Chakra Spinning Method (and deprogramming)-must try

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Chakra Spinning Method (and deprogramming)-must try

Post by asilver8 » Thu Aug 25, 2005 6:49 pm

This chakra exercise is really powerful. You will feel a sense of clarity than ever before. And if you are highly programmed, you will recover some terrible memories, so prepare for that, and oh yea, vomiting.

(you should draw this)

Light or Pale Red
begins at perniem, extends to the top of pubic bone

Light or Pale Orange
between the top of pubic bone and the navel

Light or Pale Yellow
between teh navel and the sternum

Medium Green
begins at base of the throat, extends to just below the tip of the nose

Royal Blue (not navy blue)
between tip of the nose to middle of forehead

Any Shade of Violet
Chakra is located at the top of the skull

Note on the differences to the popular chakra exercises online:
The lower chakras should be in pale or light shades only. Otherwise you'll become more easily prone to lust, anger, and programming. Furthermore, you can attract demonic entities (which accounts for the negative testimonies) Do not visualize indigo for the third eye chakra! It allows programming and programmed visions to be placed into you, whatever gets you hooked into the lower astral realms longer for the parasites to feed on your energy. Contrary to the popular chakra exercise, do not spin chakras as orbs. Follow the procedure below. Orbs will poke holes at your auric field. The popular chakra modality was long prepared into the oriental texts by the evil "dragon" beings.


Visualize yourself inside a cylindrical tube with each of the colors in their place.

The seven colors represent the seven chakra bands, but I am calling them sections. Spin it in only one direction for all seven sections: Either clockwise or counterclockwise. Begin by spinning the brown section. Visualize the color in this area spinning in and around the legs. After you spin the first section at least three times, move to the next section and spin that. Continue up to the crown chakra.


Ease off. You can take as long as you want on any one chakra. You can even wait between the chakras. Because, they are seperate energy centers. But, you must spin from the bottom-up. And you must spin the brown section to prevent any fatal premature kundalini activation.

If you want to switch directions, wait three days spinning the chakras in the same direction before switching. However, you can switch directions to release the effects of a particular stressful day: Do it this way--Spin the chakras in the reverse direction from the crown chakra to the brown section. Be warned: Switching directions too much tend to shut down the chakra system!

"Chakra spinning aligns all of the body's energies for the day so that you receive the optimal energy from each energy center." So it is a good idea to spin your chakras every morning.
Last edited by asilver8 on Fri Sep 02, 2005 5:53 pm, edited 5 times in total.

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Post by swetha » Wed Aug 31, 2005 7:09 pm

wow! this is really interesting!
tried to visualise but mind not clear now.... will try again tomorrow:)

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Thank You asilver8

Post by Catwoman148 » Thu Sep 01, 2005 5:56 am

Thank you asilver8 for bringing this to this forum. It has opened up a whole new world for me. I will keep doing it. It really does work.

Love, Pamela

Posts: 14
Joined: Mon Nov 13, 2006 12:15 am


Post by lkissy » Mon Nov 13, 2006 12:53 am

thank you for the exercise.  i tried it and after i felt a relief, as if the stress of the day had been lifted from me.  i'll start using this at least once a week.  it works.  thanks again.  :)

Posts: 17
Joined: Mon Jan 15, 2007 3:56 pm

Post by zurux » Mon Jan 15, 2007 4:28 pm

Good idea...
where did u find it or u get it somewhere?

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