have been very sick my whole life. I do not over extend myself, but simple tasks make my body experience great physical pain. I find it hard to function in daily life because there is always something wrong with my physical body.

Can someone help me to understand whay this happens? I do chant the mruntanjaya every day 108 times every day... Can I expect the rest of my life to be filled with these physical ailments? Is there anything that I can do to help it besides chant the hanuman Chalisa, the mruntanjaya mantra and the Visnu Sahasranama...I already do all fo these each day.

I also have been thinking of pursuing a career in writing books and screeplays of a spiritual nature. Can someone also tell me if I can expect success financially in these areas?

Please advise.

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Post by AJ » Fri Mar 16, 2007 10:44 am

Regarding your query about your persistent health problems:

1. Lord of the 6th and 11th Venus is in the 6th
2. Venus is in the nakshatra of 12th lord Mars
3. Venus is afflicted by Ketu-Rahu axis in both D-1 and D-9
4. Venus is aspected by 12th lord Mars
5. Venus is neecha in 6th in D-9
6. Rahu mahadsaha - dispositor Mars again.

There are some other minor factors as well, but all major factors point to an affliction to Venus. As 11th lord in 6th it causes illness anyway, even if the other afflictions didn't exist. The puja you are doing is excellent, but you really need to pacify Venus to get relief from your problem.

Try this:
EVERY Friday, light dhoop, deep, offer plain burfi as prasad recite one mala of "Aum Draam Dreem Draum Sah Shukraye Namah". Distribute the prasad primarily amongst women folk and take some yourself. Also recite 11 times on a daily basis, as and when you can - "Aum Rajadabaaya Vidmahe, Brigusuthaya Dhimahi, Tanno Shukrah Prachodayat"

Do not wear a diamond or any other stone for Venus. If you are, then remove it immediately.

As to your writing, you must take it up seriously. With Bhagyesh Sun exalted in the 5th, you will get great success in all your scholarly endeavours and can become a famous and renowned author. Try and publish some of your work after September, 2008 and let us know how you are doing. Your health and overall life will improve steadily from March 2012 onwards. Keep doing Shukra puja without fail, be kind and helpful to women and things will improve for you.

All the best and God bless :)

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Post by iloveamma » Fri Mar 16, 2007 5:41 pm

Thank you very much for these wonderful bits of information. I did not realize how heavily venus has been afflicted. However, I will do as you instrcut to attempt to improve my health problems. I am happy to hear that things will not be this way forever.  

I can't tell you how helpful it is that you are assisting me in my career.  I have been hoping that I can find success in writing, for I am going to write spiritual books, but do you also see that I can write screenplays to be made into movies? This is what I really wish to do. Will there be success for this as well?

Thank you!

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Post by iloveamma » Fri Mar 16, 2007 6:49 pm


You say that I may become a renowend and famous author. However, may i ask you..with my Rahu in my 12th, does it mean that I am destined to lose what I am able to gain?

Please advise.
Thank you agin so much for your attention.


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Post by AJ » Sat Mar 17, 2007 6:14 am

Dear Nityashree,

You must understand what your nodal axis is telling you, instead of fearing it. Ketu signifies your latent creative talents being in Taurus, so Venus becomes your karmic incoming planet. Your Ketu tells you not to be overly influenced by the material world but to use your natural creative abilities for a higher purpose - signified by Rahu's position and by your karmic distribution planet, Mars. Rahu in 12th house Scorpio will transform you after much struggle, deep questioning and devotion in the pursuit of deeper knowledge. And Mars will express this through it's 3rd house position - the medium of communication arts, film, multi-media, etc. This is where your opportunies lie in this birth. Rahu will make you deeply spiritual, but usually after a lot of pain, struggle and transformation and bring you success and fame in a foreign land.

By the way, Swami Vivekanand had the same nodal axis as you do :)

God bless.

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Post by iloveamma » Sat Mar 17, 2007 8:26 am

That is so wonderful. I have been trying to understand why I am so creative...and so many people have explained to me that I am creative, but not in the way you have. Well, I have been through hell...and I am so happy that my deep passions are indicated in my chart as a mode to success for me. I have so much felt that these actors and actresses who are famous are wasting their valuable opportunities to teach important concepts to millions of people. They have a platform to the whole world and are not using it! I always felt that if I was given the chance to do so, I would try to act as a role modle and guide to reinstill the standard moral qualities and values that have been lost by humanity. I always felt since I was young that I would be famous and you are the only one that has actually validated that feeling in myself. I can tell you, if God's Grace shed his light on me in such a way, I will not waste such a chance to reach out and spread light to the conscionsness of humanity that it so badly needs. What a great honor to share this with Swami Vivekandanda. I can't imagine what he had been through, knowing what I have been through! Didn't Swami Vivekananda get enlightened and mokshah? Can I look forward to that?

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Post by AJ » Sat Mar 17, 2007 9:12 am

We must concentrate only on our karma, the rest will follow when and if it has to :)

God bless.

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Post by iloveamma » Sat Mar 17, 2007 5:38 pm

yes, of course. thank you again.

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