love /marriage relation prediction

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love /marriage relation prediction

Post by deltaa » Wed Oct 19, 2005 9:38 am

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hi ..

sorry had to remove the details ...sorry to nimisha but for personal reasons cant keep the info for too long ..but nimisha you had been a great help ..cant tell you how accurate you are ... you are absolutely correct ...
really now there is no hope of things working out ..other than the intellectual stuff ...

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Post by Nimisha » Wed Oct 19, 2005 11:57 am

Life Path
His- 7, Hers- 1
Some relationships between one's and seven's thrive while others don't stand a chance. The initial connection in this combination is usually intellectual - a level where you can relate and have plenty to share...Therefore, you are two people who happily venture into new, strange or unknown intellectual and spiritual territories. Free thinkers - for very different reasons and driven by very different perspectives - the combination of which makes a nice, spicy recipe...Matters of the heart, feelings and emotions - that is where you may encounter trouble spots. Neither one of you is eager to expose your inner self. You are private, sensitive and vulnerable people. You don't carry your heart on your sleeve...The human qualities needed to help you experience your relationship on the deepest levels, where it really matters and where it can grow and prosper, are emotional courage and the strength to allow yourself to be weak, which, by the way, is not a contradiction. Emotional courage is the courage to expose your sensitive, vulnerable side, and this requires faith in your partner but, more importantly, faith in yourself. Keep in mind that it is okay to lay yourself open - you have the strength to survive!

His- 9, Hers- 9
Throughout your relationship, you experience cycles that are either very good, or very bad. Almost always, you relate to each other better than most couples because you understand the way your partner feels and you are able to love more easily and forgive more easily because of this.

The challenging aspect of this particular cycle lies in the fact that this time, you are both going through a period when you need your partner more than usual, and neither one of you is able to give as much as you would like. You both need stability, and stability is something neither one of you has in large supply at this time. Since you both feel a little bit at the end of your rope, your energy level may be a little low, you just don’t have a lot of inspiration, and you can’t offer your partner something you don’t have. In a nutshell, that tells the story.

Fortunately, this cycle is not made of shadows alone, it also has a bright side. This cycle allows us to see more clearly what we want from this life, where we want to go, and whom we want to share our life with. That is why we all have to go through the nine-cycle in order to continue on. So, think of it as a cross-country trip during which you have to stop every once in a while to study your maps and plan the next part of the trip. But once you have studied your map and thought about the next part of the trip, you are back on track. Now with enhanced clarity and focus, and confident that you will get wherever you want to go.

Heart's Desire
His- 6, Hers- 1
The 1 is fortunate. The six reflects a great capacity for love, understanding, sacrifice and support. The six is, by nature, perhaps the most harmonious of all numbers.

But the 1 is not the only one who is fortunate in this relationship. Six also has reasons for gratitude. One will protect and defend 6 through thick and thin. The power of the one should not be underestimated. And to have that power and concentrated energy on your side, 6, can be a real blessing. One can make you feel safe and secure, since there is nothing wishy-washy about 1. This is a combination that can last for a long time, without ever going through the kind of turbulence so many other relationships experience. But, as always, there is another side to the coin.

This aspect of the 1's chart reveals an inner force and a driven energy that doesn't slow down for anything. One doesn't put up with weakness and is demanding of others. Like a true leader, One needs to see courage and strength represented in others. Six reveals a different nature. At least in this aspect of the chart. Six is compromising, forgiving and sometimes sacrificing to a fault. One has to be careful not to see this as a weakness, since 6's ability to defend the weaknesses of others is alien to a number one. Likewise, 6 may at times be disturbed to recognize a somewhat hard and unforgiving quality in 1. Six should not confuse that with a lack of compassion. One is certainly capable of offering compassion, especially towards victims of circumstances, where fault or laziness, or cowardice is not an issue. Only when 1 feels someone is not pulling his or her weight, can 1 respond quite harshly.

The important thing for both is to understand that they are very different in the way they view human qualities. Their priorities differ. That's all. Therefore, if they are able to keep an eye open for their differences and value their respective good qualities, they will certainly enjoy a long life together.

His- 3, Hers- 8
The three and the eight affect one in very different ways. So, when these two numbers appear together in this part of the chart, the couples are compatible in some areas, incompatible in others. 3 brings in the creative, somewhat scattered, but yet inspiring and uplifting energy. 8 is more ambitious, goal-oriented and focused. You are both energetic and capable of turning dreams into reality, even though with different approaches. Quite often, this combination is seen between business partners, or long-time friends who start a business together. In that environment, 3 would be the initial creative source, while 8 would be the visionary. Together, you could do very well.

You are also both good communicators. 3 has the ability to clarify an issue with a sense of humor and pinpoint precision. 8 takes a more practical approach by simply grabbing the bull by the horns.

In many ways you complement each other and are quite compatible, as revealed in this part of the chart. But, just like in any other number combination, there are areas where problems may arise.

8 is ambitious, practical and capable of sustained effort for a long period of time in order to reach a goal. 3 also has the energy and drive needed to make things happen, but 3 may drop a project when it is no longer interesting or when other projects become more important. This can be upsetting to 8, who feels that a commitment, such as a set goal, should be honored at any rate - - anything less is unacceptable to 8.

3, on the other hand, will sometimes feel that 8’s priorities are too much directed to 8’s own needs and expectations. 8 can be quite demanding, while 3 is more easy-going - - if something doesn’t work out, oh well, let’s try something else. 8 doesn’t accept that and feels that the whole purpose of setting a goal is to overcome the obstacles one is bound to encounter.

In the end, the issue comes down to respect. The three and the eight have such different views as to what is important in life that, unless they learn to respect each other’s needs and expectations, the relationship will not last long. However, more often than not, the three and the eight get along quite well.

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Post by deltaa » Thu Oct 20, 2005 7:47 am

hi Nimisha ,

thanks a lot for the wonderful analysis has been a great help .. So do you mean there is a chance and if both of them give it a try things can look positive between them .. leaving the intellectual conv aside ..becasue they are very good talker .can talk for hrs without any lack of ideas ..but other than that :((

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Post by Nimisha » Thu Oct 20, 2005 11:26 am

Sure, it can work out, but both parties will have to make an effort (but isn't that true in any marriage?) :smt003 I'm glad if it was helpful. :)

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a small question more

Post by deltaa » Fri Nov 04, 2005 3:43 pm

Hi nimisha ..

am asking a small question more know what i really dont feel the compatibility coming .. well i like the girl but there is absolutely no similarities ..its just opposites ..really am not sure what has to be done ..its not much related to astrology ..but ya somewhat ..any help or advice is appreciated...

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Post by aninax » Thu Nov 23, 2006 6:01 pm

girl 11.02.1980
boy 28.03.1979
who can explain me these relationship? and does always for number 4, destiny 5 (sum 9) ????

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Post by Henna » Fri Mar 30, 2007 5:20 am

Hi Nimisha,

Do you mind to help me out as well?

Here are the details:

Me - 15/08/1984 (Leo)
Him - 05/10/1983 (Libra)

Can you please tell me if we can actually work out? Thanks.


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love /marriage prediction

Post by s.v.kuppuswamy » Wed May 02, 2007 4:10 am

Dear delta,
people will always try to get the longest route for any where when there is simple solution starring at you.
Regarding marriage proposals or love you can never go wrong when you select a partner whose birth dates contain  atleast one or many missing numbers from your date of birth+Month+Year.
example 21-11-1975=18=9
Now the missing numbers are 3,4,6,8
Supposing this boy gets married to girl whose birth date runs as 23-4-1981=1 he gets 3,4,8 and the marriage bonds would be stronger. Incidentally i have heard that the horoscopes also match well, but the dates may be interchnaged such as 4-8-1983 or in form containing the above numbers
Now all is not lost when you try to fill in the missing numbers of your wife and full fill her desires

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