Know more about this Japanese form of energy healing.

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Post by swetha » Mon Jun 27, 2005 6:13 am

When the flow of the "Life Force Energy" is disrupted, weekend or blocked, emotional or health problems tend to occur. Imbalances can be caused from many situations occurring in our lives, such as: emotional or physical trauma, injury, negative thoughts and feelings, including fear, worry, doubt, anger, anxiety, negative self-talk, toxicity, nutritional depletion, destructive lifestyle and relationships, neglect of self and lack of love for oneself or others, from emotions that are not expressed in a healthy way...

Reiki is excellent for healing any physical, mental, emotional and spiritual issues of any kind and it gives wonderful results.

Some Of The Reiki Healing Health Benefits:

Creates deep relaxation and aids the body to release stress and tension,

It accelerates the bodie's self-healing abilities,

Aids better sleep,

Reduses blood pressure

Can help with accute (injuries) and chronic problems (asthma, eczema, headaches, etc.) and aides the breaking of addictions,

Helps relieve pain,

Removes energy blockages, adjusts the energy flow of the endocrine system bringing the body into balance and harmony,

Assists the body in cleaning itself from toxins,

Reduces some of the side effects of drugs and helps the body to recover from drug therapy after surgery and chemotherapy,

Supports the immune system,

Increases vitality and postpones the aging process,

Raises the vibrational frequency of the body,

Helps spiritual growth and emotional clearing

When we are relaxed, stress-free, we are able to restore our natural ability to heal.

Long term practice of whole-body reiki will restore the general condotion of the body. It will open the energy channels and this will allow the body to deal properly and naturally with stress and build-up toxins and cope with anxiety and depression.

When a person is in good health, regular therapy will increase the bodies built-in defences. This will manifest itself as confidence and outward harmony in dealing with everyday events. The person will gain a positive outlook on life.

Reiki will also provide additional energy required to recover from illness.

A Reiki healing session can induce an extremely comfortable state of being that can bring alteration in the clients consciousness.

If used with other natural therapies (meditation, crystals, aroma therapy, Bach Flower remedies, homeopathy, etc.) Reiki will reinforce their effect.

It can be used also as complementary therapy, because Reiki is truly a complementary care. It complements and enhances the health care the patient receives in the hospital or from other health care providers.

Reiki healing complements Eastern and Western medicine and everybody can benefit from it.It is beneficial to the health of woman (even pregnant), man, children and it is also excellent to be used on animals (dogs, cats, horses), plants, water, etc.

Reiki healing energy is a tool for use at any moment, any time, any where for on-the-spot stress release, pain relief and quick energy.

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Post by Qi_Reiki4life » Mon Aug 15, 2005 6:12 pm

I kinda agree with the post about the benefits of Reiki.
I can proudly claim that I'm the founder of the Reiki for Cancer program at a local cancer hospital here in my city. Well none like this within 200miles radius. I have one more practitioner (reiki level II ) to help me with my program. Both combined we see about 6-10 cancer patients and provide them with reiki as complementary therapy.

Running out of time now..will post more details later. Or if u have time, you can read the information from my website mentioned below.

take care all..keep up the good work.

- venky

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Reiki Levels

Post by div_tan » Wed Aug 24, 2005 7:30 pm

Hi All,

I want to know how these levels are defined, is there an organization that defines these levels and recognises the people with these levels, please let me know.


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Post by swetha » Thu Aug 25, 2005 2:37 pm

how can reiki help in curing cancer which may not be curable by medicines? is it by complete faith in energy healing?

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The Reiki Levels Explained

Post by FloridaLightWorker » Thu Aug 25, 2005 4:45 pm

The Reiki Levels Explained

Most Reiki Masters now offer the complete Reiki training program in 3 or 4 steps. Originally these were called Shoden, Okuden, Shinpiden and Shihan (teacher) and outside Japan you will usually see Reiki 1, Reiki 2, Reiki 3 and Reiki Master.

The first step is called First Degree Reiki, Reiki Level I or just Reiki I. The student is attuned or aligned to the Reiki energy and taught various hand positions and methods for administering Reiki on the self and others. The main concepts or affirmations of the founder are explained, as well as the ideals around the practice of Reiki. The student may receive from 1 to 4 attunements, depending on the style of Reiki being taught. In Japan, this level is called Shoden.

(Note: the multi-attunement process originated when the founder, Mikao Usui, would perform an energy transformation on the student each time he met with them, usually to mark the completion of certain material. This helped the student acquire and flow stronger Reiki over time. Usui's students made this a standard process of the classes and would give 3 or 4 attunements. However, the connection to Reiki happens with the first one, and some teachers feel the additional are unnecessary, or simply give them after the class -over the next week or so.). To this date the original Japanese Reiki society still gives reiju or attunement to everyone at their weekly or monthly meetings.

The second step is called Second Degree Reiki, Reiki Level II or just Reiki II. The first 3 Reiki symbols and their use are taught and the student receives another attunement, or up to 3 attunements (one for each symbol), depending on the style of Reiki being taught. After this, the symbols can be used to increase the strength of the Reiki energy, deal with mental and emotional issues, and to send Reiki at a distance. Some instructors teach additional symbols as part of the curriculum. In Japan, this level is called Okuden, and has two parts to it. In the original Japanese system you would not be offered this level of training unless you can exhibit certain energy sensing skills. However originally it was presented to the student immediately after the Shoden training.

Mikao Usui, would perform an energy transformation on the student to mark each level of training, essentially each time he met with them.

The final 2 steps may be taught as one process (as was originally introduced into the West) or may be split into 2 parts (the original Dr. Hayashi approach and the way Japanese masters continue to teach). The first part is called Reiki III, Reiki 3(a), Advanced Reiki Training, or the Practitioner Level (as in Japan). It includes the Usui Master symbol and its use, and another attunement. Again, some instructors teach additional symbols as part of the style of Reiki. In Japan this level is called Shinpiden. In the original society it is not offered to many students.

The second part is called Reiki Master, Gokuikaiden (highest level), SHihan (teacher), Reiki Teacher, Reiki III / Master or just Reiki III. Here the student is taught how to give Reiki attunements and how to teach Reiki. Some instructors require an apprenticeship period to allow time to practice and integrate the teaching process. Others offer detailed documentation, ongoing support, and co-teaching of initial classes to guide and encourage the new Reiki teacher. In the original society, this level is only conferred on the head of a branch or chapter within the society.

In the West, all of the above may include additional Reiki techniques and instruction in complementary healing practices, depending on the master/teacher. Some teachers offer ongoing Reiki exchanges or Reiki circles where Reiki can be shared amongst practitioners and introduced to newcomers. Please verify what you will be taught at each level, and the support you can expect, especially if you are moving between Reiki Masters.

Note: In much of the teachings that have come from the far east, "Master" has been a term that many have used to refer to someone who is an enlightened teacher.

However, in the title "Reiki Master", the term "Master" is essentially a representation of the Japanese word "Shihan" which can be translated into English as "teacher".

In Japan however, a student refers to their teacher by the term "sensei." But this is not a term a teacher would use for himself.

"Reiki Master" was the term first used for the teacher when Reiki was brought out of Japan in the late 1930's, and it seemed to stick (for whatever reason). Therefore Reiki Master means a "teacher or instructor of Reiki".

A Reiki Master or Shihan simply has the knowledge and capability to transfer the ability to use Reiki to a student. As in any other disciplines, teaching ability, spiritual growth and knowledge differ from teacher to teacher, and are usually determined by their own life and occupational experiences. Also, some teachers focus more on teaching while others focus more on healing.

In Japan, Reiki (usually called Usui Té-até or Usui-Do) was often taught one-on-one after the Shodan or initial stage. The student progressed at his own pace, monitored by the teacher.

Which is the better teacher? This depends on the individual as well as your own needs and preferences. Some teachers offer lots of support and lots of information. Others may offer a more nurturing process. Some have very short classes, others offer long courses or spread the training out.

In recent years it has become possible to take distant Reiki training as more and more Reiki teachers get on the internet. As a Reiki teacher understands the skill of giving distant empowerments (attunements), they can simply send supporting documentation to their student and schedule the attunements. This is working out very well for those in remote areas, and those who are housebound. This type of format can also allow the student to take a class at their own pace.

Blessings to all. . . Linda
:smt057 :smt060

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Post by aelis2004 » Thu Aug 25, 2005 8:25 pm

Linda, I was giong to reply.... but you made such a wonderful and clear description, that there is nothing else to add! :smt008 :)

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Post by nitinsaxena77 » Tue Jan 27, 2009 10:48 am

hi swetha,
with karuna reiki, u can cure cancer and aids

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