Look at my hands, pls

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Look at my hands, pls

Post by bigfatlady888 » Tue Aug 23, 2005 6:12 pm

Please do a reading from my hands. Thanks. My name is Tan Ai Ling, going to be 30 this year. I am a lady from Singapore, currently overseas.

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Hand Reading.

Post by bssrinivasan » Wed Aug 24, 2005 9:19 am

Please see the reading below.Your feedback is welcome.

The hand is of spatulate type with conical fingers.It indicates a nature restless,excitable and full of energy of purpose and enthusiasm when hard.

It appears from the photographs, the hand is soft and flabby.In that case it denotes restless but irritable spirit.You will work in fits and starts and cannot stick to anything long.This is also indicated by the pale head line.

On the left hand the line of head is sloping.with conical fingers it would have given instinct,impulse and artistic tendencies.But as head line is straight on the right hand it shows you have developed more of logic and reason and will be restless,irritable and dissatisfied in nature.

The line of life is well marked indicating robust health and vitality.There are small hair lines rising from the line indicating increased power,gain and success from time to time.There are little lines cutting from time to time indicating interference from relativesin home life.There is also one influence line denoting that one person will influence you in the early part of life.

The life line is also not very clear in the early life .Probably some ill health has bothered you at that time.

The fate line is starting from Life line and attached to it in the beginning.The life has been sacrificed to the wishes of parents or relatives.However it breaks out and the career curves towards jupiter.Along with the rising lines from life line ,ambition and power appears to be the main driving force helped by good academic career.

The fate line is stopped by the line of head .The career will be stopped by some blunder of judgement.Another ambitious career starts at about 35 years,leaning towards jupiter.

Though the mount of venus appears well developed,the Line of Heart is not well marked with islands below sun and mercury.It shows an indifferent and cold nature towards affections.The island below sun will affect the affections because of pride.The island below mercury will affect the affections because of caprice and fancy.

All the phalanges of finger are balanced showing a balanced nature.The fingers are tilted towards saturn.A touch of seriousness and morbidity is added in your dealings in life.

The wide gap between jupiter and saturn gives you independence of thought.The thumb appears to be stiff jointed.If so it shows practicality,strong will and stubbornness provided the palm is hard and elastic .

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Post by bigfatlady888 » Wed Aug 24, 2005 9:02 pm

Hi bssrinivasan,

Your analysis involves too much technicsl terms that I got lost reading them. Your analysis also sems to be too general or maybe I got lost that is why. I have to re-read many times before giving you a reply again.

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Your feedback

Post by bssrinivasan » Thu Aug 25, 2005 8:39 am

thank you for your comments.i have tried to simplify the language removing the technical portions.Hope now you will be able to understand what i wanted to say.

The hand indicates a nature restless,excitable and full of energy of purpose and enthusiasm if the palm is hard to feel.

If the hand is soft and flabby it denotes restless but irritable spirit.You will work depending on your moods and cannot stick to anything long.

You originally used to do things by instinct and by impulse.You also had interest in art.But you have changed and developed your logic and reasoning qualities.

By nature you are restless,irritable and dissatisfied .

Your health will be very good. You have a long life and will live more than 70 years.

You will achieve power,success and financial gains very often in your life.Very often you are disturbed by relatives in your home life.

A person will influence you in the early part of life.You had health problems in your childhood upto about 15 years.

Your career has been affected by your parents and relatives in your childhood.

You will have an ambitious career with power.You also have a good education.

Your career will be stopped by some error of judgement at about 35 years.Another ambitious career starts at about 35 years.

You have an indiffernt and cold nature towards opposite sex.Pride and your variable moods affect your love life.

You have a balanced and serious nature .

You can think independently.You have strong will power.You are stubborn and have a practical nature.

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You are good!

Post by bigfatlady888 » Thu Aug 25, 2005 11:51 am


You are quite accurate.... I have some feedback for you.
I still do things based on impulse and instinct but not as often as in younger days.
I still have health problem once a while but not as bad as a youth.
I really hope that I will not make that error of judgement in my career. Will the other career be a better career for me than current one?
FYI, I have soft & fabby hands. So you should know what that means.

Thanks and keep up the good work.

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Your career

Post by bssrinivasan » Fri Aug 26, 2005 7:46 am

Your career appears good till 45 years.After that it depends on your effort.a soft hand shows more of laziness.If you want to achieve success change your attitude and put more effort.You can change your destiny.

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Post by bigfatlady888 » Fri Aug 26, 2005 11:08 pm

Thanks srinivasan

Pravin Kumar
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Your Hand Prints

Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun Aug 28, 2005 11:04 am

Dear Friend,

You have mentioned your palms as soft/flabby but in the image it appears to be more of firm hand. Anyway what is it you want to know. I shall takeup your reading tonight or to morrow on receipt of your reply. Kindly note that flabby hand will show creases in the palm and it means the there is much less energy in your palm and thus in your body. Soft hand means again less of blood (Bright Pink Blood) and hence a person having it is considered to be more girlish in nature i.e. soft in nature. Evenmen have this. Do you have this type of nature?

Pravin Kumar. :smt020 :) :smt003

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Post by bigfatlady888 » Sun Aug 28, 2005 1:35 pm

Hi Pravin,

Actaully, my colleauges take me more of a man than a woman. I have strong features. I thought I have soft and flabby palms because they don't feel very firm. Please continue with your reading. I really don't know what I want ti know. Of course, there are up & down in my life but the downs I don't really take them as devastating. Maybe my career..... and health of mine and my family.


Pravin Kumar
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Hand Reading of Big Fat Lady

Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun Aug 28, 2005 4:14 pm

Dear Madam.

To me your hand looks quite firm and hence the characteristics youmention also resemble the hand. Your hand images suggest a firm hand which means if you press a ball pen at any place on the palm then when the pen is released the compressed skin will immediately bounce back and this shows you have a firm hand and hence a manly attitude to life i.e. Rough and Tough and able to fight back through life.

I shall do the reading tomorrow and if you have any special areas to be looked into then kindly let me know.

Pravin Kumar. :smt020 :)

Pravin Kumar
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Tang Li's Hand Reading

Post by Pravin Kumar » Wed Aug 31, 2005 4:01 pm

Dear Tang Li,

I have seen your palm and my interpretation of the same is as under:-

Your Apollo Finger is the straightest with other fingers bending towards it and in this finger the topmost phalange is prominent and hence you are a nature lover and like to takes risk in like and since the mercury finger upper phalange is prominent and the mercury finger crosses the first phalange of Apollo Finger hence good communications skills. Your Jupitor Finger is longer than Apollo Finger (I referring the above analysis to your left hand) but as it is bent towards the Saturn and Apollo Finger it gives up its qualities of Command, Ambition and Religion to Apollo Finger whose qualities dilute it. Still you love to command and take the leading part in your group or in your circle of friends or in the office where you work.

You are person who is rough and tough as is shown by the skin ridges. The initial portion of your Heart Line starts way up near the lower portion of the Jupitor Finger and then it is overlapped by another Heart Line and this means you were very idealistic in nature when young and quite sentimental too. You had childhood sickness till you crossed the age of 15 and afterwards picked up your confidence riding on the wave of your success and you have in this the backing of your family to whom you are attached. Your head line in the left hand shows your artistic inclination and the Mount of Moon is fairly curved which strengthens this reading. Your heart line has island below the Mount of Apollo and this indicates dislike of people who show off their wealth and stature or if it is a health defect then it could be heart problem at later stage, or eyesight problem or hearing impaired but this can only be confirmed from your nail of the Apollo Finger. You were interested in studies and also sports when young and your life line is one of the best lines in the hand (I have taken the upper hand print to be that of left hand) . There are quite a few hindrances in your life as indicated by the crosses cutting your life line 12, 16/17, 20, 22, 25, 29 and 36. There are a number of vertical lines on the Line of Life and this indicates sudden spurt in your life where you will gain in all respects. That is success in business, job, in personal life , marriage , gaining property anything that is beneficial to you as we call them best years of life. You have hindrances in your life till the age of 36 which through your great will power and very good health as indicated by an excellent Life Line and good Mount of Venus and also a strong thumb which is action oriented as it has a prominence in the top phalange. Since your Mount of Venus is reasonably large but flat your love for people around you, flowers, maybe gardening, a person who loves to be good to others as the positive Mount of Venus suggests.

The reading of the lower hand print points to the straightness of the Jupitor Finger and as it is longer than Apollo Finger definitely the desire to lead from the front is there. In the lowr print the Apollo Finger bends more towards the Saturn Finger and also the Saturn Finger towards the Apollo Finger and hence a desire for Security and Support is the basic for you. There are two health lines in the hand and this shows your interest in keeping your body fully fit through regular exercises or some sort of diet control or anything to keep your body fit. Definitely this hand has a very prominent curve on the Mount of Moon and the Head Line going towards the Middle Mount of Moon shows artistic sense and a job or business of say dress designing or any such similar things which is your basic nature. Even in this hand the Head Line comes below from the bottom portion of the Mount of Jupitor and hence interest in Studies but the life line in this hand is not so prominent as in the upper palm picture hence probably your interest in fitness and keeping your body trim.

Now please let me know which is right hand and which is left hand so that I may give you the career prediction year wise. Please also give me your feedback to the above reading.

Pravin Kumar. :smt020 :) :smt006

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I am not Tang Li

Post by bigfatlady888 » Mon Sep 05, 2005 5:00 pm

Hi Pravin,

I just saw your reply today. I am not sure how you derived the name Tang Li but I am not her/he. Thus I did not really go in deep with your analysis because

1) not sure whether this analysis is mine as I am thinking you might have mix my handprint with another lady's.
2) too many technical term (I am not into palm reading), thus cannot really understand.

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Post by bigfatlady888 » Fri Sep 09, 2005 4:00 pm


Any updates?

Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sun Sep 11, 2005 1:28 pm

Dear BigFatLady,

Your name is a little difficult to get used to. I have given the reading under the handprint which is above the reading and which is in the thread of BigFatLady. Awaiting your feedback with interest.

Pravin Kumar. :smt020

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Feedback time, Pravin

Post by bigfatlady888 » Mon Sep 12, 2005 9:26 pm

Hi Pravin,

Thanks for the analysis. It is so detail that I am not sure too, I think because maybe I don't really know myself. :smt102

If you describe a "nature lover" as one who love to take walk in the nature who love gardening then I am not sure a person. Although I don't dislike but I am not into nature.

I am not a risk taker. Although I have good ideas but never have the courage to do it.

Yes, sometimes I love to command and control (I am working in a big top to bottom hierarchy type company) but it seems that I am not good in this area.

"rough & tough", I have to as my company has 90% of guys. :smt066

Yes, I am very idealistic & sentimental when young. :smt060

Actually my childhood sickness stop "hunting" me when I am about 21. :smt088

If "backing of family" means mental support, yes I would agreed but not financially.

I am not an artistic person nor creative, I am more a "copy cat". :smt117

I think nobody likes a "show off" that includes me.

I am short-sighted starting from 18. :smt119

Yes, I interested in studies. I am always learning something new. Jack of all trades and master of none. Ha ha ha. :smt005

Yes, I am very sportive when young but now is a "potato couch". Only started recently to try to excercise diet control. Put on too much weight after birth of my 2 children (16 kg). Now you understand how I came up with my ID but I don't mind. My hubby also call me fat. :smt016

Cannot remember hindrances when 12. Found my religion at 16/17. When 20, I was hospitalized due to my "childhood" illness. It took me a few months to fully recover. That year was also a spiritual low for me. Short (3 months) overseas posting when 22 and a 30 months posting overseas at 25. I got another overseas posting last year (age 29). Lets see what would happened at 36. :smt004

When would the sudden spurt in life? :smt100

Yes, security and support is the basic of my life. :smt109

I used to dream of being a dress designer but I am now in a career totally out of this context. :smt015

Upper hand in diagram is my left (you did guess correctly), lower hand is my right.

Now, what do you have for my career predication?

You are good and quite accurate in your prediction. Are you in this line professionally?

Last edited by bigfatlady888 on Tue Sep 20, 2005 5:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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