Question for an expert magician

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even i would love to know some simple ways for visualisation

Post by jyotimirpuri » Mon Mar 19, 2007 1:29 am

anyone can reallly guide me please

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Post by TCL » Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:56 pm

Merry Meet Jyotimirpuri

Look back at the posts in this thread for some visualisation ideas. Just start of at your own pace. Good luck.

Blessed Be


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Re: even i would love to know some simple ways for visualisation

Post by Brother-Minos » Wed Mar 21, 2007 2:53 am

jyotimirpuri wrote:anyone can reallly guide me please

Guide you in what, jyotimirpuri? You'll have to be more specific to get specific guidance and advice. What is it that you are trying to do and more importantly why? Do you know yourself well enough to know where your strengths are; for instance are you more of a verbal, visual, logical, or physical learner? Do you respond to colour or numbers or imagery most? Find out where your natural abilities are strongest and find a system or teacher within it.

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Post by Brighid » Sun Apr 29, 2007 2:31 pm

some spells you've more than once, so you know them by heart. Some are designed (or you can design them yourself ) to be used any where anytime, all you need is visualization techniques. I use a spell I got from Rymond bucklands chant o' matics (not the best name but they work well. Its" ne stel thu" keep repeating it in your mind while concentrating on creating a protective circle around you.



Post by Azamarak » Sun May 20, 2007 8:01 pm

Darn, if visualization is all it takes then why in the dickens am I spending so much time dealing with herbs, crystals, trees, moon cycles, numbers, meter and rhyme?  Visualization serves a purpose, but it is only an end all for the lazy. You can't shine shoes, with no polish, and you can't churn butter without a stick. If all you got is visualization? Then all you are doing is day dreaming. But hey, to each thier own I suppose.

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Post by redravens » Mon May 21, 2007 3:56 am

Hmmm...I got spit to shine my shoes and arms with which to churn butter....all things natural, where there's a will there's a way. no doubt?  Ritual is really techniques we use to put ourselves into a particular frame of mind and to focus our intent. It helps us to link with our Higher Mind, connect to the Source, become aware of and work directly with the Divine....on a conscious and purposeful level.  Therefore, visualization --just as with many other methods and various 'props'---is a very useful tool in manifesting desire. And that's basically what we're talking about when we refer to magick, prayer, and the like. As with any tool, some may appeal more to or be better suited for someone else. There are so many ways to accomplish a magickal task, it really comes down to personal experimentation and a resonating feel for the individual with respect to each method applied for a particular purpose or goal. This is the view I prefer to take :)  Hope it helps.  BB, ~Lisa~


Post by Azamarak » Mon May 21, 2007 1:24 pm that case I stand totally  

But, I have a pretty good size chunk of Earth here in the Mountains, (Florida developers have been after it for the last few years) I have a cousin who is a dairy farmer. I am willing to wager my land against your spit shined shoes (which I am sure glisten like polished oynx),  that you can not churn butter with your arms and visualization alone.

Just like you can not call upon the universe to recognise a waxing moon under a waning moon just because you visualize it...there are limits to life. Limits that must be understood and worked with.

One of the biggest problems I have with modern Wicca, is that everything is ok, as long as you "visualise" it so.....what a lazy immediate approach.....with useless results.

But then again it is rude not to recognise to each thier own. :smt018

What do you say? You want to churn your shoes where your fingers are?

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