sleep paralysis

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sleep paralysis

Post by josiebelle138 » Mon Apr 16, 2007 5:52 pm

has anyone had this happen to them? it's the scariest thing, I couldn't breathe or move or scream even, it felt like someone was in the room with me, I honestly thought this was real until my doctor exsplained to me it happens to almost everyone at least once in their life, usually only if yr sleeping on yr back.

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Post by suzisco » Mon Apr 16, 2007 8:20 pm

Hi Josiebelle, here is a link to a previous discussion we had about this, hope this helps? ... hp?t=25626

any questions just ask me.



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Post by lavirgo » Wed Apr 18, 2007 3:11 am

how is your home environment been during the time you experinced this?
also how were you feeling b4 you went to bed, or even the day leading up to it happening?

this may give you some clues to wether it is sleep paralysis (sp).

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Post by AncientTraveler » Sun Apr 22, 2007 7:25 pm

If you haven't already I think you should look into Astral Projection and OBE's.  This is a common thing in Astral society.  I believe that when we sleep, we are somewhat separated from our physical bodies and existing in the spiritual realm.  Astral Projection trains you to shift your awareness your energy bodies (spirit) and have full conscious awareness in the spiritual realm.  You put your body to sleep and you become conscious of you energy body/s.

"Sleep paralysis" is very common.  This occurs when you are in the transition phase.  If you are consciously trying to project, this can happen if you can't let go of your ego or your fear of "losing your body"/Death.  Many people experience this without ever trying to actually leave their body, and it can be a terrifying experience.

It can be addressed by simply asking for peace.  If you ask God, or your Spiritual Guide to help you and take away the fear that you are feeling, it will happen.  At that point you will either go into a full projection and leave your body or you will wake up in the physical.

As for the individual that you felt was there with you...  Everyone has a spiritual guide, or "Guardian Angel".  That may very well be who you sensed.  Many people that have their first Out-Of-Body-Experience return to report that their guide was waiting for them.  Your spiritual brothers and sisters very much want you to ascend and discover truth, and it is not uncommon that they will be there to guide you and help you as you become aware of your spirit.

However, there are many types of spirits, just as there are people in this world.  It is important to note the "vibes" you sensed from this person.  If you seriously felt that they meant you harm, then they may have been there to try and stop you.  This can also be resolved by asking for God's peace and protection, and demanding that this spirit leave you because you are protected by the white light of the Holy Spirit.

I hope this response has helped you some :)

Peace and Strong Life,

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Dream paralysis

Post by Brighid » Tue Apr 24, 2007 7:43 pm

This use to happen to me all the time. It was usually when I was extremely stressed or felt I was losing control of a situation. It got so bad that I was afraid to sleep because it was happening every night. Eventually I was able to lucid dream when this happened and I would stop struggleing for breath and relax (in the dream), once I relaxed and stopped fighting and took small even breaths these terrors lessened. I still have this problem occasionally, maybe every couple months but now I know how to deal with it.

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Post by Evie » Tue Apr 24, 2007 8:07 pm


Your response here is well though out and brilliant as a matter of fact!!!

This happened to me too. (25 years ago) Repetitively. Totally freaked me out.  I looked for answers for a long time.  Due to religious upbringing I first believed it was ... entities doing this to me.  Prayer stopped it.  For a while.

I was not a bad person I didn't deserve to be haunted by evil spirits, But, I wasn't really able to accept the sleep paralysis thing either and I kept searching for another reason this would happen.  Although it doesn't happen so much anymore... I am less freaked by it and have found I can control, at least the fear factor and it stops.

I too believe that we astral travel during our sleep, but this occurs BEFORE falling asleep ... I assume (maybe wrongly) that memories of such would present itself to us via dreams? I am positive this is not a dream. I have had two OBE's in my life, as a child and a teenager... but how could this be the cause?

It is good to know I am not only one to experience this, although I wouldn't wish it on anybody!  Nothing has terrified me more.


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Post by Flame haired one » Thu May 24, 2007 2:44 am

People have told me that it is OOBE, but, I am afraid of calling it that.  Has anyone felt as though they were floating up and away from their body - but, if they concentrated too hard on their breathing...that it stopped and they were'in' their body again?  I don't see the room or anything - I am jsut floating up and feel light/swaying back and forth...

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Post by Flame haired one » Thu May 24, 2007 2:45 am

People have told me that it is OOBE, but, I am afraid of calling it that.  Has anyone felt as though they were floating up and away from their body - but, if they concentrated too hard on their breathing...that it stopped and they were'in' their body again?  I don't see the room or anything - I am jsut floating up and feel light/swaying back and forth...

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