Growing Psychic Abilities - Reading Request

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Growing Psychic Abilities - Reading Request

Post by shardie » Fri Aug 19, 2005 4:29 pm


The past two years have been very intense for me. I was going through a lot of pain and heartache but through the pain and heartache I developed spiritually and even began to develop my own psychic abilities.

This was not by my choosing it just naturally began to develop. People began to appear and tell me that I had a clear channel and the gift of clear vision. I also found out during this time frame that my deceased grandmother had been a "psychic."

In the time frame I've also had spirits speak to me. Yes, I hear dead people :) It has also affected my life in that this now seems to be my driving force, the purpose of my life. My marriage has went bad, my career as well and my finances. I seem to be in an amazing period of transition although I have an amazing since of calm.

I would like to begin doing psychic readings myself, but I would like to know if anyone sees anything to guide me in the direction I should now be going in.



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Study a few things, and will be on the mark

Post by Catwoman148 » Sun Aug 21, 2005 4:05 am

Hi sweetheart, My experience started much the same way, but because I had no people really telling me what was going on, I had to learn for myself about some things, and I was pretty mixed up for a while. Here were some of the major things.

I had to remember that the Great Creator gave us free will. God will never force himself upon us. Thus people that do bad things to one another I believe is their private choice. I used to blame God for things. Now, I put the blame where it is supposed to be, and pray to God that the people who initiated the hurt would be enlightened. My one prayer has been though that when the bad people die, they have to experience everything that I ever felt because of their action. That is good enough for me. If they felt it, they would possibly change because they could feel.

The other thing is when you see and talk with departed souls as I do, there are tricks that can be played, and it causes uneeded havoc. I believe that when people die, their subtle body which looks like this one, and where pain and pleasure come from, hovers over the physical body as an empty shell. After three days the soul leaves that shell too. Any entity or even another good psychic can use that shell to have it come to you, and pretend to be them, so I say pray a lot, and get to know God's voice, so this does not happen.

The other problem is with thought forms. When people are subjected to fears etc. Thought forms are formed. The enemy can use this to clothe themselves, and attack you spiritually because of the thought form that was created from your fears. Even though I know about this, I still get afraid, and have to depend on others to help me through.

Know that we all must work together, and working alone will never work. Just try to give readings here, and see what happens. You have a lot of love and knowledge and healing to give to others. You will get used to seeing things all of the time as well, and you will not be so uncomfortable with it. It is a difficult transition. I had trouble with the lack of privacy that people have at first. So, standing in the truth all of the time helps with that, and setting boundaries. Don't let the departed overtake you. Make them make an appointment like regular people here on earth.

Blessings and Love, Catwoman

Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Aug 19, 2005 4:04 pm

Thank you

Post by shardie » Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:48 am

That helps a lot. I appreciate it.

Sharifah :)

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